Vol. 7, Issue 4 July 25, 2019
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: What does an aging population mean for Canada; Employers: please encourage your employees to complete the Hamilton Job Satisfaction Survey; Tips on how to prevent burn out at work.
older worker
Employment and Mature Workers: What does the future hold?
Canada's aging workforce has been on the radar at Workforce Planning Hamilton for many years. In 2013 we released a research paper, Listening to the Voices of Experienced Workers in Hamilton: Workforce Barriers and Solutions. This project entailed interviewing 20 experienced workers (people 45 years of age+) to discover their barriers to employment. 

Last year WPH and our employment services partners participated in a focus group facilitated by the Hamilton Council on Aging, which discovered that there are no specific employment supports in Hamilton for mature workers. In addition, WPH surveyed employment service providers on the challenges their job seeking mature clients face. 

Although some mature workers face barriers to employment others are dominating certain sectors and occupations and this is the focus of a new study released today (July 25/19).

Insights on Canadian Society: Occupations with Older Workers, is a Statistics Canada study which uses 2016 Census and Labour Force Survey data to investigate which occupations are dominated by older workers and what this might mean for the future of our workforce.  

An area of concern is that workers who provide care to an increasingly older population are themselves aging. Among female registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses, 1 in 5 were aged 55 and over in 2016, compared with 1 in 10 in 1996. 

In some cases, an occupation with aging workers and relatively few younger workers can be a symptom of industries or trades that are in decline in Canada. 

Employers: Share the word about the Hamilton Job Satisfaction Survey and learn how you can retain quality workers!

If you are like most employers in Hamilton you hate to lose good workers and people with the potential to take your business to a higher level.

WPH has launched the Hamilton Job Satisfaction Survey to discover the reasons why workers in various sectors and occupations leave their jobs.

We'd also like to explore the reasons they stay in their jobs and what they value in a workplace with regards to workplace culture.  

Please encourage your employees to complete the survey and emphasize that their responses will be kept confidential and reported in aggregate form.

Your employees can access the survey via a link on the home page of our site at www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca 

If you are also an employee please complete the survey and share it with your friends, family and colleagues.

The survey is open until September 30, 2019 and the results will be shared in a final report with the community and in particular, local employers.

People who complete the survey will have a chance to win one of three $50 gift cards.
Four things to do when you're burning out at work
Feeling burned out? These four steps could turn things around for you.

1. Identify what’s causing you the most stress at work, and see if there’s a solution.
Maslach and Leiter, leading researchers on the subject of burnout, determined that there are six areas of work-life that can lead to burnout: excess 
workloads, lack of control, insufficient rewards, workplace community issues, unfair practices and value conflicts.

Labour Force Information, Hamilton, June 2019
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca