In the doldrums
By Hilbert Haar ~ The World Bank has finally sounded the alarm over the progress and viability of the airport reconstruction project. At the center of its concerns are attempts by the airport-holding's board to fire director Brian Mingo and to send..
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| Airport News
Airport holding puts reconstruction funding at risk
PHILIPSBURG - The airport holding is putting financing for the terminal reconstruction project at risk if it continues with efforts to dismiss Chief Executive Officer Brian Mingo and to send the board of the exploitation company (PJAE) home. This ...
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MP Wescot-Williams questions government role in airport affair
PHILIPSBURG -- In a voicenote sent to this media house, MP Sarah Wescot-Williams voices her concerns over the whole airport holding boards saga.
In her voicenote, MP Wescot-Williams says the following and we quote:
"The letter by the director for Latin American and the Caribbean of the World Bank regarding the Princess Juliana International Airport holding boards alleged intention to dismiss its managing director. Brian Mingo does not come as a surprise to me. In fact, had nothing been said by those involved in the reconstruction and financing of the Princess Juliana International Airport, when the holdings intention was made public, that would have been worrisome.
I have publicly questioned the motives of the government and the holding board of the airport on this matter. And at the time I cautioned that this could have an adverse effect, especially given the manner in which this entire affair played out in public. It would appear that the government got the holding board to carry out its - so the government's wishes - because this government's hang up with the airport's reconstruction agreement is public knowledge. It should be recalled that the airport was one of the issues some of the current ministers used as members of parliament to beat up on their predecessors, notably the Leona Marlin cabinet ministers.
I questioned the wisdom of the move by the holding board of the airport to dismiss its managing director and even more so to do it in the way it was done. My questions to this effect were posed to both the prime minister and the minister of TEATT. But since this government has developed a habit of selectivity, when it comes to answering questions and consenting to meetings of parliament, I grasp the opportunity of the meeting regarding the law to cut salaries of semi-public entities and government owned companies. To again, pose these questions on the matter between the airport holding and the managing director.
The written answer that I then got from the prime minister has not in the least, convinced me of government's hands off in this entire affair. To the contrary, I believe the government orchestrated the whole thing. So now with this communique from the World Bank, it would behoove the government to explain its part in this affair. Did the holding board really act of its own accord? And if so, what is the government's response to all of this? Will we see a situation again where the government will wash its hands from this affair and point to the holding, thereby reneging on their responsibility as shareholder?"
Emmanuel: World Bank has no authority, says PJIA a confusion
~ Calls for Mingo’s immediate dismissal ~
PHILIPSBURG -- The World Bank has no authority to dictate to government or the airport holding board anything regarding personnel management at the Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA) and its attempt to interfere ads to an ongoing scandal at PJIA. So says Independent MP Christophe Emmanuel, adding that if the World Bank feels so strongly about involving itself in these matters, then it should indeed keep its money and let the airport holding board do its job in securing funding for the reconstruction of the airport.
PJIA holding should be given the space to get the funding and would not have to put up with more threats over funding from the World Bank and, by extension, the Dutch,” Emmanuel stated. Emmanuel was responding to the World Bank’s statement on Tuesday that warned that the funding for the airport’s reconstruction is in jeopardy if government does not ensure adequate staffing of PJIAE.
“First of all, the terms of all the agreements signed with the World Bank does not give it any authority to have any say about personnel matters. Secondly, we have to question if this letter that The Daily Herald claims it has specifically mentions airport CEO Brian Mingo by name or that was just a headline by the Herald. If it did mention his name, are we to assume that money was granted because of an individual? Not for St. Maarten? Suppose Mingo drops dead tomorrow? It is a ludicrous statement for the World Bank to make,” Emmanuel said.
He said it has come to his attention that the Council of Ministers (COM) had requested a postponement of the airport holding board’s action to dismiss CEO Brian Mingo after Mingo refused to resign as per the request of the holding board. He said the COM wanted to receive full communication from the holding board that due process was followed. “I have learned that the COM has received this information and I recommend to the holding board to move ahead and dismiss Mingo post haste and the supervisory board should be next,” Emmanuel said.
MP Emmanuel said that the World Bank statements were ironic considering the person they are allegedly defending, can’t get a bidding exercise at the airport completed. He didn’t mince any words and stated that the airport is an ongoing scandal deserving of the attention of the prosecutor’s office and run by a cartel-like PJIA Supervisory Board (PJIAE). He added that he also has questions regarding the Royal Schiphol Group (RSG) and airport bondholders. He said he hopes Parliament convenes an urgent meeting on the airport soon to discuss this latest development and some other pressing matters at PJIA.
