Your monthly update for August 2023

Dear Pirate Crew,

Ventura College has been working hard over the summer to prepare the campus to be in top ship shape for classes to begin in August. You will find a few new “sails” or rather shade structures outside of the cafeteria, ASC, Child Development Center (in the near future), and the gym (in progress).  Also, Facilities, Maintenance & Operations and Information Technology teams have been working to clean and maintain facilities, beautify our grounds, and repair/replace necessary technology. Lastly, I want to recognize the work of student affairs personnel who have been assisting students with planning, registering and securing financial aid in preparation for their first day of classes. Please help me thank the FMO, IT, and student affairs employees for everything they do for Ventura College!

On the horizon-

  • Enrollments- Enrollments for the fall semester are up over 15% compared to this same time last year and continue to grow….hurray! I know that each of us are looking forward to interacting with students and colleagues as more people will be on campus for the fall semester. 
  • New Vice President of Student Affairs- JP Schumacher started July 24. Please be sure to provide JP with a warm welcome to the Pirate Family.
  • ACCJC will be on campus for an accreditation visit during the week of September 25. More information will come when we are closer to the visit dates.
  • Update on Student Housing- Ventura College was awarded funding of approximately $63 million for affordable student housing as part of Assembly Bill 183 (2022). To date, we have completed geotechnical and CEQA environmental surveys, hired a project/construction management consultant, and written an RFP for an architect firm bid. In July, we learned that these promised funds, which have already been distributed to Ventura College, are most likely being rescinded. The proposal is for colleges to obtain lease-revenue bonds with agreements between the State and college districts to address funding to cover the costs and debt service. We are encouraged by the strong support already being demonstrated statewide by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office, Senate, and Assembly. When additional information is available, I will make sure to keep you informed.
  • Major Initiative Update- As you may remember, the VC Major Initiative proposal requests that the Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) set aside approximately $8 million in unrestricted reserves to establish a full-service, state-of-the art Ventura College Educational Center located in the Santa Clara River Valley (SCRV). The funds are to be used for the purchase of a property (with or without a facility), pre-building preparation, and/or building modifications. The allocated funding will enable VCCCD to respond in a timely manner to purchase an appropriate site when one becomes available that meets the established criteria. Allocating funding for the Educational Center is the first step toward enabling VCCCD to fulfill its long-held goal to significantly improve the educational, occupational, and financial status of the SCRV community through a Ventura College Educational Center. In August, the Major Initiative was supported by the District Council on Enrollment Management (DCEM) with a few recommended modifications to improve the proposal (see hyperlink above). Next, the Major Initiative received a first reading at District Council on Administrative Services (DCAS) on 7/20 to begin discussing possible funding options. The next council meeting is scheduled for 8/17. Following the participatory governance committees at the District, the Major Initiative will advance to either a VCCCD Board Committee or the full Board for deliberations. My hope is that VC could have a decision on the Major Initiative in November. 

Shifting winds-

Gusting winds often rock the Pirate Ship resulting in many changes as described above. Additionally, VC has experienced recent shifts with several new hires, promotions, and retirements/resignations. Albert Einstein’s quote is good for us to remember as we navigate change. â€śIn the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” 

VC is poised to take advantage of the opportunities before us. Meeting each challenge head on and embracing the potential for growth, progress, improvements, and new beginnings. With new employees comes new ideas and perspectives which can strengthen Ventura College. Resilience and perseverance have served the college well over the past 98 years and will promote our steadfastness for the next century. 

They say the one constant in life is change. Isn’t that the truth! As such, I wanted to make everyone aware of a personal decision that I recently made. This summer has had me pondering my next steps in life. My best friend from high school is suffering from stage 4 cancer, my parents are getting older and ailing, my children are getting married and independent, and my husband has retired. All of these circumstances highlight the uncertainty of life. I want to travel and enjoy my family while I am still healthy. As such, I have decided to retire at the end of this academic year (6/30/2024). This was a very tough decision for me to make. I care greatly about Ventura College, serving our students, and its continued success. As a planner, I want to make sure that the college has enough time to find a replacement and not have to endure another interim president. I am very happy with my decision and look forward to celebrating my year of lasts- All College Day, semester starts, campus celebrations, and graduation!!! Of course, I will miss you all and will always carry Ventura College close to my heart. 

