Pre-Seed Fertility-Friendly Lubricant
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Also In This Issue
Declining Fertility Is Not Just a Female Issue
What Makes Pre-Seed Unique?
Tips for Optimizing Pre-Seed's Lubrication
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TTC 2 years Pre-Seed story

""Thank you for helping me get my little miracle. He turned one on June 16th. TTC for 2 years; used Pre-Seed for one month and got him :)"

~ K.S.

July 4th Pre-Seed seedling story
""We tried for 3 years to conceive our 3rd child. Then, last 4th of July weekend we used Pre-Seed, all weekend. (There was a lot of "trying" that weekend.) Let's just say we will be celebrating this 4th of July with our 3 month old... thank you!"
~ C
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September 14, 2012

"My wife and I were desperate after almost a year of TTC. We have a 4-year-old son, and with him we got pregnant immediately. Well, at 33 & 36 (my Wifey's age), things were harder. So, after TTC for almost a year, my co-worker told me about Pre-Seed. Man, I dashed to the store and purchased it... My wife was a little skeptical, but we had tried everything. I can proudly say we are expecting again... We are almost in our 2nd trimester next week. Pray for us!!"

~ Thankfully, TW

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Declining Fertility With Age:
Not Just a Female Issue
Fertility in older men We all know about the increased risks of infertility or birth defects in older women who want to have a child and are aware that these risks are due to chromosome changes in the egg that occur as women age.

However, as with most things reproductive, the medical community has lagged far behind in evaluating the effect of aging in men on sperm quality. Several recent studies have begun to paint a picture of aging of the male reproductive tract which is very similar to that seen in women. Read More...
What Makes Pre-Seed Personal Lubricant Unique?
Pre-Seed Developer Dr. E From 1995 to 2002 I developed the unique patented formula that makes Pre-Seed lubricant.

We hold 5 U.S. and international patents on Pre-Seed's exclusive formulation. Here are a few of the things that set Pre-Seed apart from other lubricants: Read More... 

Optimizing Pre-Seed's Lubrication 
Find out how much Pre-Seed your body needs to keep the zing in love-making. Dealing with too slippery or not slippery enough


Everybody is unique, and even the same person can have different needs for added moisture during intimacy at different times. Things as simple as the weather, external humidity or where you are in your hormone cycle can all impact the amount of lubrication you may need to keep the zing in love-making.


Although over 80% of users feel Pre-Seed provides just the right amount of lubrication for them, some couples may need more or less depending on if things feel too slippery or are not slippery enough. These tips will help you find out how much Pre-Seed your body needs!
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Where To Buy Pre-Seed