MP Emmanuel further pointed out that the cooperation agreement signed between PJIAE, PJIAH, Schiphol Nederland B.V. and the State of the Netherlands is about to expire and some parties are eager to renew. “Renew why? What has been accomplished in two years? We are in the same place we were two years ago with nothing happening at the airport with the same people from Schiphol on the board and a CFO from Schiphol as part of the managing team. Why should that agreement be renewed,” Emmanuel questioned.
“I’ve said it a million times. St. Maarten has the money and it can fund this reconstruction. The government has to let Airport Holding do its job and make it happen. Stop bending over backwards for the World Bank and the Dutch. We have seen APS recently loan US $16 million to the marine sector. We cut civil servants salaries and benefits to save a measly $15 million. It means that the government never spoke to APS. And I have said it over and over again. Sit with your companies and get it done. That APS loan is a slap in the face to civil servants,” Emmanuel said.
“The only thing the current board, its Dutch members and the CEO have secured is a complete fleecing of the airport,” he said. To that end, the MP mentioned that the Dutch appointees at PJIA gets paid luxury amounts in euros and allegedly do not pay taxes on St. Maarten. “Mind you, they get paid with airport money, but pay no taxes? Let’s not even get into the CEO and what he has gotten from the supervisory board in addition to his regular compensation. Let’s not get into what the CEO requested from the holding board if the latter wanted him to resign. It has been a complete fleecing of PJIA while the same CEO tells the PJIA employees he has no money for them,” MP Emmanuel said.
In this context, he disclosed that the total cost for the airport project external consultants reportedly amount to over US $10 million per year, including US $237,000 for a Procurement Officer, US $234,000 for an Environmental Specialist and US $345,000 for remediation supervision. “Perks include round trip tickets, housing, car allowance and other allowances. Where is the solidarity with our people who are taking cuts to salaries while these people travel up and down and live tax free? This is just the tip of the ice berg. It is scandalous and I intend to question all of it,” the MP said.
The MP also raised issues of what he termed “blatant conflicts of interest” at the airport with the Royal Schiphol Group (RSG) appointees, supported and empowered by the supervisory board. He explained that the RSG has an employee of RSG on the supervisory board. This same RSG employee votes and evaluates RSG contracts and evaluates other RSG employees or representatives at PJIA. Furthermore, the CFO of PJIA is also a RSG employee who evaluates RSG contracts with the supervisory board as well as RSG professionals and contractors attached to the airport. “So who exactly holds who accountable and critiques contracts and processes in the best interest of St. Maarten?” the MP asked.
He also pointed out that RSG has an employee and board member on the holding board of the airport who votes on the same RSG contracts mentioned before and has a say in the appointments of Managing Directors of PJIAE and supervisory board directors of PJIAE. “These people are all evaluating and appointing themselves and colleagues from Holland and ensuring they are paid tax-free with all the perks of housing, ect. The money is not from RSG, the money is from PJIA.
Below is a letter sent on Tuesday to the minister of TEATT, the honorable Ludmilla De Weever, by MP Buncamper of the USP Faction in parliament.
Matter dismissal PJIAE CEO
Dear Minister;
Since December 3rd 2020 a meeting was requested by five MP’s including my person to discuss the companies hierarchy and structural composition, the protection of its assets and an update on the project itself. Some two (2) months further we are now confronted what in my opinion has become a complete political and legal battle with regards to the internal matter of the dismissal request of the PJIAE shareholder of the PJIAE CEO.
While normally I would not delve in the day to day running’s of the shareholders task and that of the government directly or indirectly regarding the matter at hand, it is becoming extremely worrisome to put it mildly seeing what was published in the daily herald yesterday regarding said dismissal by the World Bank and their possible pulling the funds of the project.
What has me worried is that these type of treats should not go unaddressed and the donor needs to be requested to state their position if these are also part of the conditions that came along with the program of reconstruction. Political interference has many shapes and forms and we need to ensure that the reconstruction efforts aren’t hindered by local, kingdom or foreign politics.
Based on the above madame Minister I have listed many questions below that I hope can be answered most soonest seeing the critical juncture we now find ourselves in once again regarding the reconstruction efforts at our airport.
