JUNE 2024

Welcome to June 2024! 

Welcome to the exciting onset of summer where the sun shines brighter and opportunities are plentiful! It's great to see what business is on the horizon, and we are bustling with activity throughout our operations floor. Together, let us drive forward with determination, passion, and a shared vision to shape a brighter and more sustainable future for our industry.

Thank you for reading Airways Insider, and as always please feel free to visit us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter!

We are thrilled to announce the recipients of the Airways Freight Corporation Academic Scholarship and Tom Hatfield Memorial Scholarship awards! This achievement is a testament to their hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence. Their passion for learning and growth has not gone unnoticed, and we are excited to see how our three recipients will continue to make a positive impact in the future. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!


Airways Freight Corporation Academic Scholarship

Jacob Collier - Sophomore, University of Arkansas Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design

Olivia Finch – Senior at Blue Eye, MO High School


Tom Hatfield Memorial Scholarship

William Wesley Penny III - Junior, University of Arkansas

majoring in Theater and Hospitality


Thanks to all who attended our 36th Annual Mudbug Bash & BBQ! A great time was had by all! Click here to see the pictures!

May Employee Appreciation Month

re-cap pictures!

Bowling Day! 

Accounting and IT Breakfast

International Breakfast

Next Gen Pizza Lunch

Trade Show Breakfast

Domestic and Truck Load Breakfast


And for the GRAND FINALE we have Chefs Dale Caudle, Ken Center and Denny Wood cookin’ up STEAK and eggs with biscuits and fresh fruit!  Thank you for making the ending of our Employee Appreciation Month so delicious! 

#Ruth’sChrisWho? #EmployeeAppreciationMonth2024 #DeliveringPerformance 

Weekly Gifts courtesy of Management!

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