Volume I No. 40 |September 24, 2019
Sharing our wealth of arts and culture.
We're having an ARTS BLAST!
Supporting arts and cultural councils everywhere.
Ai Weiwei Lecture at VBMA
Pelican Island Audubon Society is For the Birds
Gallery Strolling in Style
Sunrise Theatre
Once Upon an Orchestra and Music on the River
Silent Auction for Marjorie Bohler Update
On the Calendar Now Has Its Own Arts Blast -
What a Weekend!
PLUS Individual Pages for On the Calendar, Auditions, and Calls for Artists at WilliMiller.com
To view them in this Arts Blast, scroll all the way down.
Scroll down for expanded Calendar Listings, Auditions, and Calls for Artists, plus guidelines for submitting to ARTS BLAST & the Cultural Council of Indian River County's CulturalCalendar.org.
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Arts Blast.
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Ai Weiwei Lecture at VBMA
Whether you’ve already viewed Ai Weiwei’s Circle of Animal/Zodiac Heads: Gold at Vero Beach Museum of Art or still have it on your to-do list before the exhibition leaves the Stark Rotunda Dec. 15, you might want to grab a ticket for a unique opportunity to hear the inside scoop on the celebrated and sometimes-controversial artist Oct. 2 at 5:30 p.m.
In her VBMA presentation,
Ai Weiwei: Global Artist, Borderless Humanist, Contemporary Emperor
, Taliesin Thomas, founding director of AW Asia, will present “an overview of Ai Weiwei’s personal history with a focus on his singular narrative within the field of global contemporary art and beyond.” Thomas said, “There is the field of contemporary Chinese art on the one hand and there is AWW’s artistic odyssey on the other.” She described him as a powerful global figure and an “art star in his own right,” adding, “He is truly an international artist and a citizen of the planet—his worldwide installations, projects, exhibitions and activities are global in scope.” Thomas said she will be available for questions from the audience at the end of her talk, calling it “my favorite part.”
AW Asia is a private organization “created to promote the field of contemporary Chinese (art) through institutional loans and acquisitions, publishing and special curatorial projects,” Thomas said. Its collection holds works by leading contemporary Chinese artists: photography, sculptures, paintings, and lithographs. When AW Asia downsized its physical footprint into a smaller space on the Upper East Side in New York City, the collection went into storage. A list of artists and their work in the
AW Asia collection is online.
Gallery Strolling in Style
Thanks to Gallery 14 for this update!
Golf Carts of Vero will provide complimentary transportation for the FIRST FRIDAY GALLERY STROLLS starting in October, continuing through April. The Golf Carts seat six passengers and have easy access on and off. This new Golf Cart Shuttle service begins at 5:00 pm & will run until 9:00 pm, allowing strollers to enjoy an extra hour after the Gallery Receptions close to enjoy the downtown restaurants.
The Shuttle will depart from the parking lot on 12
Ct. (east side of Jetson’s) between the Twin Pairs (east & westbound 20
St.) and will run a continuous loop to access the participating galleries for the FIRST FRIDAY GALLERY STROLLS: Gallery 14, Artists Guild Gallery, Tiger Lily Art Studios & Gallery, Flametree Clay Art Gallery, The Other Half Gallery, Raw Space, MSVB Studios, Gallery of Hope, Florida Highwayman Landscape Art and Highwayman Gallery.
Additional generous sponsors: Golf Carts of Vero Beach, MSVB, Vero Beach Art Club, Vero Prime, Post and Vine, South Beach Place Hotel, ABC Printing and CCIRC.
A big Arts Blast thanks to The Galleries of Historic Downtown Vero Beach supporting Arts Blast:
Judy Mercer
award winning painting, "The Lionfish", hanging in the Florida Watercolor Society 2019 Exhibition in the Welcome house at the Harry P. Leu Gardens, 1920 N. Forest Ave., Orlando, Fl until Nov. 8, 2019
Community Church of Vero Beach
is accepting resumes for Alto, Tenor, and Bass vocalists to fill the position of Section Leader in our Chancel Choir. This is a paid position. All interested singers may send a resume to request an audition. Those interested should have a strong musical background, and be prepared to sing one or two solo pieces. Scroll down to
for all the details.
From Vero Beach Book Center:
It's easy to think of the banning of books as a historical event, or an event that happens somewhere else. But it's happening here in America, today.
Banned Book Week
September 22-28,
let us remember that right now, booksellers, librarians, and educators are being asked to remove books from their shelves, take down displays and cancel author events.
Thank You
Arts Blast Sponsors!
Thanks to Vero Beach Theatre Guild for a delightful Saturday afternoon, enjoying and laughing at A Bench in the Sun! At VBTG through Sept.29.
Pelican Island Audubon Society
Pelican Island Audubon Society (PIAS) "
celebrates two of Florida’s great treasures: the extraordinary birds and the remarkable photographers who capture their splendor" in
Florida Birds Exposed
, a hot-off-the-presses (Oct. 4) publication by Juanita N. Baker.
Every full page photo is accompanied by "descriptions of the unique aspects of each bird." The photos were originally featured as Florida Bird of the Month in the PIAS newsletter, the Peligram.
From the PIAS website: "Everyone involved in creating this publication has contributed as a volunteer, proving how strongly Floridians and visitors appreciate and admire our birdlife. See Acknowledgements for the many contributors to this adventure. Much gratitude to everyone!"
Florida Birds Exposed by Juanita Baker, Ph.D.