- When I read the article of the Daily Herald I read that a letter was send to the Prime Minister regarding the possible stopping of the funding for the airport. Is this correct or was a letter also send to you as Minister of TEATT?
- The article refers that a letter was send to the board of the Holding company. Is that correct?
- Considering that PJIAH is the shareholder of PJIAE, is it correct that the shareholders is who hires and fires the CEO of PJIAE?
- What if any role does the council of ministers have in the hiring and firing of the CEO of this or any CEO of PJIAE?
- What is the task of the shareholder of PJIAE?
- Is it true that presently negotiations are ongoing between PJIAE and the Schiphol group to take over the loan presently financed by the bond holders group of New York?
- If the answer is yes what are the terms and conditions and what’s governments position regarding this matter?
- Is it true that all concessions at the airport are being turned over to the Schiphol group for exploitation instead of the present concession holders?
- Can we be provided with a copy of the letter that was send seeing the media clearly indicated they had a copy of said letter?
- Have you addressed the letter with the donor; The Dutch Government?
- Did the government of St. Maarten call the State Secretary Mr. Knops or whom ever that instructs the World Bank to as donor stop this nonsense immediately before irreparable damage is done to the country?
- Do you consider the actions of the authors of the letter as political interference?
- What’s the position of the bond holders and the European Bank regarding the position of the World Bank threatening to pulling the already allocated funds?
- Is there a regulation that states that in a project the world bank decides who the management should be on behalf of the recipient regardless of the law? I know we allow them to do as they please with our roof repair, shelter repair, school repair and landfill just to name a few.
- Are we in a crisis and can this lead to the Dutch government pulling these funds away from the World Bank and placing them in the COHO?
- If so where does this leave St. Maarten?
- What is the role of the steering committee and in particular the role of the Dutch representative in this matter and the letter issued?
- What’s the position of the government regarding the matter of the shareholder of PJIAE request for dismissal against the CEO of PJIAE?
- Has there been any discussion between the PJIAE shareholder and the government regarding the intention to dismiss the PJIAE CEO by the PJIAE shareholder?
- Am I correct in stating that all assets of PJIAE should be under the auspices of the Holding company of PJIA? Why are there still some 22 parcels of land including the one the terminal is situated one still not transferred over to the holding company and are still by the operational company?
- During the landfill program the World Bank didn’t want to move forward with the project as their reputation would be damaged by moving people from their homes etc. Are they okay with meddling in the internal countries workings that it will damage their reputation?
- Has the project started or is it once again halted and what are the contractual ramifications of such once again for the company?
- Is in your opinion the whole dismissal matter of a political nature or is it legally sound?
- Would you agree that the appointment of the CEO of PJIAE a few years back was also a political tradeoff with the appointment of the CEO of TeLEM which now has us in this dilemma of non performance?
- What is your position on the fact that the supervisory board of the PJIAE scored the CEO with a 92% evaluation passing rate and the Shareholder of PJIAE wants him dismissed for not functioning properly?
- Who is truly responsible for the evaluation of the CEO of PJIAE and what is that based on legally?
- Why are there two (2) supervisory boards at the PJIA while the harbor merged their boards many years ago to one board and TeLEM and GEBE each have one board, while all also having the same asset protection role?
- What’s the position of the corporate council on these 2 boards at the airport?
- Will government create one new board and have everyone apply to become a board member based on qualifications of the function profiles as stipulated in the articles of incorporations?
| Politics
Emmanuel wants all govt. decisions, documents regarding BTP
PHILIPSBURG - Independent Member of Parliament Christophe Emmanuel on Friday questioned Minister of TEATT Ludmila DeWeever about the financial status of the Bureau of Telecommunication & Post, in particular government's role over the years with...
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MP Buncamber on BTP: "No one oversees internet services in St. Maarten."
PHILIPSBURG -- During Friday’s Central Committee meeting the Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications (TEATT), the honorable Ludmilla de Weever, revealed that the Bureau Telecommunications and Post (BTP) is not responsible for the poor internet service being experienced on the island as the bureau is not mandated by law to carry out those services.
This was very perturbing to MP Claudius Buncamper of the USP faction in parliament. This is an indication that since 10-10-10 there has been no institution responsible for internet services on the island. “To provide proper and dependable internet service to businesses and government is an extremely important element for economic sustainability, particularly for the banking industry” MP Buncamper said.
