From the President

Many thought that I would start my message off this month with a discussion of the Akron Bar Association’s Bocce Ball Tournament. Well, they were correct! Thanks to Judge Tom Teodosio, the Bar staff, fans, and participants who attended. A good time was had by all as the Roderick Linton Belfance team defended its crown as the 2017 Champions. If there were such a thing, I would blame foreign government interference for RLB’s loss in the finals to this year’s champions, who were anchored by Bernie Rochford and Irv Sugerman. Read more....
Akron Bar Board Votes to Oppose State Issue #1

At its September 26, 2018 meeting, the Akron Bar Association Board of Trustees voted to oppose State Issue #1 – the proposed amendment to Ohio’s constitution “ To Reduce Penalties for Crimes of Obtaining, Possessing, and Using Illegal Drugs.”

The board’s opposition is based on three specific rationales:

  • Public policy changes of this magnitude should not be made law by amending the state constitution. Such changes should be given due deliberation by the legislative and executive branches of government which can later correct problems that may arise from any unintended negative consequences of their original actions. If Issue #1 is successful, the Ohio Constitution would need to be amended a second time to eliminate any such problems, a process that could take years.

  • Judges in Ohio have great latitude in sentencing to encourage rehabilitation which is a vital public policy goal. State Issue #1 will remove the ability of a judge to threaten incarceration as the alternative to rehabilitation. For example, local judges have shared that the threat of jail time is a strong deterrent to continued drug abuse. Judges are elected for their ability to make hard decisions in difficult cases; Issue #1 takes that discretion away from them.

  • The opioid crisis has hit Ohio and Summit County hard. In response, Ohio has made great strides in developing drug and mental health courts. These specialty dockets focus on rehabilitation and are producing successful graduates who see their legal struggles come to an end. Summit County has strong drug courts which are best suited to deal with this crisis; minimizing the severity of charges for fentanyl-related crimes will not help curb the number of deaths the county is experiencing. State Issue #1 will gut the local court programs that are realizing much success. This is the wrong way to encourage rehabilitation, keep people alive, and allow them to become productive members of society again.

The Akron Bar Association Board of Trustees encourages a NO vote on State Issue #1 this election season, and it joins a growing list of organizations encouraging Ohioans to do the same. For a complete list, visit .
Akron Bar Board of Trustees Endorses Judge Linda Teodosio for OSBA

On September 26, 2018 the Akron Bar Association Board of Trustees endorsed the candidacy of former ABA President Judge Linda Tucci Teodosio for the role of Ohio State Bar Association President-Elect. Judge Teodosio is seeking election in 2019 to serve as president-elect from 2019-2020 and as OSBA president for 2020-2021. Judge Teodosio was an effective leader of the Akron Bar Association during her tenure and her experiences in that role will positively impact her ability to lead the OSBA in the same manner.

Think You'd Like to Serve on the Akron Bar Board of Trustees? Apply Now!

  The Nominating Committee is now accepting applications from members who are interested in serving on the Board of Trustees. 

Applicants must be an active member in good standing with substantial involvement in Akron Bar Association’s sections and/or committees. Prior or current experience as a chair or vice-chair of a committee or section is preferred.

If you are interested in serving on the Board of Trustees, please send an e-mail to the Chair of the Nominating Committee, Dave Lewis ( ) on or before  NOVEMBER 1, 2018.

Your e-mail should describe your involvement with the Akron Bar Association and explain your interest in serving on the Board.
Will You Be Listed Correctly
in the 2019 Legal Directory?

Each year when the Akron Bar Legal Directory comes out, we get complaints about errors. Firms relocate, attorneys move between firms - our membership is in a constant state of flux.

Only by updating your member record with us can you be assured that your information in the print and online directories is correct.

Please take a moment to log into your member record and update your information. If you have not logged in since May 2018, you will need to set up new login credentials. Visit and choose "Member Login" at the very top of the page, to the right of our logo. (If you are accessing the site from a mobile device, click on "Menu," then "Member Center," and then "Member Login.")