Purchase the book
for $29.95 plus tax ($2.10) and shipping $5 for a total of $37.05 per book.
PIAS meetings are free and open to the public. Some are at North Indian River County Library, 1001 Sebastian Blvd. (CR 512), and others are at Vero Beach Community Center, 2266 14th Ave.
Check online
for dates and locations. The season's field trip schedule is clicking in, with two in October and just about weekly after that through April.
Most of the butterflies I used to see in what I call my front yard bird sanctuary haven't been around for a few years but these beauties are back in force this summer. They seem to be particularly fond of my blue porterweed, which couldn't be easier to grow or tougher to kill. PIAS has a nursery of native plants for sale at Audubon House. Details are on the website or call/email for information:
Phone: 772-567-3520 | Email:
Photo: A Zebra Longwing butterfly with eye-catching eyes forages for nectar in flowers in the Audubon House pollinator garden at the Oslo Riverfront Conservation Area. Photo by Bob Montanaro /
From PIAS:
Why plant trees? We have drastically changed the landscape in Indian River County in the last 50 years as our population has grown from 7,000 or so to 150,000 people. Trees belong in our landscape – native trees like live oaks. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. Without trees and all green plants humans and other animals would not be on this earth.
Trees will be given away free to any resident who asks for one, but with some conditions – they agree to learn how to take care of their tree, they agree to let us put it on a map so we can do a follow-up visit.
Free oak trees along with the demonstration planting and care of the tree instructions will be at Audubon House, 195 9th Street SE (Oslo Road), Vero Beach, on the following dates and times in October:
Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM
Friday, October 11, 2019 at 5:00 PM, then stay for a special talk by Matt Hill who is working to reforest Madagascar with the help of local farmers who are receiving the training and materials to help do the job. Following Matt Hill’s talk there will be a short film about how trees communicate. Light refreshments will be served. This event is free and open to the public.
Sunday, October 13, 2019 at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM
As season starts kicking in, I'd like to introduce readers to venues and organizations that will make their fall and winter months in Florida more than a day at the beach.
One venue that has weathered decades of storms in various forms since it opened in August, 1923 is the Sunrise Theatre in Fort Pierce. At that time, it was Florida's East Coast's biggest and best theater from Miami to the Georgia border and became the cultural hub in St. Lucie County — until 1983. From the website: "
The theatre closed its doors on September 8, 1983, due to the decline of the downtown area and a refusal to convert to multi-screen operation."
Five years later, Main Street Fort Pierce was created by residents who quickly understood the importance of the theater to the city and county. In 1997, it was bought by the St. Lucie Preservation Society, a determined, hardworking core of residents and businesses who brought this piece of history back to its "original splendor with state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems."
Sunrise Theatre
is now owned by the City of Fort Pierce and is listed on the National Register of Historic places.
What a season it will be for Riverside Theatre fans!
Beehive kicks it off in October. LOVE those '60s musicals!
Single tickets and season ticket packages are now available for the productions on the Stark and Waxlax Stages.
Call the Box Office at 772-231-6990 or online at www.riversidetheatre.com.
SEPT. 22, 2019 -
"I am doing better and better every day, aside from going to the refrigerator every five minutes to be followed by my mom telling me I just ate. I feel pretty good overall. The short term memory loss is difficult to deal with. Day by day, it improves slightly."
Once Upon an Orchestra at McKee and
Music on the River Brevard
The Space Coast Symphony Orchestra in Action
Your SCSO String Quartet brings several classic Aesop's Fables to life as we kick off our Once Upon an Orchestra series made possible by an
Indian River Impact 100
grant. In our first story time adventure, children will hear the exciting tales of The Tortoise and the Hare, The Fox and The Billy Goat, The Mouse and the Lion, and The Mule, all while learning about the instruments of the string family. Following this special program, join us for a chance to try out the instruments of the string section, act out your favorite characters, pose as a musician in our symphonic photo booth, and color in your very own Once Upon an Orchestra coloring book!
Admission required for McKee Botanical Garden
October 5 - 10:00AM & 11:00AM
350 US-1
Vero Beach, FL 32962
The next generation of exceptionally talented performers can be heard during
Music on the River
, the Cocoa Beach concert series featuring rising musical stars.
The program will feature five young musicians: 18-year-old Eunie Bae of Eau Gallie High School on flute, 15-year-old Douglas Dyer from Rockledge High School on violin, 17-year old Cole George of Satellite High School on bassoon, and both 14-year-old Sofia Bordner from Viera High School and Ian Gadapee, an Astronaut High School senior, in a vocal performance
Music on the River
concerts are courtesy of a partnership between the Creative Arts Foundation of Brevard, First United Methodist Church of Cocoa Beach and the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra. Each
Music on the River
performance is entirely produced by the aspiring youngsters.
For more information on
Music on the River
or tuition assistance for exceptionally talented young performers, visit
or call 321-604-0103.
Aaron Collins is the president of the Creative Arts Foundation of Brevard and also the conductor and artistic director of the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra.
SEPT. 29, 3:30 p.m. at First United Methodist Church of Cocoa Beach, 3300 N. Atlantic Av. (A1A). FREE, with a suggested donation of $10.
Silent Auction for Marjorie Bohler Still Going
Looking Like Christmas Shopping!