Another change involves the retirement of Cathy Bojorquez, Vice President of Business Services. She and I are about the same age and both of our husbands are retired. Her plan is to turn in her retirement paperwork for VC; However, she has agreed to stay on part-time for a few months before retiring to assist the interim vice president with making a smooth transition. 

Ventura College is on course for an exciting 2023-2024 academic year that’s full of change and opportunity. The energy and passion each of you have for our students and Ventura College will ensure our success and longevity for many years to come.

Best wishes for a great semester!


View the Video from All College Day

Our new VP of Student Affairs, JP Schumacher, was on hand the first day of fall semester to help welcome students back to campus. Students visiting our Welcome Back tables received a free Ventura College t-shirt, VC swag, and information about classroom location, student ID's and more.

Our ASL team greeted new Pirates with a hearty WELCOME back!

Our new California vibes t-shirts are a limited edition design for this school year.

Koffee with Kim

  • Thursday, September 7 at 9 a.m.
  • Tuesday, October 3 at 4 p.m.
  • Wednesday, November 29 at 10 a.m.

Captain's Chat

  • Wednesday, November 1 at 2 p.m.

Open Executive Team Meeting

  • Tuesday, October 24 at 10:30 a.m.

Celebration of Successes

  • Campuswide Retreat - October 13 at 9 a.m.
  • Holiday Gathering - December 7 at 11:30 a.m.

Highlighting the amazing Administration, Faculty, Classified Professionals, and Students that make up our Pirate family. This month's highlights include: Elizabeth Vasquez (Veterans Resource Center Program Coordinator), Mark Huff (ASVC President), Eddie Beltran (Interim Dean - VCEC), and Czarina Gutierrez (Articulation Officer).

Read their stories here!

Elizabeth Vasquez - Classified

Mark Huff - Student

Eddie Beltran - Administrator

Czarina Gutierrez - Faculty

Albert Dominguez

Admissions and Records Technician

Jackie Gonzalez Macias

Student Services Assistant CalWORKs

Laura Solis

Administrative Assistant, Schwab Academy

Ed Morales

Grounds Maintenance Worker

Lisa Elsousou

 DSPS Specialist/ASL Interpreter

F, M & O Suggestion Box

Recently the F, M & O department added a virtual "Suggestion Box" to their webpage. The suggestion box provides employees with an opportunity to share general thoughts, ideas, comments, and concerns regarding our campus. Please share your feedback and suggestions on how to improve your work space. We have already had many great suggestions and are working to find ways to take action to "get things done". If you have a suggestion, please use the button below to submit.

Suggestion Box

MESA Receives Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity Magazine

Ventura College’s MESA program received the 2023 Inspiring Programs in STEM Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine, the largest and oldest diversity and inclusion publication in higher education. The Inspiring Programs in STEM Award honors colleges and universities that encourage and assist students from underrepresented groups to enter the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Ventura College will be featured, along with 79 other recipients, in the September 2023 issue of INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine. Inspiring Programs in STEM Award winners were selected by INSIGHT Into Diversity based on efforts to inspire and encourage a new generation of young people to consider careers in STEM through mentoring, teaching, research, and successful programs and initiatives.

Schwab Academy of Music

This summer’s Schwab Academy of Music wrapped up a whirlwind of music on July 23. Ventura College’s three-week program offers high-level music instruction and performance opportunities to student musicians and is well on its way to becoming one of the premiere music festivals on the West Coast. During the program, which began July 3, students participated in daily classes in orchestra and chamber music with the Academy’s nationally-recognized faculty. Schwab Academy presented three weekends of concerts to the public in the Yunker Auditorium - two orchestral programs (conducted by music director Ashley Walters), two chamber music programs, and two days of the annual Violin & Viola Competition, where noted guest judges Mark Kashper and Melissa Phelps chose Newbury Park High senior Skyler Lee and 12-year old Leonora Vukovitz as the two top prize winners.