If you have any issues with logging into your record, please call Member Services at 330.436.0105 or email .
Franz Would Miss You
If You Miss Oktoberfest!
Thursday, October 18, 2018
5 pm
Akron Bar Association Office
Veterans Administration Aid & Attendance Rules
Change October 18, 2018
By Laurie G. Steiner, CELA

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has finalized new rules that establish an asset limit, a look-back period, and asset transfer penalties for claimants applying for VA needs-based benefits. This is a change from current regulations, which do not contain a prohibition on transferring assets prior to applying for benefits such as Aid and Attendance.
The VA proposed the new regulations in January 2015. Three years later, after receiving more than 850 comments, the VA has finally published the final regulations.

October 19
Noon - 1 pm
1.0 CLE Credit Hour
Hosted by: Estate Planning, Probate, and Elder Law Section
October 23
Noon - 1 pm
1.0 CLE Credit Hour
Hosted by: Disability Law Section

7:30 am
Portage Country Club

November 12
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
6.0 CLE approved (including 1 hour of professional conduct)
Hosted by the Family Law Section

Click on the underlined title above for more information and to register.

Save the Date, Registration Coming Soon!
November 8
Noon – 1 pm
Summit County Juvenile Court
Changes to Child Support
Hosted by: The Juvenile Court Committee
1.0 CLE anticipated

November 12
The Annual Dean Carro Criminal Law Update
Hosted by: The Criminal Law Section
3.0 CLE anticipated
November 29
8:30am – 11:45am
Fluff Is for Pillows, Not Legal Writing featuring “CLE Performer” Stuart I. Teicher
3.0 CLE approved

November 30
9 am – 12:15 pm
How to Handle the Basic Auto Accident
3.0 CLE anticipated

December 5
2:30 pm - 4 pm
Administrative Law CLE
1.5 CLE anticipated

December 6 & 7
New Lawyer Training
12 Hours NLT Anticipated

December 6
Holiday Celebration at the Bar
5 pm

February 2, 2019
Annual Akron Bar Foundation Gala
In Memoriam

David Brennan
October 14, 2018

From the Akron Beacon Journal, Monday, October 15, 2018

Akron industrialist and philanthropist David Brennan — who once carried the nickname “the Wizard of Main Street” — died Sunday afternoon. He was 87.

Brennan was best known in recent years for founding the for-profit charter school company White Hat Management in 2000 and donating millions of dollars to Summa Health System. White Hat Management, a pioneer of school choice in Ohio, sold the last of its contracts to run charter schools in August.

“His biggest contribution was helping so many young people in the state of Ohio through his work with school choice,” his daughter Nancy Brennan said Monday. “Through his efforts, he changed the lives of thousands of young people.”

From Community Legal Aid

Pro Bono Service Truly is Priceless

By Steven McGarrity
Executive Director
Community Legal Aid Services

Justice. This principal right of all Americans doesn’t come easy or often to those who can’t afford legal support. Just ask the unemployed factory worker weeks away from foreclosure on her home. Consider the senior surviving on a fixed social security income and facing ongoing threats – and lost sleep – from a persistent predatory lender.

Emeritus Attorney Michael Sermersheim tries to bridge gap by serving as a Legal Aid pro bono attorney. Michael says he donates his legal expertise with great satisfaction and in response to a call he heard long ago. “It’s a deeply rewarding experience to work with clients, to field their questions and try to help them out,” he recently shared.

Member News

Day Ketterer and Goldman & Rosen Merge

Day Ketterer Ltd. is delighted to announce its merger with the law firm of Goldman & Rosen Ltd. The addition of Goldman and Rosen adds six attorneys and significantly increases the depth of Day Ketterer’s family law, bankruptcy and real estate practices. The merger brings the total of Day Ketterer attorneys to forty-five practicing out of the Firm’s offices in Canton, Akron, Hudson and Youngstown. Read more....
From the Courts

Probate Court Releases Caregiver Videos Series:
Help for both family caregivers and professionals

Caregivers in Summit County now have an additional resource for information and support available through the Summit County Probate Court at .

“These videos offer information for family members who are caregivers navigating the system as well as professionals working within caregiving fields,” said Probate Court Judge Elinore Marsh Stormer. “Family members provide crucial service to their loved ones. Our hope is to support them along the way.”