An update from Artists Guild Gallery:
The Silent Auction for all of the Marjorie Bohler works shown below will complete on September 30. Starting bids range from $25 to $50. Minimum increase is $20. Winning bidders will be contacted by month’s end for pick up of their artwork. Don’t miss this opportunity to own an original painting by Marjorie Bohler.
Marjorie was President of the Vero Beach Art Club and also President of the Artists Guild Gallery. Her work in oil and watercolor depicts her serious and poignant attitude about painting.
Marjorie touched many hearts during her time in Vero Beach. She would be touched by your support now.
The Artists Guild Gallery summer hours are Tuesday through Friday, 11-3. Questions? Gallery number is 299-1234. Messages can be left on this page as well. We hope you will help us support this worthy cause.
Photos: Artwork by Marjorie Bohler in the silent auction benefit.
Enter the Florida State Parks Fall Photo competition.
We’re seeking amazing photos from amateur photographers (making less than 20% of total income from photography) that share the best of Florida State Parks. Categories:
- Water Wonders – Share your experience at a freshwater spring, river, or beach in a Florida State Park.
- ...the Real Florida – Share the beauty, tranquility, love and balance of ...the Real Florida while exploring the great outdoors in Florida State Parks.
- Wildside – The wild places protected by Florida State Parks are home to abundant wildlife. It’s possible to see otters, deer, Florida scrub-jays, black bears and more! Capture memories of wildlife viewed in a Florida State Park.
- Park Fit – Whether balancing on a kayak, suspension bridge or bike, or hiking one of the amazing trails – there are so many ways to find balance in Florida State Parks. Our parks are your outdoor gym. How do you get fit in Florida State Parks?
- Sunscapes – Experience the beauty of a sunrise or sunset at a Florida State Park and share your experience.
Photos must be taken on the lands or within the facilities of Florida State Parks.
Contest entries are accepted from Start of Contest August 28, 2019 at 12 a.m. ET to October 31, 2019 11:59 p.m. ET. Photographs must be taken between August 28, 2018 and October 31, 2019. Winners will be announced December 2019.
The Cultural Council of Indian River County will hold a community fundraiser at Ono Luau on Wednesday, September 25
from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. The event, fashioned as a classic Hawaiian Luau, will benefit the continued development of the Vero Beach Art Village.
The fundraising event will feature live entertainment by the Friends&Neighbors Band, an island buffet and passed hors d’eouvres, two complementary cocktails, happy hour prices all evening and a contest for the most artistic lei by attendees. Tickets are $75 per person.
“Our vision of establishing a thriving art village in the historic downtown neighborhood of Edgewood is coming close to being a reality,” said Cultural Council Executive Director Barbara Hoffman. She said funds raised at this event will be used specifically to pay for costs associated with the upcoming request for zoning changes and the formation of a nonprofit neighborhood association. Vero Beach Planning Director Jason Jeffries will outline next steps for Art Village project at the event.
For more information and to purchase tickets, call the Cultural Council at 772.770.4857. While you're on the line, RSVP to the Art of Networking
The Cultural Council's Art of Networking is a day earlier at Blue Star in Vero Beach. The 2019-2020 Cultural Guide will be introduced and shared there.
A new choir,
Vero Beach Youth Chorale
, is forming at First Presbyterian Church, Vero Beach. It's open to students 8-12 (grades 3-6 in this school year).
Rehearsals begin Sept. 26
; registration fee is $75.
or 772-696-1271
Aric Attas loves to introduce the elements of chance and surprise into his artwork. "Moving my camera while shooting long exposures means that with each frame I get to discover a new image that didn’t exist until the moment I see it on the back of the camera. Each photo is unique and unrepeatable. It’s so much fun to shoot this way!"
Attas was approached by Le Galeriste, a Montreal-based company specializing in the production of original art on premium garments. "They had noticed some of my light painting photos online and were interested in collaborating to put them on their clothes! I went ahead and created a new series of images specifically for
this collaboration.
McKee Botanical Garden
announces its 2019-2020 Book Club Schedule. The first meeting of the season will be on Thursday, November 21 at 11:00 am at McKee Botanical Garden. The club will continue to meet the third Thursday of each month at 11:00 am at McKee, except in December.
Carolyn Timmerman and Susan Wheeler are the coordinators of the program.
The City of Fort Pierce is jazzing up the Peacock Art District with new, stylish street signage. It’s the seemingly little things that greatly enhance art’s home.
Thanks to Vero Beach Theatre Guild for a delightful Saturday afternoon, enjoying and laughing at A Bench in the Sun! At VBTG through Sept.29.
Arts Blast
Friends and Supporters
Brevard Cultural Alliance Update
Following are excerpts from a recent Brevard Cultural Alliance press release. For the complete story, click
Brevard Cultural Alliance (BCA) now has a professional services contract with
Brevard County
and the
Tourist Development Council (TDC)
, our longstanding partners and supporters, which commences October 1. Additionally, County Commissioners have authorized tourism development tax (TDT) funding for BCA to continue administering cultural grants and advancing cultural tourism in Brevard County.
Key Highlights from the Contract:
-Brevard Cultural Alliance’s
Board of Directors
will now expand to include 50% of individuals who are Executive Directors or their appointees of Brevard County arts or cultural groups.
-BCA will administer the $500,000 Cultural Support Grant Program, and the Tourist Development Council (TDC) cultural committee will review and score the grant applications. The TDC and Brevard County Board of County Commissioners will have final approval on grant awards.
What Does This Mean for You?
