This month we are experimenting with a new format for the newsletter. In response to several readers who complained about having to scroll through all the articles (poor, overused index finger!), you will have to click on the navigation button after reading the introductory paragraph to read the rest of the article. This makes for easier scanning and an uncluttered newsletter. Your feedback on this format would be helpful.
Beginning next month, we will begin to include articles from natural health care providers who offer complementary services and who are not associates at Pacific Naturopathic. We are delighted to help promote healers whose approaches augment what we do at Pacific Naturopathic. Next month you will meet some new/old friends who have impressed us with their commitments to the paths they have chosen as healers.
This month's theme -- "Aging with Grace and Style" -- is a subject that many of our readers are concerned about. We all have opportunities to face the aging challenge with acceptance and consciousness.
Once a newsletter theme for the month is chosen, the writers hardly ever discuss with each other what they are going to write about. So in their articles in this newsletter, you will see an overlap of similar information with variations in perspective. Jane Hernandez also offers her insights and positive approach into the mix of articles by Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel.
Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care
articles include a presentation of the "missing ingredient" in cancer care;; an article on sweeteners that are acceptable on a ketogenic diet; and a discussion on avoiding cancer-causing plastics.
Pacific Naturopathic Boutique: We have expanded the small retail section in our clinic waiting area to include hard-to-find natural products.
Products we offer in our little boutique are mostly not available locally and come from some exotic locations, like Hawaii! Please scroll down for product descriptions.
NEXT MYERS COCKTAIL SATURDAY: February 23. Details below. Also in this newsletter is a question/answer format article on the Myers cocktail. Yes, yes, nobody likes needles and the thought of an IV is not motivational to many people, but the reality is that the Myers infusion is so much easier than the thought of it. Dr. Marcel is happy to answer telephone questions about the Myers cocktail with anyone interested in it. Our patients who have discovered the Myers keep coming back for more, and are glad they did.
May all beings be healthy and happy!
Dr. Connie, Dr. Marcel, Dr. Sage, Jane H. and your health care team
at Pacific Naturopathic and the
Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care
At our Pacific Naturopathic office, we continue to maintain a well stocked natural medicine pharmacy. As we are occasionally out of various items, we ask you to either call in advance of picking things up at the office, or email the front desk at to see if
items are on hand.
If you are a person who lives at a distance or for another reason cannot come by to pick up pharmacy, we do have several reliable options. We have registered with two online dispensaries that carry most of the items we have in our pharmacy. We love Amazon for many things, but find our dispensaries to be better options in terms of storage, expiration dates, and legitimacy of pharmacy items. Pharmacy is what they do. Shipping on orders over a certain amount is free.
There are some items that are not available through these pharmacies, and we will continue to ship those things out. However, we are trying to minimize shipping otherwise, and are needing to increase handling charges as shipping involves packaging and someone leaving the office and standing in long wait lines at the post office.
Many of you have already signed on to Fullscript, and Dr. Connie regularly sends out invites to sign in and have pharmacy sent. You can sign yourself in to Wellevate, our other online dispensary.
Just click on this
and search for your product,
or the front desk staff can register you, earmark the product you need, and have a registration email sent to you..
A note on Naturthroid
Due to manufacturing issues, Naturthroid has been hard to come by in the past 9 months or so. We have a running backorder, and occasionally receive a shipment. We currently have a number of 2 grain bottles, so call if you need one. The other comparable options are compounded thyroid or Armour thyroid. Most pharmacies still have Armour in stock. When you run out of your current supply, let us know. If we have Naturthroid, we can send it out. If not, we'll help you with one of the other options.
SATURDAY, February 23
Our Saturday Myers Cocktail Parties have been huge successes with a room full of chatting, happy guests. I.V. patients love interacting and learning from each other while receiving their I.V. therapies. This being so,
Please join us for our next
Myer's Cocktail party:
Saturday, February 23,
between 8:00 AM and 12:00 Noon.
Just for fun, our Saturday parties feature healthy snacks, hot teas and cold barley tea, plus chit-chat with the doctors and other patients.