“Since 2016 the government has been dragging its feet on the report of the integrated infrastructure for the telecommunications network which provides many benefits for consumers and operators with basically no disadvantages” the MP continued, and wondered why was it shelved so long?
The lifting of the moratorium on licenses was also queried by the MP. “It is incomprehensible that BTP has numerous doubtful debts on its books due to noncomplying license holders, and yet they are issuing new licenses.”
MP Buncamper further stated that “We must protect and safeguard our own telecommunication company, Telem, taking into account the conditions under which they carry out their duties and their concessions, as is stipulated by law.”
The MP questioned why the licenses of those not complying with the law have not been revoked and suggested that, with the assistance of BTP, legislations be prepared to allow BTP to take up the task of regulator for data protection, the Cyber emergency response team and the energy team.
The MP also queried why the unused portion of data purchased for phones and other devices are not rolled over when additional data is purchased after the due date.
As it is now, the consumer loses the unused data. The MP enquired if it is BTP who allows this, as it is understood that the license holders pay a fee to BTP based on their number of active subscribers. “Where is the regulator’s consumer protection? Is the protection only for the license holders?” the MP asked.
Many other questions, including questions regarding the exploitation of the BTP Building and other pending matters were posed to the minister of TEATT.
The minister will be back in parliament in about three weeks to answer the questions posed by the various MP’s.
MP Bijlani question objective of some MP’s in St. Maarten
PHILIPSBURG -- Member of Parliament for the United People’s Party the honorable Sidharth “Cookie” Bijlani is questioning the objective of some Members of Parliament saying it appears that their sole goal is to “criticize and topple the Government?”
MP Bijlani’s comments came on the heels of the recently passed law that formalizes a 12.5 reduction in employment benefits for civil servants and those employed at (semi-) public sector entities by the Parliament of St. Maarten. “In these difficult times, I have no desire for rhetoric but rather advice and encouragement for the Government to "leave no stone unturned" while solving our people's challenges. Contrary to the opinion of some who claim that Government has sold St. Maarten to Holland,” said Bijlani.
In March 2020 the Minister of Finance projected that an 80% SSRP relief would safeguard salaries and allowances for Civil Servants. This optimism of the local Government was met with stringent demands from The Netherlands who is expected to fund the financial relief for St. Maarten. “The Government of St. Maarten has, reluctantly, accepted The Netherlands, "take it [the relief] or leave it, "ultimatum," to ensure our citizens will get still some income in an economy that has slowed to a crawl due to the COVID-19 Global Pandemic.”
According to MP Bijlani the COVID-19 Pandemic has impacted our economy, health, and ability to educate our children in safe learning-friendly environments. He said, “This era of our lives is unlike anything we have experienced before. Not all ideas will pan out as projected based on the unique nature of the Global Pandemic. Decisions made, even with input from community leaders, may need to be changed. It is an uphill battle to figure out which approach is best. The question will become whether our citizens starve from hunger or get sick and this is not a popular thing to say but it is our reality.”
Attempts continue to be made by the Government to balance our economic activity with our health and safety needs, and in a democratic society we must accept that some voices are louder than others, but all voices should be heard. While Carnival and the Heineken Regatta were considered as a means of boosting economic activity, if done responsibly, we accept that it is a risk that with one error can easily outweigh the reward.
Bijlani urged Members of Parliament to realize that with a NAF. 550 million budget and all efforts must be made to generate economic activity, and the people of this country can't eat rhetoric and grandstanding. “As Members of Parliament, we cannot only be at the forefront criticizing Government's attempts to navigate these troubled waters. He said the fact is that despite the economic uncertainty, and personal health risks, the Civil Servants on St. Maarten were courageous to work at risk to themselves in COVID-19 and serve the community and that cannot be forgotten. “They come to work without knowing the end result for them where things like their vacation pay and other allowances were concerned, “is absolutely commendable, and we should not disrespect that with rhetoric but rather work on finding solutions so they can eventually get what belongs to them.”
“These are difficult times and we need real solutions from people who are willing to work with the Government and Parliament to achieve results that help, not results that insight and harm.” We must bring at least one solution to the floor, and not just raise our flags of resentment,” said Bijlani. He posed the question in his press release asking, “when will we recognize the need for a unified approach to get us through what will perhaps the most challenging period of our lives?” “Sacrifices will have to be made across the board if we are to survive this unprecedented economic crisis. I applaud the employers who struggle each month to pay their staff, yet they keep pushing forward in hopes of a brighter tomorrow. We must recognize that some businesses have closed their doors, and an increasing number of our citizens lose their jobs every month. So rather than fueling a struggling nation's frustration and anger, be a voice of reason and become part of the solution,” said MP Bijlani.