Cultural Organizations:
-Good news! The TDC is consolidating its cultural grant programs into a single Cultural Support Program, which makes $500,000 available for organizations to support programs and provides a significant increase to available grant funds.
-The TDC is currently developing new grant guidelines, and BCA has provided input. We will announce the new guidelines and timelines as they are finalized and available.
-BCA’s contract will not impact the Art in Public Places Exhibit program, but there are a few changes coming nonetheless. Stay tuned for updates from us soon.
Art Educators:
-BCA’s contract will not impact its Arts in Education programs, as those programs are separately funded.
Following the resignation of Neil Levine, BCS's executive director, Kathy Engerran has been named interim director while a search for a permanent ED gets going.
On the Calendar - Indian River County
Through Sept. 29 - A Bench in the Sun at Vero Beach Theatre Guild, directed by Julia Glattfelt.
Through Sept. 28 - Florida State Parks will host many opportunities to celebrate public lands through Saturday, Sept. 28, National Public Lands Day.
Sept. 24 - The Cultural Council of Indian River County’s Art of Networking at Blue Star, 14th Avenue, Vero Beach.
Sept. 25, 5:30-8:30 p.m. - Luau fundraiser for Vero Beach Cultural Arts Village at Ono Luau, 2045 13th Ave., Vero Beach. info@cultural-council.org.
Sept. 27, 6 p.m. - Downtown Friday, 14th Avenue, Vero Beach
Sept. 28, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. - Splish Splash Lagoon Bash Family Event - at Environmental Learning Center.
Through Sept. 29 - Astronomy Photographer of the Year is in the Holmes Gallery at Vero Beach Museum of Art.
Oct. 1 - Gallery 14 opens for the season with What Happens Next! Through Oct. 25. Opening reception Oct. 3, First Friday Gallery Stroll Oct. 4.
Oct. 4 - First Friday Gallery Stroll in the Historic Arts District of Vero Beach
Oct. 5, 10-11 a.m. - Earth Enthusiasts workshop for kids 7-12 at Environmental Learning Center. Bird Wing Aerodynamics.
Oct. 5-6 - Autumn in the Park Centennial Arts & Crafts Show in Riverside Park, Vero Beach
Oct. 11-13 - Pelican Island Preservation Society’s (PIPS) annual Indian River Bird & Nature Art Show at Sebastian River Art Club, 1245 Main St., Sebastian.
Last Saturday of each month is free admission day at Vero Beach Museum of Art.
Through Oct. 31 - The Cultural Council's Artist Registry members exhibit works depicting "Vero Beach - The Perfect Destination" at Vero Beach Regional Airport.
Through Nov. 7 - The Art of Lee G. Smith - historic Vero Beach - at the Indian River County Courthouse.
Through Dec. 15 - Vero Beach Museum of Art presents Al Weiwei's Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads: Gold in the Stark Rotunda.
Artworks by members of the Cultural Council of Indian River County will be on view through October at the Indian River County Administration Buildings A and B during normal office hours, 1801 27th Street, Vero Beach. 772-770-4857.
On the Calendar - Martin County
Sept. 25-27, 10a.m. - A Brief History of the Annual New Monrovia Bahamian Connection Festival at Robert Morgade Library.
Sept. 25, 2 p.m. - Culture Cinema: América
Peter & Julie Cummings Library Donahue Community Room
Life is easy for Diego, who works in a surf shop and performs on the boardwalk for tourists. Yet when his 93 year old grandmother, América, injures herself and his father—América’s sole caretaker—is imprisoned for negligence, Diego returns to his hometown in Mexico to help care for her with his brothers Bruno and Rodrigo.
Join us for a community-engaging discussion following the screening.
Sept. 25, 2:30 p.m. - Hobe Sound Public Library Community Room - Hobe Sound Nature Center: Tracks and Scats ... How About That?
Sept. 26, 2 p.m. - Award-winning Movies with David Opasik: First Man. Blake Library
Sept. 26, 10 a.m. - Story Time in the Gallery. Cultural Courthouse, Stuart.
Through Sept. 27 - A pictorial display of former festivals, arts & crafts of Bahamian culture, videos of the One Room School house, interviews of former students, and the one and only teacher of forty years, Mrs. Costella Williams. Robert Morgade Library, 5851 SE Community Dr., Stuart.
Sept. 27, 7 -.m. - Mardi Gras Fridays - Live Ragtime Duo in the Garden.NOTES Music Room Wine Bar, Stuart.
Sept. 29, 1 p.m. - Rock'n Riverwalk, Stuart.
Through Sept. 28 - Florida State Parks will host many opportunities to celebrate public lands through Saturday, Sept. 28, National Public Lands Day.
Through Sept. 29 - Summer of ’69 at Elliott Museum. We are honoring all-things 1969, from a real VW bus to a Vietnam-era Jeep to an exhibit from the Charles Schulz Museum featuring Snoopy blasting off with the Apollo 10 Astronauts to the moon!
Through Sept. 30 - Wildlife Photography by Fred Vaughn at House of Refuge Keeper’s Quarters.
Through Oct. 6 - Disney’s Beauty and the Beast at The Barn Theatre, 2400 SE Ocean Blvd, Stuart.
Oct. 4-20 - Bell, Book and Candle at ACT Studio Theatre, Stuart.