Rates for Myers Cocktails will be discounted on February 23 only! Usually $145; Saturday, February 23, $125 (addition of glutathione is $50 extra).
(Note: Myers Cocktail Parties are open to all patients who have previously
received I.V. therapies with us or from a referring doctor. Patients new to us and/or new to I.V. therapies will need a prior 30 minute safety and orientation consult with one of our doctors. Schedule in advance for prioritized service or just feel free to show up. Other IV therapies are available as well at early start times and are discounted 10 percent.)
Want to find out about the Myers Cocktail?
Read Dr. Alan Gaby's excellent monograph
Dr. Connie Muses on Aging
by Connie Hernandez, ND
Dr. Connie at Church of the Seven Martyrs on Sifnos Island, Greece.
When we were younger, many of us thought that anyone over 30 was "over the hill" and not to be trusted. As we ourselves grew older, the bar was raised. Life expectancy increased, and we heard that 60 was the new 40, making 70 the new 50!
Approaching 70, the age of 80 seems quite young compared to 90 or 100 years of age. Some of this is due to advancements in medicine and changes in lifestyle, and some is simply a change in perspective.
It is heart rending to me when patients in their young 30's and 40's throw their hands in the air and tell me that they are just getting older and suffering the consequences. It is true that physiologic and anatomic issues arise as we age, a result of the wear and tear of years of living in a less than perfect world. There is, though, a tendency to attribute to aging many changes that are not inherently age related, but are the effect of less than optimal past and ongoing lifestyle choices catching up with us.
HERE to read rest of article
Find out more about Dr. Connie's work
Aging With Grace and Style:
Acceptance and Adaptation to Change
Marcel Hernandez, ND
My father at 100 years old birthday party in Hawaii,
with my sisters Madeline and Jane
My father lived to be 100 years old. He might still be alive if he hadn't fallen and broken his hip while playing kick ball with 10-year-olds when he was 99. To his final days he lived his life with joy and flirty smiles and winks to younger women. His main struggle in his later years was adapting to and accepting the changes that were occurring In his mind and body.
Read rest of article HERE
Realizations in Healing...
Moving Forward With Grace and Style
Connie Hernandez, N.D.
One thing is sure. Battening down the hatches in an effort to feel safe and secure will never work. As everything always changes, we too must change. What actions, taken at any age, can move us forward with grace and style? And how can we support those actions by optimizing our physical health?
Denial and reactivity get us nowhere. If we are sunk in a mire of wanting things to be other than they are, we do not see the situation clearly, and are unable to find workable and creative solutions. Accepting the situation we find ourselves in, yet seeking positive change, is quite different from resigning ourselves to bodily and worldly circumstances which we find unfavorable.
Read Rest of Article
Read more about Dr. Connie's work HERE
Aging with Grace and Style:
Keeping the Mind Sharp and Vibrant
"By the time you're eighty years old you've learned everything. You only have to remember it." -- George Burns (1896-1996)
Simply stated: the mind is like a muscle - use it or lose it. Yes, yes, there are genetic predispositions to senility and Alzheimer's, but the thing to remember is that with preventive medicine, genetic predispositions may not necessarily manifest. Listed below are other ways of keeping the mind bursting with vitality.
To read rest of article, click HERE
Recommended by
Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel...
For Sale in our clinic...
Expanded Unique Healthy Product Section in Our Clinic:
Perfect for Gifts and Self-Care
We are absolutely
delighted to offer a selection of unique healthy products,
most of which are not available anywhere else in the Bay Area.
For a complete list of special products available in our little boutique, click
Myers Cocktail: Questions and Answers
- Safe, Powerful Effective -
The Myers Cocktail has been around for 40 years and is the most popular IV cocktail in our clinic. Read this detailed
information sheet and you will see why.
Want to learn more about the Myers Cocktail? Alan Gaby, MD, has written the definitive, easy-to-read
about it.
Please phone 650-961-1660 for more information.
