Legislative Highlights From Monday, January 13, 2025
Resolution No. 8-2025 honoring the life of Mary L. Lombardo and expressing condolences and sympathy to her family on her recent passing; and declaring an emergency. Vote: Ayes: 12, Nays: 0 (Garrett absent). Mary was an excellent florist as well as an integral member of several community organizations and societies. The members of Akron City Council mourn with the Lombardo family and extends their deepest condolences.
Resolution No. 13-2025 supporting the Ohio Municipal League’s challenge of AT&T’s Tariff Application at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio; and declaring an emergency. Vote: Ayes: 12, Nays: 0 (Garrett absent). The Tariff Application proposes tariff changes which will require municipalities in which AT&T is located in the municipality's public right of way to pay the full cost of any relocation or undergrounding of AT&T's facilities, regardless of the reason for the relocation. Any challenges to the application must be filed prior to January 17, 2025 to allow the PUCO to pause the automatic approval process.
Ordinance No. 14-2025 amending Title 11, “Business Regulations,” Chapter 111, “Regulations Governing Specific Businesses,” Article 1, “Ambulances and Emergency Medical Services,” Section 111.008 “Charges for emergency medical services and other public safety services,” of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Akron; and declaring an emergency. Vote: Ayes: 12, Nays: 0 (Garrett absent). This updates the charges to better reflect current costs associated with Akron EMS transport and life-support services.
The Budget & Finance Committee received an ARPA update. You can view that presentation here.
You can see all the legislation discussed during the meeting at: https://onlinedocs.akronohio.gov/OnBaseAgendaOnline/