Oct. 4, 11:30 a.m. - The Elliott Museum presents the rescheduled History in the Making Lecture Luncheon with Charlie D’Agata, CBS News Foreign Correspondent. At Hutchinson Shores Resort, Jensen Beach. Museum membdrs $100, Non-members $125. Seating is limited; RSVP only: 772-225-1961 or
Oct. 5 - Annual New Monrovia Bahamian Connection Festival.
Every LAST Thursday of every month, 10 a.m. - Story Time in the Gallery, for families of preschool children. Court House Cultural Center. Free and open to all.
Through Dec.1 - Between the Tides exhibition at Elliott Museum continues. Artist Ron Garrett celebrates maritime heritage and the living waters. Discount on Garret’s art offered to HSMC members.
Thursday nights are Jazz Jam nights with Jim van Voorheis at Notes Wine Bar, 872 S. Colorado Ave., Stuart.
Dates vary, 10 a.m. - The Mansion at Tuckahoe in Indian RiverSide Park tours in Indian Riverside Park, 1707 NE Indian River Dr., Jensen Beach.
Third week of each month, 6 p.m. - Meeting of Martin Artisans Guild. Check website for dates.
Check the
calendar for many art classes and workshops offered by local artists.
Fridays through Feb. 14, 2020 - Pop-Up Art Market at Notes Music Room & Social House, 872 S.Colorado Ave., Stuart.
On the Calendar - St. Lucie County
Sept. 24, Oct. 8, & 22, 7- 10 p.m. - Jazz Jam at Sunrise Theatre with Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society. Ticketed.
Sept. 25 - Benefit performance for The Inner Truth Project of The Bold, the Young, and the Murdered at Pineapple Playhouse, Fort Pierce.
Sept.28 - Entries close for Best of the Best at Backus.
Through Sept. 28 - Backus Museum open special pre-season hours. Check website.
Through Sept. 28 - The Bold, The Young, and The Murdered at Pineapple Playhouse, Fort Pierce.
Through Sept. 28 - Florida State Parks will host many opportunities to celebrate public lands through Saturday, Sept. 28, National Public Lands Day.
Oct. 2, 16, 30- 6:30-9:30 p.m. - Wednesday Jazz Jam at Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens with Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society. Ticketed.
Oct. 19-20 - 32nd annual Garden Festival & Plant Sale at Heathcote Botanical Gardens.
Ongoing - Heathcote Botanical Gardens is looking for volunteers!
Every Saturday. 3-4 p.m. - Critter Crunch & Munch at
Oxbow Eco-Center
. Free, all ages, no reservation required.
On the Calendar - Brevard County
Through Sept. 29 - Brighton BeachMemoirs at Surfside Playhouse. Bryan Bergeron directs.
Through Sept. 28 - Florida State Parks will host many opportunities to celebrate public lands through Saturday, Sept. 28, National Public Lands Day.
Sept. 27-Oct. 20 - Grease at Titusville Playhouse
Through Sept. 28 - Shadow & Light, art by Jill Heveron, continues at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery, Melbourne.
Through Sept. 23 - A Second Reality at Studios of Cocoa Beach, 165 Minutemen Causeway, Cocoa Beach
Sept. 30 - Oct. 26 - Experience INDIA at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery, Melbourne
Last Friday of the month - Cocoa Village Friday Fest at Myrt Tharpe Square Gazebo 5 - 9 p.m.
Through Oct. 6 - Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella at Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse - Broadway on Brevard series.
Through October 19 - Foosaner Art Museum presents Clyde Butcher: Florida’s Photographer, 1463 Highland Avenue, Melbourne
On the Calendar - Palm Beach County
Through Nov. 2 - TATTOO: The Renaissance of Body Art at Lighthouse ArtCenter, Tequesta. “Nearly” Nude runway show Oct. 17, ticketed.
Sept. 25-29 - Man of la Mancha at Rinker Playhouse, Kravis Center, WPB
Sept. 26, 3 & 7 p.m. - Sita Sings the Blues at Jaffe Center for Book Arts, Boca Raton
Sept. 26, 7:30 p.m. - Lynn University’s Third Annual Alumni Concert at Amarnick-Goldstein Concert Hall at Lynn University
3601 North Military Trail, Boca Raton
Sept. 27-29 - Palm Beach Zoo - Last weekend of free weekend admission for kids under 13. Limit six for one paid adult.
Sept. 27, 8 p.m. - Here Comes the Sun: The Music of the Beatles at Arts Garage, Delray Beach
Sept. 27, 6-9 p.m. - Wine and Paint at Lighthouse ArtCenter, Tequesta.
Sept. 27, 5:30-10 p.m. - Art After Dark at The Norton Museum of Art, WPB
Sept. 27-29 - Uncle Vanya at FAU Studio One Theater, Boca Raton
Sept. 28 2 p.m. - Fantasia Colombiana Folkloric Dancers at the Mandel Public Library, Clematis Street, WPB. Free
Sept. 28 11 as.m. & 7 p.m. - Jack and the Beanstalk - Missoula’s Children’s Theatre - at Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center, Belle Glade.
Sept. 28, 7:30 p.m. - Hispanic Heritage Festival Concert, piano duo Gastesi-Bezerra at Helen K. Persson Recital Hall, PBAU, WPB
Sept. 29, 4 p.m. - Celebrating Celia, an homage to Celia Cruz at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Lake Worth. Free.
Through Sept. 28 - Florida State Parks will host many opportunities to celebrate public lands through Saturday, Sept. 28, National Public Lands Day.
Through Sept. 29 - When She Had Wings at Florida Atlantic University’s Theatre Lab, Boca Raton.