If You're a Woman Who's Over 50,
It May Be Your Time to Rise
For many years I worked as a film and video producer in both New York and San Francisco. Even though this career is considered "glamourous", I had made every kind of film there is and wanted to try something different. Believe it or not, I was bored. It took two years to find my next career, but once I discovered the path to Hypnotherapy and EFT Tapping, I was totally engaged. I went back to school to certify in hypnosis at the age of 62 and haven't stopped since. Sure, I felt trepidation thinking I was too old, but I persisted and followed my passion. It was one of the best decisions of my life.
To read the rest of this article, click HERE
For more information about Jane and her work
click here.
About food:
Dr. Marcel's Cuban Mojo
(Sour Orange Marinade/Dressing)
Growing up in a Cuban family offered a number of culinary delights.
This dressing may be u
sed as a marinade on meats, fish and poultry or as a dressing for salads and vegetables. It is also a fabulous dipping sauce for sourdough bread.
4 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon salt
black pepper
1/3 cup sour orange juice (or equal parts lemon and orange to equal 1/3 cup)
1 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons chopped sweet onion (optional)
chopped parsley for garnish
Combine all ingredients (except parsley) in a food processor
and blend until smooth and creamy. Garnish with parsley. Absolutely yummy for such a simple, easy-to-make thing.
Keeps for about a week in the fridge.
Breast Thermography at
Pacific Naturopathic
- estrogen and breast health-
One of the parameters on a breast thermography exam is the Hormonal Grade for Estrogen Activity, expressed as a rating from 0 to 4. The Hormonal Grade approximates the effect of estrogen stimulation on the breasts. While factors such as lymphatic congestion, thyroid issues, stress, pain and other factors must also be considered when evaluating the Hormonal Grade, we do get an indication of whether the estrogen stimulation is as is to be expected or whether it is potentially contributing to an elevated risk of breast disease.
Keep in mind that estrogen per se does not cause cancer. Rather, it is the balance of estrogen with other hormones, the way in which your body metabolizes the estrogen, and the sensitivity of your tissues to the estrogen. A high Hormonal Grade is worrisome in a patient with Estrogen Receptor Positive breast cancer, while expected in a pregnant or lactating woman. If a hormonal grade is higher than expected, we can look at sources of estrogen exposure, balance of estrogen with other hormones, and ways to favorably influence estrogen metabolism.
Breast thermography is offered on most Wednesdays at Pacific Naturopathic.
Pacific Naturopathic
Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii:
--Winter at our vacation rental
Check Future Openings
(then click on "Calendar")
Pololu Valley -- an easy, lovely drive from our vacation rental |
Finding yourself in need of a quiet space in which you might restore your outer self through communion with nature, and re-experience the peace and calmness of your deep inner Self?
At Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center, we watch as the land ages with grace and style. Coconuts become coconut palms. A single torch ginger births a stand of exotic flowers. Ancient trees crash to the forest floor, showering previously shaded gardens with sunlight and encouraging the growth of sun loving species. The cycles of birth, growth, decay, death and rebirth encourage letting go of the old and celebrating the new. As I write this, our beloved giant lychee tree has fallen to uncommonly wild weather, and now sprawls over the hillside, leaving us scratching our heads and wondering how everything affected will evolve.
Come to Hawaii and enjoy the wonders nature has to offer, in dry weather, wet weather, in calm or tempestuous weather.
As an added bonus at this time of year, airfares are low. We fly Alaska Airlines direct to Kona from San Jose Airport. (Check out Alaska flights from Oakland and SFO as well) See our calendar (below) for open dates.
* * *
Isn't it time you treated yourself to a magical experience?
Come, enjoy, rejuvenate and reinvent yourself.
Medical Humor:
A Break From
"Matters of Consequence"
The Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care
News and Commentary on Cancer Topics
* * * * *
What We Offer
at the
Hernandez Center
for Adjunctive Cancer Care
There is light in the darkness
Our cancer patients often ask us to give them an estimate of the effectiveness of therapy at the Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care. We respond that
our entire focus is on helping our patients stay healthy, upbeat and positive.
The truth is that the botanical and nutritional therapies we offer
intravenous vitamin C), although 'adjunctive' in nature, have powerful documented actions in decreasing inflammation, reducing tumor load and attacking cancer stem cells.