Campus Updates for Fall Semester

Ventura College has spent much of the summer responding to the enrollment demands of our students for the upcoming Fall. For the first time in years – pre-and post-pandemic – in-person courses, including hybrid classes, are filling at a faster rate than online courses in several disciplines. Since June, the college has been working to respond to these trends by adding in-person sections and seats, and in a few instances, we are converting online sections to in-person and hybrid sections, both of which appeal to our local, traditional student population. Examples of these planned shifts include hiring more faculty in English and math to add approximately 15 in-person sections in these areas. Other disciplines are adding sections/seats in-person including Business and Criminal Justice as well as several General Education courses in the physical/biological sciences, arts and humanities, and in the social and behavioral sciences. Additionally, to support FTES growth and meet student demands, we are adding some online seats and sections where fill-rates are high; these courses appeal to traditional student populations and meet the needs of our growing post-traditional learner populations who manage school, work, and family obligations simultaneously. Unexpected challenges to staffing new sections include several recent faculty retirements, resignations, moves out of the area (adjuncts), and leaves. To manage these changes, VC will also add September- and October-start classes as we hire adjunct faculty members in the coming weeks. 

Ventura College is currently implementing a process to learn about student course needs as they emerge. In collaboration with the IE/Research office, Counseling department, and our students themselves, VC will be receiving information weekly and even daily regarding the courses students need to complete their goals. First, the college is deploying a method to learn from Counselors – directly and daily – what students need to meet their schedule and pathway. Additionally, we are deploying a QR-code method coupled with in-person student researchers to connect with their peers during peak schedule planning and registration times to learn what courses students need for which they were unable to register. Areas of focus will include specific GE areas, disciplines, and courses as well as mode of delivery needs. The goal is to learn directly from the source – the students themselves – and from those working “the front lines” with students what they need so we can adapt our offerings in a more agile and real-time manner. We are also looking forward to the new CIVITAS analytics opportunity that the district will soon deploy; this will support the colleges in long-term planning via predictive analytics based on existing trends. The overarching goal at the college – by collecting information from all of these sources – is to triangulate multiple data sources so we can create and adapt schedules based on past trends as well as the current demands and needs of our traditional student populations, our growing high school dual enrollment students, and our expanding post-traditional adult learners.

Visit Our Secret Garden

Did you know we have a Secret Garden on campus? We're always surprised that so many people DON'T know about this beautiful spot. The garden is tucked away to the east of the MCE building, and south of the ECT building. It's a great space for taking a lunch break, enjoying the beautiful flowers and plants, or for just walking through. This amazing space is cared for by three community volunteers, Becky Watson, Jim McAleney, and Dorie Zabriskie. Thank you to these volunteers for keeping this garden beautiful. If you'd like to volunteer to help maintain our garden, contact Jesse Sluder at

First Year Experience

FYE has had a fun and busy summer. In July, we hosted FYE Family Nights for English and Spanish speaking family members in both in-person and virtual events. We introduced our services to incoming students and their support system. We discussed the differences between high school and college life and offered tips on how families can best help support their student transition into adulthood through higher education.

At the end of July and start of August, we welcomed over 150 students, over 6 days, for our annual Arrival Survival orientation. Students attended on a specific day based on their Career and Major Community. We hosted ice breakers, speed networking with peer mentors, and helped students explore their canvas/portal through an interactive activities. Counseling faculty spoke about career and major exploration and mentors offered campus tours. In addition, students booked their first counseling appointment for fall semester and RSVP'd for their required FYE workshop. This will help ensure there is continuity and aligns with our goal of student retention and engagement.

Special thanks to our colleagues for collaborating and making the event a success: Maria and Alma for providing Financial Aid information and goodies to all participants. Adrienne from Project S:AIL in STEM, for presenting to our science and technology majors. Eli and Mo for informing students of resources available at the VRC. ASVC for helping students get their student ID's.

Finally, FYE has received over 400 applications for our 2023-2024 cohort. Keep them coming! We are following up with all applicants that did not make it to Arrival Survival to ensure they are on track to a successful first year as pirates.

