Registration is open
NJAAW's 24th Annual Conference
"Building an Age-Friendly Ecosystem: Bringing the 4Ms and 8 Domains to NJ"
We will be back in person on Monday, June 13, at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick. We look forward to seeing you!
NJAAW’s Photo Contest:
“Aging Great in the Garden State”
Like many of you, we are frustrated with the lack of positive and appropriate images depicting older adults. As a result, we are holding a photo contest to highlight aging well in NJ.
Photographers can be of any age but the subject(s) in the photo must be 60+ years old. Additionally, all entries must include something that relates to NJ, such as the shore, a historic site, an inside NJ joke or signage. We are looking for images that celebrate our older people and our home state. Contest deadline: May 20 at 4:30 p.m.
Click here for details on submissions and prizes, and share the following link with your colleagues and the older adults in your life:
NJAAW Housing Series: The Conversation Continues
I am pleased to report that our focus on housing needs for older adults did not end with our Housing Series.
NJAAW is dedicated to continuing the conversation, and we thank Robin Wilson-Glover of Advance Media for publishing my Op-Ed highlighting lessons and calls for action.
To read the piece, click here.
Town Square Adult Day Enrichment Center in Princeton
NJAAW welcomes the Town Square Adult Day Enrichment Center opening in Princeton. Joining the Town Square at the Jersey Shore, which opened in July of 2021, the Princeton site is holding an open house on Thursday, April 7, from 4 to 7 p.m.
The design of Town Square sets the stage for putting members at ease and sparking memories of the past by traveling back in time to a 1950s small town. The focus on reminiscence therapy allows people to recall the milestone moments in their lives, which is especially important for those living with Alzheimer’s and dementia. For more information or to schedule a tour, visit their website here.
National Healthcare Decisions Day is April 16
National Healthcare Decisions Day was created in 2008 to inspire, educate and empower healthcare providers and the general public about the importance of advance care planning.
Highlighting Contributions of Older Adults: Mercedes Kallal
Congratulations to New Jersey’s Mercedes Kallal who, at the age of 83, won the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses -- an international award from the DAISY Foundation in recognition of the profound impact nurses have on patients and their families. The DAISY Foundation honors “the super-human work nurses do for patients and families every day.”
According to news reports, Kallal -- the oldest full-time nurse at Jefferson Washington Township Hospital -- was honored for her exemplary service during the most difficult of times, working through COVID while she herself is in the age group most at risk of the disease.
We are proud to have this super nurse, an example of aging well, here in the Garden State. Listen to the story here.
LGBT Senior Housing and Care is offering a full-day, live webinar session for legislation "designates" and facility administrators. This training will enable participants to execute full NJ S2545 practice and protocols.
The webinar, taking place on Thursday, April 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., will provide six hours of content (CEUs available). Forty participants maximum. Register here.
Professional Development
Let’s Make Sure NJ is Represented in These National Programs
The 2022-2023 Health and Aging Policy Fellows--Submission Deadline April 15
The Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program awards up to 15 fellowships annually for individuals to advance their careers in gerontology.
The program aims to create leaders who will serve as change agents in health and aging policy and to improve the health care of older adults. The year-long fellowship offers unique training and an enrichment program focused on current policy issues and communication skills, along with professional networking opportunities.
NJAAW hopes that NJ will have representation in this year’s cohort! For more information and to apply, visit here.
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Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Council Seeking Nominations--
Submission Deadline April 11
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) is seeking nominations for individuals to serve on the Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. ACL may select up to 10 non-federal members, including grandparents, other older relatives/kinship caregivers, and professionals in the field. Nominations must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. EDT on April 11. For more information, see the solicitation on the Federal Register here.
From the Alzheimer’s Association
The new Alzheimer’s Association 2022 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures report is now available online. This report provides an in-depth look at the latest national and state statistics on Alzheimer’s disease prevalence, mortality, caregiving and costs of care.
This year’s edition includes a special report examining the challenges that physicians and the American public face in understanding and diagnosing “mild” cognitive impairment. For the full report click here.
Utility Help is Still Available
NJ's utility shutoff moratorium ended on March 15, but options remain available for those who still need help paying for utilities. People can apply for assistance using the Division of Housing and Community Resources’ DCAid Service Portal.
Residents can now apply for help from multiple financial assistance programs using the portal. With expanded income eligibility for some programs, previously ineligible people might now be eligible. For more information click here.
"Coming Back After COVID:
NJ Arts and Culture Recovery Fund"
New Jersey has a vast array of theatre, visual art, dance, music, museums and heritage sites, but COVID has had a devastating impact on those sectors. Aging Insights TV host Cathy Rowe, DrPH, finds out the latest in these areas from Lynne Toye, Executive Director of the NJ Arts and Culture Recovery Fund.
Learn about the wide range of arts, culture and historic sites in NJ and how the Fund has helped them not only survive but adapt in new and creative ways that accommodate older adults.
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