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        Akron City Council

        Weekly Legislative Spotlight

From the Desk of the Council President

Hello Joan,

Welcome to Issue 13 of Akron City Council's Legislative Spotlight.

To our new subscribers, we are so excited that you have decided to join us!

Weekly, we share highlights from the Council's legislative agenda from the previous Monday's Committee and Council meetings. We also feature the definitions of and information about commonly used terms and acquaint you with council-related facts.

Please stay connected and abreast of the legislative agenda of Akron City Council.

We believe the information shared in each week's Legislative Spotlight will educate, empower and liberate you to become increasingly engaged with your City Council in making Akron a better place to live for all of its residents.

Happy Reading!


                                                              Margo Sommerville 

                                 Council President

                                                   Ward 3 Council Member

Legislative Highlights From Monday, November 28th, 2022

ORDINANCE NO. 329-2022 authorizing the Mayor or his designee, without the formality of publicly advertising for bids, to enter into a contract or contracts with Axon Enterprises for a contract renewal for Tasers and Taser related equipment; and declaring an emergency.

The following Conditional Use Ordinances were read in and referred to the Planning & Economic Development Committee for public hearings:

ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to establish a special event center/banquet hall at 133 Merriman Road; and declaring an emergency. (Public Hearing will be held 12/12/22)

ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to construct a commercial facilities and grounds building at 389 Edgewood Avenue; and declaring an emergency. (Public Hearing will be held 12/12/22)

ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to establish a Type A daycare home at 1182 Tulip Street; and declaring an emergency. 

ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to construct an oversized garage addition at 525 Glenway Drive; and declaring an emergency.

ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to establish an auto dealership at 338 N. Arlington Street; and declaring an emergency.

ORDINANCE authorizing a Conditional Use to establish a Type A daycare home at 393 E. Woodsdale Avenue; and declaring an emergency.

You can find notices for upcoming public hearings here. They are posted on our website and advertised in the Akron Beacon Journal at least 15 days prior to the public hearing.

To learn more about the Conditional Use process, see Akron Municipal Code Title 15, Chapter 153, Article 14.



You can see all the legislation discussed during the November 28th meeting at:

A presentation on ARPA is scheduled for December 5, 2022 during the

Budget & Finance Committee meeting at 3:00 p.m.

Please view the Progress Tracker.

The City created this dashboard to share details regarding spending of funded ARPA projects and provide the residents with a clear view into where each dollar is going.

If you have any questions regarding this information, please email

Read more about Leaf Cleanup here.


 A formal request for consideration of a proposal for action by Council members. Examples include a motion to pass an ordinance, a motion to amend, or a motion for time.

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 Akron City Council

Margo Sommerville, President

166 S. High Street, 3rd Floor

Akron, OH 44308

(330) 375 - 2256

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