Outreach Summer Updates

Our Ventura College Outreach Department had a full schedule this summer, actively engaging in 27 events, including presentations to K-12 and community events aimed at fostering a college-going culture. Our presence in our neighborhood this summer reflects our dedication to serving the community. We look forward to continuing our journey of outreach and making a positive impact.

Here's a some of our summer events:

Health & Wellness Resource Fair - Fillmore District Office - May 20

We promoted physical and mental well-being within our community and provided information about our college programs and student services programs that emphasize health and wellness.

Migrant Education College Fair - Rio Vista Middle School - June 3

Continuing our commitment to accessibility, we participated in the Migrant Education College Fair with staff from Financial Aid and Dreamers Resource Center. We showcased the various pathways VC offers to pursue higher education as well as resources available for Dreamers.

Kids STEM Day - The Boys & Girls Club, Santa Paula - July 14

Several VC pirates attending this event, igniting young minds with the wonders of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Annual HUD Strong Families Event - Ventura Avenue - July 15

Dedicated to building strong families and communities, we proudly participated in the Annual HUD Strong Families Event. We connected with families, shared information about our programs and support services for our community.

Ventura County Fair Tabling - August 2-13

We engaged with a diverse audience during the fair. Thanks to all the VC staff who joined us in offering fairgoers a chance to learn about our wide range of programs, campus life, and the opportunities that await future pirates.

Professional Development

Ventura College is happy to bring Professional Development opportunities to staff, faculty, and administration to help develop new skills and stay up to date on current trends that are always evolving within our campus community. Upcoming event information can be found in the Classified Professional Development Corner, SharePoint, and the Master Calendar.


Upcoming Events                 



  • State Vision Resource Center - The Vision Resource Center is a portal for professional development and colleague connection throughout all of California’s Community Colleges.
  • USC Race and Equity Center - The Alliance unites community colleges across the state of California for high-quality professional learning experiences on an array of topics pertaining to racial equity. Log In Portal Registration
Professional Development Website


In 2022-23, 105 Ventura College, VCCCD, and VC Foundation employees gave 864 donations for a total of $75,550! This is a 32% increase over the previous year! Together we made this happen and it is a cause for celebration.

Will you celebrate our 40th Year of Service to VC by giving $40? To ensure that the VC Foundation can grow our critical student support into the next decade, will you partner with us to say, “AYE GIVE"? It's easy. Just sign-up for Monthly Payroll Donations. Text "AyeGive" to 41444 or click here. You can set-up a recurring or make a one-time credit card donation. Just text "Give2VC" to 91999 or click here. Or you can donate by check. Please make your gift payable to the “Ventura College Foundation” and note the designation of your donation on the check. Gifts are accepted at the VC Foundation office located in the Day Road Center (DRC – 71 Day Road), or mailed to the Ventura College Foundation, 4667 Telegraph Rd, Ventura, CA 93003

Please give from the heart to what makes sense to you. If you need help determining where to give, please consider:

  • Fund for VC (Greatest Need)
  • VC Promise
  • VC Basic Needs

Whichever way you decide to give, we would kindly ask for a minimum of $5.00 if you are committing to a monthly payroll donation or recurring credit card donation. Thank you for your support!

For questions or more information about the VC Foundation’s programs, contact Julie Harvey, Development Manager at 805.289.6502 or

Call for Special Event Volunteers

Do you enjoy interacting with the public, and being a part of something inspiring? Do you have family or friends that belong to an organization or service club looking for opportunities to serve others? Learn more about being a special event volunteer and share the news with your family and friends.



  • Pre-event tasks in the VC Foundation office (name tags, stuffing, folding, etc.)
  • Setting up and tear down
  • Day of event support during the VC Foundation’s 40th Anniversary Gala


Contact the VC Foundation’s Development & Events Specialist, Stephanie Montenegro at or 805-289-6122.

Save the Date!

The Ventura College Foundation is turning 40! Mark your calendars for our 40th Anniversary Gala on October 20! More details to come!

Acknowledge the great work of your peers! A "Pirate Treasure" is a way to recognize colleagues and say thank you for outstanding support to our college community.

Acknowledge your Peers
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