Our mind/body approaches are focused on transformation of experience. And our bodywork approaches help reduce muscular pain, resolve lymph drainage problems and relieve stress.
The hope we offer is not that of a miraculous cure,
although we are definitely open to miracles,
but the hope of a life lived to the fullest in dignity
and understanding, for however long that may be.
Is This the Missing "Ingredient"
for Cancer Recovery? (video)
If you're like most people, then you experience this "normal" part of life every single day.
Yet research has now linked it to cancer! And especially how it impacts recovery from cancer.
That's because it damages how our bodies repair our DNA. To find out what everyday thing is now linked to cancer and how to fight back, just click the link below.
The Best (Healthiest) Sweeteners
for a Ketogenic Diet
By Dr. David Jockers DC, MS, CSCS
 Almost all of us love sweet foods and an occasional dessert. Unfortunately, sugar and most sweets are among the very worst things to be consuming if you want to heal a chronic condition and function at your best. For challenging health conditions, a very low carbohydrate, ketogenic diet may be the best healing option.
So, what are the best keto sweeteners when following a ketogenic diet?
When following a low carb, high fat (ketogenic) diet, it is important to use a
natural sweetener that will not affect your blood sugar levels. This article will discuss the best natural sweeteners for a ketogenic diet and what to look for when buying them. But first, let's look at why a ketogenic diet can be helpful for improving a number of health conditions.
How to Avoid Cancer Causing Plastics
Chemical companies promised the world that they would change the way people lived through science. Plastics: they're in everything these days, and avoiding them completely is next to impossible. So which types are relatively safe and which are the cancer causing plastics to avoid? FOR REST OF ARTICLE, CLICK HERE
Other I.V. Therapies Offered at Pacific Naturopathic and the Hernandez Center
--I.V. therapy is not just for cancer patients--
Many people have already heard about intravenous vitamin C as a complementary cancer therapy to help stimulate the immune system as well as being directly cytotoxic to cancer cells. This is the most common therapy we use at the Hernandez Center for our cancer patients.
But intravenous therapy is not just for cancer patients.
More than half of our IV patients come for various
"cocktails" to help them ward off infections and optimize their health. We offer a number of individualized versions of the famous "Myers Cocktail." Read about the Myers Cocktail HERE
Other cocktails we offer promote brain health, assist the liver in its detoxification efforts, relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue, help reduce stress, bring rapid relief from sinusitis, colds and flus, address immune system disorders, slow the progression of macular degeneration, reduce chronic pain and fibromyalgia and many other conditions.
Who Would Benefit from IV Vitamin Therapies?
Although anyone could benefit from IV therapy, people with the following health concerns especially benefit from IV therapies:
- Advanced Aging
- Allergies
- Alzheimer's disease
- Asthma
- Atherosclerosis
- Autoimmune disorders
- Before and after surgery
- Cancer treatment
- Cancer prevention
- Chron's Disease
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
- Chronic Pain
- Colds and Flus, both preventive and acute treatment
- Congestive heart failure
- Dementia
- Depression/Anxiety
- Detoxification
- Enhanced athletic performance
- Environmental toxicity
- Fatigue or lethargy
- Fatty Liver
- Fibromyalgia
- Gastritis
- General health maintenance
- Hangover recovery
- Heart disease
- Heavy metal toxicity
- High blood pressure
- Immune system disorders
- Inflammatory conditions
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Insomnia
- Joint Replacement candidates
- Liver detoxification
- Low functioning immune systems
- Lyme disease
- Macular degeneration
- Malabsorption syndrome
- Migraine headaches
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson's disease
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Post Stroke
- Post trauma/post surgical wound healing
- Prior to important events, meetings or travel
- Respiratory infections
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Serotonin increase in the brain
- Sinusitis
- Times when one cannot afford to be tired or Ill
- Ulcerative colitis
- Ulcers
- Viral infections
- And More...
Check out our IV web site at
For more information or to set up an appointment, please contact us at the Hernandez Center at (650) 917-1121. A lot more information can be found at
Pacific Naturopathic
The Hernandez Center
for Adjunctive Cancer Care
1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7
Mountain View, CA 94040
650-961-1660 (v)