Through September - Free Weekend Admission for Kids at Palm Beach Zoo, WPB.
Through Oct. 6 - Beyond the Cape! Comics and Contemporary Art at Boca Raton Museum of Art.
Through Oct. 12 - Seven Solos Exhibition at Cornell Art Museum at
Old School Square
, Delray Beach.
Through Oct. 22 See and Be Seen: Picturing Notoriety at Norton Museum of Art.
Through Oct. 29 - Film Posters from the Dwight M. Cleveland Collection at the Norton Museum of Art.
Nov.9-10 - Fall Art on the Square at Cornell Art Museum at Old School Square, Delray Beach.
Through Nov. 9 - Palm Beach State College Fine Arts Faculty Exhibition at Cultural Council fo Palm Beach County, Lake Worth.
Through Nov. 26 - WHO? A Brief History of Photography Through Portraiture at Norton Museum of Art.
Through Dec. 10 - Art Crew at Arts Warehouse, Delray Beach.
Through Jan. 19 - Carol Prusa: Dark Light at The Boca Raton Museum of Art.
Through Feb. 29 - Eroica: Compared to the Rest of the World at Spady Cultural Heritage Museum, Delray Beach.
Through April 19 - Hall of Heroes at The South Florida Science Center and Aquarium, WPB.
Ongoing - Contemporary Sculpture: Sam Anderson & Michael Dean at Boca Raton Museum of Art.
Mounts Botanical Garden
, 531 North Military Trail, West Palm Beach - Cutting Corners: A Stickwork Exhibit, created from 30,000 pounds of willow during a three-week “community build.”
On the Calendar - Okeechobee County
Through Nov. 8 - Acrylic paintings by Okeechobee artist Kathie Papasso at Okeechobee Historical County Courthouse, 304 NW 2nd St., Okeechobee. Oct. 9, 5-6:30 p.m. - Artist Series reception.
Through Sept. 28 - Florida State Parks will host many opportunities to celebrate public lands through Saturday, Sept. 28, National Public Lands Day.
Oct. 9, 5-6:30 p.m. - Artist Series reception of Kathie Papasso at Okeechobee Historical County Courthouse. Reception was postponed because of Hurricane Dorian. Show runs Sept. 19-Nov. 8.
On the Calendar - Beyond the Treasure Coast
Through Sept. 28 - Florida State Parks will host many opportunities to celebrate public lands through Saturday, Sept. 28, National Public Lands Day.
Sept. 25, noon-1 p.m. - Museum Non-Fiction Book Club discusses Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly.
Sept. 27 - Fourth Friday at Henry B. Plant Museum, Tampa.
Sept. 28, 2 p.m. - Tipsy Teacup Candle Making workshop at Henry B. Plant Museum. Limited tickets.
Sept. 28, 1 p.m. - Discover Drumming Intro at Bok Tower Gardens, Lake Wales.
Through Sept. 29 - Sheila Hicks at The Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Ave., Miami Beach.
Sept. 29, 2-4 p.m. - Family Day at The Bass. Free admission all day.
Through Sept. 27, 2020 - Earth into Art - The Flowering of American Art Pottery at
Morse Museum
, Winter Park.
Oct. 5, 10 a.m.-noon - Lake Wales Museum’s History Bus Tour. An air-conditioned ride through history, with stops at historic building. Limited seating, $15, registration and payment in advance. 863-676-1759.
Through Oct. 13 - Across the Atlantic: American Impressionism Through the French Lens at
Polk Museum of Art
at Florida Southern College.
Through Oct. 24 - Botticelli & Ghirlandaio at The Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Ave., Miami Beach.
Ongoing - Volunteers are needed at Collier County Museums. Docent/Tour Guide, Greeter, Gardener, Education Assistant, Maintenance, Special Events, Special Skills & Talents -
(239) 252-8722.
Through Nov. 10 - Paul Fullerton: Forces of Nature at
Polk Museum of Art
at Florida Southern College.
Oct. 24 - 2nd annual Zombie Thriller at Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg.
Oct. 24-27 - Suwanee Hulaween at Suwanee Music Park, Live Oak. $219-349
Oct. 26-Feb. 16, 2020 - “
North Forest Lights
” at the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas
Oct. 26-27 - Lake Wales Pioneer Days Festival at Lake Wales History Museum. Vendor applications and nominations deadlines extended to Sept. 20.
Through Nov. 2 - Edison and Ford in Southwest Florida at Museum of the Everglades, Everglades City.
Through Nov. 10 - A Colored Image of the Sun at
Polk Museum of Art
at Florida Southern College.
Through Nov. 24 -Pierre Henri Matisse: Stories of Creativity at
Polk Museum of Art
at Florida Southern College.
Through Nov. 30 - Motors & Mud - 70 Years of Swamp Buggy Culture at Naples Depot Museum
Ongoing - Daily carillon concerts at Bok Tower Gardens, Lake Wales.
First Friday Jan.-Nov. - Free admission at
Henry B. Plant Museum
5-7 p.m. A docent-led tour begins at 5:15. Matt Weihmuller’s Jazz Trio.
Who: The Community Church of Vero Beach Chancel Choir
Choral Section Leaders (Alto, Tenor and Bass)
Ongoing-by appointment after submission of resume
The Community Church of Vero Beach
Section leaders provide strong musical support to the members of the Chancel Choir and congregation.