Court of Common Pleas Seeking Candidates for Appointment to the CBCF Governing Board

Appointment CBCF-2018-1
The Court of Common Pleas – General Division is accepting applications for the appointment to the Summit County CBCF Governing Board, to serve a Three-year term commencing November 8, 2018. This position is currently held by Anthony O’Leary. Candidates for this appointment should send a letter of interest along with their qualifications to the Summit County Courthouse, Court Executive Office, 209 South High Street, Akron, OH 44308 no later than October 20, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. and indicate they are seeking appointment to CBCF-2018-1

Appointment CBCF-2018-2
The Court of Common Pleas – General Division is accepting applications for the appointment to the Summit County CBCF Governing Board, to serve a Three-year term commencing November 8, 2018. This position is currently held by J. Dean Carro. Candidates for this appointment should send a letter of interest along with their qualifications to the Summit County Courthouse, Court Executive Office, 209 South High Street, Akron, OH 44308 no later than October 20, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. and indicate they are seeking appointment to CBCF-2018-2

Summit County Common Pleas Court General Division
Awarded Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs Grant

Summit County Common Pleas Court Administrative Judge Amy Corrigall Jones is pleased to announce a grant award of $599,978 from the Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs to pilot the Swift, Certain, and Fair (SCF) Supervision Model in the Summit County Adult Probation Department. The Innovative Responses to Behavior in the Community: Swift, Certain and Fair Supervision FY2018 Competitive Grant will provide funding over three years to pilot and implement the SCF Model under the Summit County Offender Recidivism Reduction Project (SCORR). 

Summit County Probate Court to host an art show with Summit DD
Show Highlights Art for All abilities

Summit County Probate Court will team up with Summit DD to again bring art to the Summit County courthouse. The art show will highlight various DD artists from across our community October 15 thru November 16, 2018. 
“Last year’s show was a highlight of the art events we were able to bring to the court house,” said Judge Elinore Marsh Stormer. “Our partnership with Summit DD brings awareness of the abilities of these talented artists to the public eye and continues to allow respite through art in this amazing public space.”

A special reception and meet and greet with the artists will be held on Oct 22, 2018 from noon to 1 p.m. in the court house atrium. Artists will discuss the inspiration for their work and punch and cookies will be served. Many of the works will be for sale with the proceeds going directly to the artists.

Online/Self-Study CLE

The Akron Bar Association, in cooperation with other members of the Ohio Metropolitan Bar Association Consortium (OMBAC), is pleased to announce a new and improved platform for all of your self-study/online CLE needs. 

If you have not logged into our online CLE catalog since May 1, 2018, then - before you can complete a purchase - you must first reset your password using the email address associated with your old online CLE account.

Courses Completed Prior to 5/1/2018:
Your completion information and certificates of attendance have been transferred over to your new account and can be viewed after you log-in.

However, if you do not see completion information and certificates of attendance for programs you completed prior to May 1, 2018, you should:

  1. Go to
  2.  Log into your Legacy Account using your email address associated with your old OMBAC account.
  3. If you have not logged into the OMBAC site since May 1, 2018, then you need to reset your password using the email address associated with your old OMBAC account.

If you have any trouble logging in or resetting your password - please contact tech support at 877-602-9877.
Don't Forget the "Clothing for Indigent Defendants" Service
The Akron Bar, in partnership with Goodwill Industries, has completed the protocols and procedures for giving defense counsel access to courtroom-suitable clothing for their indigent clients. Click here for the procedure to obtain clothing....

Thanks to all who have been cleaning out their closets and contributing to the "Fill the Closet" Drive! We're almost ready to send another van full of clothing to Goodwill. Please donate today!
Fastcase Tips

You don’t even need to finish typing your search to get assistance from Fastcase. Type ahead suggests search phrases and specific documents based off of what you have typed so far. Simply click and go to see relevant responses with no further work.

Akron Bar Association
57 South Broadway, Akron, OH 44308
Phone: (330) 253-5007
Fax: (330) 253-2140