15 June 2017
NDP-Vision 2030 Summit: Agbiz/Tiger Brands Partnership

Linked is a Concept Note on the Vision 2030 Summit Breakaway Session hosted by Agbiz in partnership with Tiger Brands on 22 June 2017.  As host of the session, themed "Economic transformation in the Agro-food Value Chain through Entrepreneurship Development",  Agbiz will facilitate a discussion on the role agribusinesses are and can in future play in attracting young people, especially entrepreneurs, to the Agro-food Value Chain. The session will take a look at what leading companies and industry bodies are doing in terms of initiatives, funding, and thought leadership from school level through to bursaries, internships, business incubators and enterprise development.

The third annual Vision 2030 Summit is taking place on 21 and 22 June 2017 at Birchwood Hotel in Johannesburg. The Summit is supported by Business Unity South Africa (BUSA).  Old Mutual and PMI who are members of Agbiz, are also hosting breakaway sessions.  The summit programme is linked.
Ten major trends impacting on the future of agribusiness 

Agribusinesses are challenged with meeting the growing demand for food, fibre and beverages, while at the same time balancing economic, environmental and even social realities and responsibilities. "The traditional agricultural business model is changing for various reasons, and this requires new thinking and strategies from leaders in agribusiness," says Agbiz CEO, Dr John Purchase - read more»
Agbiz/IDC Agribusiness Confidence Index marginally declines in Q2, 2017

The Agbiz/IDC Agribusiness Confidence Index declined, albeit marginally, by one Index point to 56 points in the second quarter of this year. Despite the slight decline in confidence, the sector remains in expansionary territory  Agbiz media release»

The Agbiz Transformation committee, represented by Dr Langa Simela and Melcus Nel, recently met with the Commissioner to introduce Agbiz to her and her team. Melcus Nel provides more information in the linked update»
Daily view on commodity markets

Daily commentaries on agricultural commodity markets and macro-economic trends are available on the Agbiz website

Job vacancy The following job vacancy is available within Agbiz to be filled as soon as possible  -   Manager: International Trade and Investment Intelligence . The primary objectives of the position are to develop and grow international trade and investment intelligence and opportunities for members by conducting thorough research and liaising with trade and investment specialists, including trade negotiators.   Applications close end of June 2017.    More information»

Further to the announcement, confirming that Barclays has received the necessary regulatory approvals to further sell down its position in BAGL and enter into agreements with BAGL governing the terms on which separation will occur, Barclays announced its intention to sell approximately 187 million ordinary shares (the "Placing Shares") in BAGL (the "Placing"), representing approximately 22% of BAGL's issued share capital - Read more»

The OECD has published its annual milestone publication related to employment: OECD Employment Outlook. The World Employment Confederation was able to influence the content of the report by providing comments on a draft version thanks to its membership to BIAC (the employers' advisory committee to the OECD). The next edition of the WEC Advocacy Report will analyse in details the content of the report, but it is worth noting already that the OECD has developed a new series of indicators to assess labour market performance, based on 3 dimensions:
  • More and better jobs. This captures the labour market situation in terms of both the quantity of jobs (e.g. employment, working time) as well the quality of jobs by taking account of the three dimensions of the OECD Job Quality framework: i) earnings; ii) labour market security; and iii) the quality of the work environment.
  • Inclusive labour markets. This focuses on the distribution of outcomes and opportunities across individuals. This includes the share of income going to labour, the distribution of individual earnings and household incomes, and differences in access to quality jobs as well as prospects for social mobility and career advancement between different socio-economic groups.
  • Adaptability and resilience. This relates to the effectiveness with which individuals and societies absorb, adapt to, and make the most out of structural, occupation/sector-specific and aggregate shocks, which arise as a result of various factors, ranging from economic crises, the continuous process of creation and destruction of jobs, firms and activities, to megatrends (e.g. technological).

Ricardo Hausmann is one of the world's leading experts on what drives economic growth, especially in developing countries. He is head of the Center for International Development at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, and between 2004 and 2008, led a group of 28 local and international economists advising President Thabo Mbeki on how to unlock the "binding constraints" on faster economic growth in South Africa. The Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE) hosted a series of lectures by Professor Hausmann in February and March 2017. The insights offered in the lectures are distilled in the linked report, Is South Africa about to make an historic mistake?
IFAMA 2017 World Conference
18-21 June 2017 | Miami, Florida, USA
More information

Avi Africa 2017 Conference, Congress & Exhibition 
20-22 June 2017 | Emperors Palace | Johannesburg
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Vision 2030 Summit
21-22 June 2017
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Workshop on Bioinformatics and Wheat Genomics
28 June 2017 | Worcester, Western Cape
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Africa's Big 7
25-27 June 2017 | Gallagher Convention Centre |Johannesburg
Skills training sessions for smallholder/urban farmers (25 June 2017)

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11th Agribusiness Africa Conference
4-5 July 2017 |  Emperors Palace | Johannesburg

ExtruAfrica 2017
1-4 August 2017
Agbiz Grain Mini-Symposium
15 August 2017 |  CSIR, Pretoria
Enquiries: mariana.purnell@agbizgrain.co.za 

PMA Fresh Connections Southern Africa Conference and Trade Show
16-17 August 2017 |  CTICC | Cape Town
Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition Symposium
23 August 2017 | CSIR, Pretoria
Enquiries: candice@fertasa.co.za

Skills Development Summit
31 Aug - 1 September 2017 | CSIR | Pretoria
More information

South African Association for Food Science & Technology (SAAFoST) 22nd Biennial International Congress and Exhibition 
3-6 September 2017 | Century City Convention Centre | Cape Town

SA Innovation Summit
6-8 September 2017 | Cape Town

13th African Dairy Conference and Exhibition
12-14 September 2017 | Premier Hotel OR Tambo
More information

MPO National Congress
20 September 2017 | Protea Hotel King George | George
Contact:  Julie McLachlan on julie@mpo.co.za

Potatoes SA Congress
28 September 2017 | Premier Hotel OR Tambo | Johannesburg

International Conference on Global Food Security 
3-6 December 2017 | CTICC | Cape Town
Conference Theme: Food Security: Global challenges, local solutions
More information
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