Legislative Highlights From Monday, February 27th, 2023
RESOLUTION NO. 38-2023 expressing opposition to Ohio General Assembly H.B. 1, a bill which would flatten Ohio’s income tax down to a single rate, resulting in a significant loss of revenue to schools and local governments; and declaring an emergency. (Vote 12-0; Kammer absent)
ORDINANCE NO. 39-2023 approving the historic designation of 243 Furnace Street (former Federal Warehouse and Storage Building) as a historic landmark; and declaring an emergency. (Vote 12-0; Kammer absent)
RESOLUTION NO. 45-2023 declaring the month of March 2023 Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in the City of Akron, to raise awareness about developmental disabilities in the local community and to recognize and celebrate the many individuals, families, agencies, and community partners that contribute to strive to give affected individuals the full benefits of citizenship; and declaring an emergency. (Vote: 12-0; Kammer absent)
Below are ways you can help celebrate this month. More details are available on the Summit DD website:
Inclusion Days at the Zoo: Wear orange and get in free March 4 – 6
Inclusion Day: Order your free inclusion day kit here and celebrate by wearing orange
March 30: Community Appreciation Breakfast and Awards Ceremony
Citizens' Police Oversight Board:
A Substitute Offered as an Amendment was read in:
RESOLUTION approving and confirming the appointment by Akron City Council of Donzella Anuszkiewicz, Renatta Griffith-Hambrick, Diane Lewis, Caitlin Castle, Robert Gippin, and Kemp Boyd to the Akron Citizens’ Police Oversight Board, as established by Charter Section 68a; and declaring an emergency. The Public Safety Committee took time.
The following legislation was also read in:
OFFERED BY PRESIDENT SOMMERVILLE: RESOLUTION approving and confirming the appointment by Akron City Council of Donzella Anuszkiewicz, Imokhai Okolo, Diane Lewis, Caitlin Castle, Robert Gippin, and Kemp Boyd to the Akron Citizens’ Police Oversight Board, as established by Charter Section 68a; and declaring an emergency. Council resolved into a Committee of the Whole so that the entire Council could consider the issue. This is permitted under Rule 3.5. This Resolution did not receive 9 affirmative votes as required by Charter Section 68a.
You can see all the legislation discussed during the February 27th meeting at: https://onlinedocs.akronohio.gov/OnBaseAgendaOnline/