Legislative Highlights From Monday, January 27, 2025
Ordinance No. 20-2025 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into an agreement or agreements with the Ohio and Erie Canalway Coalition to pursue and obtain funding and to construct various projects associated with the Summit Lake Vision Plan; and declaring an emergency. Vote: Ayes: 13, Nays: 0. The Summit Lake Vision Plan is a key element of the Akron Civic Commons project along the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail and this project will supplement already acquired funds. Learn more about the Summit Lake Vision Plan here.
Resolution No. 23-2025 formally recognizing the tragic loss of the life of Jazmir Tucker; expressing deepest condolences and sympathy to the family of Jazmir Tucker; and declaring an emergency. Vote: Ayes: 13, Nays: 0. City Council recognizes the pain, suffering, and grief of the family of Jazmir Tucker and wishes to express its heartfelt condolences for this loss.
Ordinance No. 25-2025 authorizing the Director of Public Service, or his designee, to enter into an agreement or agreements with Samsara, Inc., without the formality of publicly advertising for bids, for the 36-month lease of hardware and accessories, including vehicle locators, dash cameras, and asset trackers, for all Public Service Department vehicles and equipment; and declaring an emergency. Vote: Ayes: 13, Nays: 0. Leasing additional hardware and accessories will improve fleet management and efficiency. Director of Public Service Chris Ludle explained some of the benefits of this, including the ability for the driver to report street lights being out or potholes that need repairing while performing other duties. If you notice these things, you can call 311, report using the online system, or download the "MyAkron311" app.
Ordinance No. 30-2025 authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to accept and expend the 2025 Childhood Obesity Prevention and Environmental Health and Sustainability Award funds from the United States Conference of Mayors to assist with start-up costs for Summit Fresh Mobile Market; and declaring an emergency. The City seeks to use award funds to assist with start-up costs for Summit Fresh Mobile Market, a newly formed nonprofit that will make fresh produce and other grocery items available in food desert communities in Akron. Vote: Ayes: 13, Nays: 0. You can read the Press Release about this grant here. You can view the full Health & Social Services Committee meeting here or watch this video.
You can see all the legislation discussed during the meeting at: https://onlinedocs.akronohio.gov/OnBaseAgendaOnline/