Brison/UP want Penal Code amended to jail car thieves for 5-years + Naf.50k
PHILIPSBURG--Leader of the United People's Party and President of Parliament in St. Maarten, the honourable Rolando Brison says UP will initiate a Penal Code amendment to raise the penalty to five (5) years in Prison and Naf.50k fine for persons convicted of car theft. According to MP Brison, this is one way to curb the spate of vehicle thefts occurring on the island in recent months.
In a press release issued Wednesday, MP Brison said the Government of St. Maarten must take urgent measures to curb the rapid rise in car thefts on St. Maarten. "This includes paying attention to those streets that are still not yet lit or that were lit but destroyed by hurricane winds," he said.
"Crime in general, and especially this type of crime can have an especially damaging impact on our already fragile economy," said MP Brison. It must be clear that whether you are an individual stealing cars or someone purchasing the parts after these vehicles are stripped, you are also at risk. “The trauma that is caused to the victims of car theft adds to the mental struggles of our citizens who already undergo the scariest experience in their lives of fighting to live in the era of COVID-19.
According to reports from within the community, car theft is becoming a weekly affair. It is not only privately owned vehicles that are being targeted but also, trucks and rented vehicles.
MP Brison said he would be asking the Minister of Justice to table car thefts as a "priority point" for investigation. The belief amongst some community members is that there are two or three groups responsible for the most recent carjacking’s. Car Rental Company Owners and owners of other businesses have complained about thefts of vehicles. Some have suggested that bandits may be targeting their cars for export to islands where they can get top dollar.
“Rather than condemning our police, our collective goal should be to work with them and strengthen their resources and give them the tools both in terms of laws and otherwise that will help them to better serve and protect our citizens and their properties,” said MP Brison.
Several vehicle owners took to Facebook to offer rewards for information, and others have conducted massive island searches for their vehicles. Sadly, Brison said not all cars stolen are recovered.
"We must recognize that St. Maarten cannot become known as a place where it is unsafe to drive a rented vehicle or purchase a vehicle and park it outside your gates for fear that it would be stolen." MP Brison warned that if we become known for car theft, it will destroy our Tourism product and worsen our already fragile economy."
According to MP Brison, the additional concern is the violence that can occur during a vehicle robbery. "Owners of vehicles are probably asking the question, “what rights do I have and how far can I go to protect my property?
"It cannot be easy to wake up one morning to find a vehicle that you use for business or personal use has been stolen." He said that the business community and the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau must come together to find ways to create awareness without raising alarms. At the same time, we must ensure that the police presence on the island increases as well.
To have single parents not being able to take their children to school after they were out of school for so long and to have the sense of safety taken away from our residents and visitors is in itself a crime against humanity.
Referring to the suggested five years for offenders Brison said, “While we are adamant that the incarceration period should be long, we want to ensure that there are active rehabilitation programs for these individuals so that they do not return to society and remain a burden on our people and economy.”
| Government News
Parliament approves laws on cost-cutting measures
A sacrifice was made, but salaries ensured ~ PHILIPSBURG - Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs together with Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion presented the three publicly debated legislative amendments to the Parliament of Sint Maarten on the cost...
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Everything You Need to Know about the COVID-19 Vaccine
The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development & Labour (Ministry VSA) Collective Prevention Services (CPS), will organize a panel discussion about the COVID-19 Vaccine rollout plan on Sint Maarten on Thursday. Various health experts will...
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20 confirmed COVID-19 cases today
PHILIPSBURG -- As of February 10th, there were twenty (20) persons who tested positive for COVID-19; however eleven (11) persons have recovered; bringing the total active cases to one hundred and seventeen (117). The total number of confirmed cases is now one thousand nine hundred and seventy two (1972).
The Collective Prevention Services (CPS) are monitoring one hundred and seventeen (117) people in home isolation. No patients are hospitalized at the St. Maarten Medical Center. The total number of deaths due to COVID-19 remains at twenty seven (27).
The number of people recovered since the first case surfaced on St. Maarten has increased to one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight (1828). One hundred and forty one (141) people are in quarantine based on contact tracing investigations carried out by CPS.