Nutcracker on the Indian River
Youth auditions Sept. 28
The Bare Truth
Written and directed by H.G. Brown. Audition dates:
November 17-19, 2019.
Show dates: January 23- February 16, 2020.
Calendar Girls
By Tim Firth; directed by Patty Holerger. Audition dates:
January 26-28, 2020.
Show dates: March 19- April 5, 2020
By Mary Chase; Audition dates:
March 22-24, 2020.
Show dates: May 14-31.
directed by Jon Putzke
Audition dates: Oct.18 @ 7 pm, Oct. 19 @ 10 am, Oct. 20 @ 2 pm
Auditioning for Jesus, Judas, Mary, Ciaphas, Annas, and Pontius Pilate at this time
Production Dates: March 11 through March 29
directed by Art Pingree
Audition dates: No. 8 @ 7 pm, Nov. 9 @ 10 am, Nov. 10 @ 2 pm
Casting Needs: 6 women
Production Dates: January 15 through January 26
JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR (supporting leads & ensemble)
Audition dates: Dec. 13 @ 7 pm, Dec. 14 @ 10 am, Dec. 15 @ 2 pm
Production Dates: March 11 through March 29
An Apron Series drama- Reader’s Theatre
Audition dates: Dec. 20 @ 7 pm, Dec. 21 @ 10 am, Dec. 22 @ 2 pm
Casting Needs: 12 men / 3 women
Production Dates: January 31 through February 2
An Apron Series drama
Audition dates: Feb. 21 @ 7 pm, Feb. 22 @ 10 am, Feb. 23 @ 2 pm
Casting Needs: 8 men / 5 women
Production Dates: April 3 through April 5
directed by Patti Hall
Audition dates: March 20 @ 7 pm, March 21 @ 10 am, March 22 @ 2 pm
Casting Needs: 3 men / 1 woman
Production Dates: May 6 through May 17
"Death and Taxes,"
Dec. 16 - 17, 7-9 p.m.
at the Freshman Campus Auditorium.
The Barn Theatre'
s Season 49, along with the audition dates for shows not yet cast, are below. Auditions are held at the theatre; 2400 SE Ocean Blvd., Stuart. Registration is at 6:30 PM, Audition begins at 7:00 PM unless otherwise noted on The Barn website.
Boeing Boeing - Show dates: November 7 - November 24. -
Audition Dates: September 22 - September 24.
The Producers (Musical) - Show dates: January 16, 2020 - February 2, 2020.
Audition Dates: October 20 - October 22, 2019
Audition Dates: January 5 - January 7, 2020.
You Should Be So Lucky - Show dates: May 7 - May 24, 2020.
Audition Dates: March 15 - March 17, 2020.
Auditions for White Christmas at
Cocoa Village Playhouse
are Sept. 28-30. Various age groups audition separately. See the website for details.
Musical Director: Spencer Crosswell.
Auditions for the Youth Performing Arts program at
Cocoa Village Playhouse
Sept. 23-25. Various age groups audition separately. See the website for details.
Won't you join us? All voice parts are welcome!
Our rehearsals are on Monday nights at 7 p.m (beginning Sept.9
) at the First Baptist Church of Vero Beach in the Music Ministry Bldg. on 15
Ave. between 22
St. & 23
What's needed to be part of TCC:
A desire to present quality entertainment to the community
A friendly “Get-to-know-you-interview”
Experience with singing harmony
Annual dues of only $60.00
Find us on Facebook!
Arsenic and Old Lace (Comedy)
Audition Dates: November 10 & 11 (7 pm)
Show Dates: January 10 - 26
Pirates of Penzance (Musical Comedy)
Audition Dates: January 12 & 13 (7 PM)
Show Dates: March 13 - 29
Sex Please, We're 60 (Comedy)
Audition Dates: March 15 & 16 (7 PM)
Show Dates: May 1 - 10
The Three Musketeers Fractured
(Comedy with Music)
Audition Dates: May 3 & 4 (7 PM)
Show Dates: June 3 - 28
Every auditioner will be notified by phone of their result, before the full cast list is announced publicly.
Surfside does not precast roles....ever.
ELF, The Musical
Audition Dates:
Oct. 6, 5:30pm (10 & Up) – Sign-up at 5:00
Oct. 7, 6:30pm (10 & Up)- Sign-up at 6:00
If unable to attend you may also audition for ELF, the Musical at the Henegar Center, 625 East New Haven Ave Melbourne.
Oct. 8, 6:30pm (10 & Up) – Sign-up at 6:00
Oct. 9, 6:30pm (10 & Up)- Sign-up at 6:00
Performance Dates: Nov. 22 – Dec. 22, 2019
Mamma Mia
Audition Dates:
Oct.r 28, 6:30pm (16 & Up)- Sign-up at 6:00
Oct. 29, 6:30pm (16 & Up)- Sign-up at 6:00
Performance Dates: Jan. 10 – Feb. 2, 2020 –
At Titusville Playhouse
Performance Dates: Feb. 7 – March 1, 2020 –
Audition Dates:
Jan. 13, 6:30pm (16 & Up)- Sign-up at 6:00
Jan. 14, 6:30pm (16 & Up)- Sign-up at 6:00
Performance Dates: Feb. 28 – March 22, 2020
Audition Dates:
Feb. 3, 6:30pm (16 & Up)- Sign-up at 6:00
Feb. 4, 6:30pm (16 & Up)- Sign-up at 6:00
Performance Dates: April 3 – 26, 2020
Audition Dates:
March 16, 6:30pm (15 & Up)- Sign-up at 6:00
March 17, 6:30pm (15 & Up)- Sign-up at 6:00
Performance Dates: May 15 – June 7, 2020
For additional information call 321-268-1125 or email Steven@TitusvillePlayhouse.com. Additional details are provided on our Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/titusvilleplayhouse301). Please check Facebook in the weeks leading up to the audition.
