Rebranding Update: Insurance Forms

August 21, 2023


Implementing Advocus National Title Insurance Company™ Forms in REsource 

Effective September 1, 2023: ATG officially becomes Advocus National Title Insurance Company on 9/1/23. Our recent rebranding reminder and Agent Support Update included general guidelines and information regarding title insurance forms and documentation relating to transactions in the HOW AGENTS CAN GET READY section.

Today's update offers specific information for agents who use REsource title production software. Many agents will need access to both ATG and Advocus forms for a period of time. Rest assured, both versions will be available in REsource for the time being.

Advocus Forms for REsource Users: Effective 9/1/23, the Advocus forms collection will be made available to REsource users:

  • 2021 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance
  • 2021 ALTA Owner’s Policy of Title Insurance
  • 2021 ALTA Loan Policy of Title Insurance
  • 2021 ALTA Short Form Residential Loan Policy – Current Assessments – One-to-Four Family
  • 2021 ALTA Short Form Residential Loan Policy – Assessments Priority – One-to-Four Family
  • 2021 ALTA Endorsements
  • 2006 ALTA Endorsements not replaced in the 2021 ALTA Forms Collection
  • Advocus Endorsements (Standard Exception Waiver Endorsement, Inflation Endorsement, Encroachment Endorsements, Gap Coverage Endorsement, etc.)
  • Change of Name Endorsement – Commitment
  • Change of Name Endorsement – Policy
  • Change of Name Notice Letters (separate letters for Buyer/Borrower, Lender, Seller)
  • Change of Name Addendum to Closing Disclosure/Settlement Statement
  • Closing/Transaction Documents.

You can find the standalone versions of all new forms in the Print Documents utility (click printer icon) in REsource, as follows:

  • File names of all Advocus Commitment, Owner's Policy, and Loan Policy forms begin with ADV POL21.
  • File names of all Advocus Endorsements begin with ADV END.
  • File names of all Advocus Closing/Transaction Documents begin with ADV DOC.
  • We will also make the usual "Packages" containing the new forms, which you will also be able to find in REsource.

ATG Forms for REsource Users: ATG forms will remain available in the Print Documents utility as an option for the time being.

Guidelines for Using ATG and Advocus Forms: Please follow these guidelines based on the circumstances: 

  • For files opened on or after September 1, 2023, please select the Advocus forms as the default commitment, policies, and closing documents.  
  • For files opened before September 1, 2023, but not yet closed, please continue to issue the ATG forms as you are doing now and issue the Change of Name Endorsement – Commitment (Advocus Form #2193-COM) with commitments and Change of Name Endorsement – Policy (Advocus Form #2193-POL) with policies. 
  • For files that closed before September 1, 2023, with ATG forms, please issue policies and endorsements using ATG forms as you are doing now. You do not need to issue Change of Name Endorsements if the date of policy is prior to 9/1/23. 

If you encounter name-related questions from lenders and customers, we welcome you to use our Change of Name Notice Letters (Advocus Form #4286-A, Form #4286-B, and Form #4286-C) and a Change of Name Addendum to Closing Disclosure/Settlement Statement (Form #4287). These will all be available for your use in REsource on/after 9/1/23.

Note: If lenders and/or customers require re-issuance of ATG commitments on Advocus paper, please run a later date search to bring forward the effective date as close as possible to 9/1/23 before reissuing on Advocus paper. Both ATG forms and Advocus forms will be available in REsource concurrently for the time being, so you would just select the Advocus forms for re-issued commitments.

Questions? Please contact our Software HelpDesk.

We look forward to continuing our long and fulfilling relationship with all of you as we transition into this new and exciting phase. As always, we appreciate your support.

ATG Attorneys Title Guaranty Fund Inc. Logo

"New name, same values, one company. We will always prioritize high-quality personalized service to you and your clients."

Peter Birnbaum, President and CEO

About the Rebrand

New name, same values: Advocus honors our past, embraces the future, and allows us to expand into other U.S. markets with the same values that have driven our Midwest success.

Get the story behind the name in our short video with a snappy tune — check it out!

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