Legislative Highlights From Monday, October 28, 2024
Ordinance No. 371-2024 amending and/or supplementing Title 9, “General Provisions,” Chapter 101, “Trees and Shrubs,” Section 101.13, “Tree Commission,” of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Akron; and declaring an emergency. Vote: Ayes: 12, Nays: 0 (Kammer absent). This legislation increases the number of residents that serve on the Tree Commission and includes a representative from Keep Akron Beautiful. The Tree Commission meets remotely on the third Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Learn more here.
Resolution No. 373-2024 urging support for Issue 27, the 1.29 mills bond issue for rebuilding North High School and the 7.6 mills operating levy proposal for operating programs, services, and facilities of the Akron Public Schools; and declaring an emergency. Vote: Ayes: 12, Nays: 0 (Kammer absent). Learn more about the levy proposal here.
Ordinance No. 375-2024 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts with the Minority Behavioral Health Group for the purpose of hiring personnel for the Street Team Pilot Program; and declaring an emergency. Vote: Ayes: 12, Nays: 0 (Kammer absent). You can learn more about this program by viewing the presentation given to the Budget & Finance Committee here.
Ordinance No. 376-2024 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts with the Greater Akron Chamber Foundation to provide matching funds for the State of Ohio Innovation Hub Grant Program; and declaring an emergency. Vote: Ayes: 12, Nays: 0 (Kammer absent). The Greater Akron Chamber applied for and was awarded grant funding from the State's Innovation Hubs Program in order to help the Greater Akron Polymer Innovation Hub Project, led by the Polymer Industry Cluster through the Greater Akron Chamber Foundation. Learn more here.
You can see all the legislation discussed during the meeting at: https://onlinedocs.akronohio.gov/OnBaseAgendaOnline/