It’s A Wonderful Life
Audition Dates:
Oct. 8, 6:30pm (5&Up) – Sign-up at 6:00
Oct. 9, 6:30pm (5 & Up)- Sign-up at 6:00
ShowDates: Dec. 6 – Dec. 22, 2019
Mamma Mia
Audition Dates: – AUDITIONS are at Titusville Playhouse.
Oct. 28, 6:30pm (16 & Up)- Sign-up at 6:00
Oct. 29, 6:30pm (16 & Up)- Sign-up at 6:00
Performance Dates: Jan. 10 – Feb. 2, 2020 – At Titusville Playhouse
Performance Dates: Feb. 7 – March 1, 2020 – At Henegar Center
We will be offering the the cast from Titusville Playhouse 2018 show to return for this production. A list of available parts will be listed soon as we get closer to the audition dates.
A Chorus Line
Audition Dates:
Jan. 15, 6:30pm (17 & Up) – Sign-up at 6:00
Jan. 16, 6:30pm (16 & Up)- Sign-up at 6:00
Performance Dates: March 13 – 29, 2020
ALL Auditions are at Henegar Center 625 East New Haven Avenue, Melbourne. For additional information call 321-723-8698 or email Steven@Henegar.org.
Additional details are provided on our Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/HenegarCenter
Audition dates: Oct. 13, 6-8 p.m., Oct. 14, 7-9 p.m.
2399 SE Ocean Blvd, Cedar Pointe Plaza, Stuart
TCCS Chamber Singers perform primarily classical challenging music; Community Chorus, no auditions required, just a love of singing; TCCS Youth Chorus is open to all students in grades 2 through 5; and TCCS Cantate Singers is open to all middle school age students grades 6 through 9.
Calls to Artists
Listings are as listed online or submitted and have not been verified by Arts Blast
Arts Council of Martin County
, the local non-profit arts agency, invites artists to apply to be an exhibitor at our
2020 ArtsFest
. ArtsFest has an attendance of 15,000+ visitors in beautiful Memorial Park in Downtown Stuart.
Deadline to apply: September 25, 2019
The Florida Artists Group
, a non-profit, juried organization is accepting applicants from artists who live in Florida six months each year, work in art professionally, and can meet other submission requirements. Application deadline is
Sept. 28. Get details at
Backus Museum
invites amateur and professional artists to submit artwork for their annual juried exhibition, October 4-November 15, 2019.
Entries accepted: Wednesdays, September 11th-28th.
Call for Artists: Endangered Art4Apes
Embracing Our Differences 2020
. Exhibit is in Bayfront Park, Sarasota.
Deadline Oct. 8
Images: A Festival of the Arts
Jan. 24-26, 2020
- Atlantic Center for the Arts. Deadline Oct. 18.
Under the Oaks Fine Arts and Crafts Show,
Vero Beach Art Club, March 13-15.
Deadline Oct. 23.
Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens
seeks artists interested in participating in their 1st annual “Art in the Gardens” juried art show, which is scheduled for January 4th & 5th 2020.
Application Deadline: November 1, 2019.
Okeechobee Main Street Chalk Walk deadline to be posted soon.
Arts4All Florida
showcases artists with disabilities through its
Artist Registry.
All art forms are represented including visual and performing art as well as literary work. TheRegistry is a free service. For more information, contact Adult Programs Coordinator Sandra Sroka,
or 813-974-071
Deadline to Apply: Ongoing
Artwork Loan Program at State Capitol
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) is highlighting Florida-based photographers and artists in the state Capitol building. The primary interest for artwork, which will be displayed throughout Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried’s suite on the plaza level of the Capitol, is natural scenic views of Florida’s landscapes and waters. This includes but is not limited to springs, rivers, beaches, forests, prairies, and wildlife. If you have an interest in this artwork loan program, please contact Joey Hicks, Director of Administration, at
or 850-617-7000.
Ft. Pierce Jazz & Blues Society
Atlantic Classical Orchestra
Center for Spiritual Care
Galleries of Historic Downtown Vero Beach Arts District
Vero Beach Choral Society
Treasure Coast Community Singers
Treasure Coast Jazz Society
Information is to
be received in an email no later than the Friday before publication.
Use this format:
Who (organization)
What (Event)
When (dates, time)
Where (Name of venue, address)
Why (a brief description of the purpose)
Web address
Contact for public (for tickets, questions, etc.)
Then add a short, descriptive release if available.
Send only one photo, with caption, until more are requested.
Media contact with email for my followup (not for publication)
Here's a suggestion for uploading information to calendars that allow you to input your own events.
In the
of the listing, sometimes called
, make sure to include all dates in each upload. For example: Performances are on March 12-31; or the exhibit is open March 12, 14, 15, and 17. That information should be in all dates you post individually.
If you are a member of the
Cultural Council of Indian River County
, you need this information:
The deadline is MONDAY - 10 days prior to the Wednesday publication.
©2019 Willi Miller's ARTS BLAST!, all rights reserved.