The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (VSA) Airport Health Team in collaboration with Health Care Laboratory Sint Maarten (HCLS) have tested 2419 travelers arriving at the Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA), while CPS tested 16, 065 people throughout the community. As the numbers continue to fluctuate, CPS will continue to actively execute its contact tracing measures.
As the numbers continue to fluctuate, it is imperative that everyone wears a mask, maintains a social distance of 2-meters, practice good hand hygiene and remain mindful of large gatherings.
| Justice News
St. Maarten detention system needs enhanced supervision
PHILIPSBURG - Enhanced supervision by the (European) Committee of Ministers is "of vital importance to ensure structural improvement of the St. Maarten detention system in line with international human rights standards." That is the conclusion of ...
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Progress Committee: Situation at prison gloomier than 2010
PHILIPSBURG - More than three years after Hurricane Irma there are still 21 inmates from St. Maarten housed in prisons in the Netherlands. This appears from the 38th Progress Committee report. Per January 20 of this year this represents a cost of ...
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SXM-NL agreement: 30 million euros set aside for new prison
PHILIPSURG - The government of Sint Maarten and the Netherlands have reached a political agreement on the cusp of 2021: 61,2 million Antillean guilders (30,6 million euros) in budgetary support for a period from July 1st till December 31st 2020....
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| Local News
Gov'ment inaction prevents property buyers from closing sale
PHLIPSBURG - Almost all of the 144 brand new apartments in The Emerald at Maho are sitting empty. Buyers of these apartments have been waiting for up to four months to close on the sale of these units despite the fact that many have paid their...
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| News in Dutch
Houdstermaatschappij zet reconstructiefinanciering in gevaar
PHILIPSBURG - De houdstermaatschappij zet de financiering voor de reconstructie van de luchthaventerminal op het spel als het haar pogingen doorzet om directeur Brian Mingo te ontslaan en om de Raad van Commissarissen van de...
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KLM verliest rechtszaak om landingsgelden Curaçao
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In Aruba kinderen 22 uur per dag in cel, geen bezoek
Oranjestad - Het lijken leeuwenkooien: zes gele cellen en bovenop zes anderen gestapeld. Ze staan in een loods waar geen wind komt, hoewel de Arubaanse gevangenis KIA hoog op een rots aan de kust is gebouwd. Veertien jongeren zitten er vast,...
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Curaçao scherpt wetgeving tegen witwassen en terrorisme
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Ziekenhuiscoöperatie 'Dutch Caribbean Hospital Alliance'
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| Regional News
Clyde van Putten: Statia needs to be on Winair's board
Oranjestad, St. Eustatius- Former PLP leader and Island Council member Clyde van Putten feels that St. Eustatius and Saba need to have a seat on Winair's supervisory board. Van Putten made his remarks in reaction to the news that he had,...
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| now offering shared charters to St. Kitts & Nevis
Shared charter rates from $260 US Dollars per one-way and up for groups of up to seven (7) passengers + one piece of checked luggage and one carry-on each. Submit a reservation request online at
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Should Minister Ludmilla De Weever take up seat in Parliament?
If she is next in line, yes!
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| Dutch News
OMT members voice fears about holding general election
Members of the government's Outbreak Management Team have voiced their concerns about whether next month's Dutch elections can go ahead safely. Several OMT members told NRC that the risks associated with voting should be properly assessed and, if ...
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Social media pledge political transparency
A number of social media websites have signed up to a voluntary code of conduct on combating misinformation in the run up to the Dutch general election in March, home affairs minister Kajsa Ollongren has told MPs. Snapchat, Facebook, Google,...
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Vaccine delivery rules tightened up after volunteer used van
From now on, coronavirus vaccines may only be delivered by specialist transport companies, the public health institute RIVM has confirmed, following various media reports about amateur delivery services. In one case, a caterer had been charged...
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Heineken to cut 8,000 jobs as beer sales plunge 8% in 2020
Dutch brewing giant Heineken is scrapping 8,000 jobs worldwide in an effort to cut costs, and some 300 are scheduled to go in the Netherlands, the company confirmed on Wednesday. Heineken has a global workforce of 85,000 and has been hard hit by...
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Need a Shared Charter to Curacao?
AirStMaarten now offering shared charters to Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao starting at $2000 USD per seat.
It is smarter to charter!
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