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From the Desk of the Council President

Hello Joan,

Welcome to our new subscribers. We are glad you joined us! To our regular subscribers, welcome back! Thank you for continuing to receive our newsletter and your commitment to staying informed and engaged through your Akron City Council's Legislative Spotlight subscription.

We hope you enjoy the information shared each week, including highlights from the Council's legislative agenda from the previous Monday's Committee and Council meetings. Definitions, information about commonly used terms, and council-related facts are also featured.

The information shared in each week's Legislative Spotlight will continue to educate, empower, and liberate you to become increasingly engaged with your City Council in making Akron a better place for all its residents.


                                                             Margo Sommerville 

                                 Council President

                                                   Ward 3 Council Member

Legislative Highlights From Monday, February 24, 2025

Ordinance No. 61-2025 authorizing the Director of Public Service, or his designee, after publicly advertising for bids, to enter into a contract or contracts to replace lead service lines throughout the city; and declaring an emergency. Vote: Ayes: 12, Nays: 0 (DeShazior abstained). Consistent replacement of galvanized house lines on private property formerly downstream of lead service lines protects public and environmental health, and further reduces the risk of lead exposure in the City's water distribution system.

Ordinance No. 62-2025 authorizing the Director of Public Service, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts, after publicly advertising for bids, for the construction of the 2025 Water Main Replacement Program; and declaring an emergency. Vote: Ayes: 12, Nays: 0 (DeShazior abstained). Annually recurring replacement of chronically-breaking and deteriorating water mains reinforces the water distribution system to enhance system efficiency, increase pressure and flow, and improve water quality.

Ordinance No 63-2025 authorizing the Director of Public Service, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts, after publicly advertising for bids, for construction of the Rubber City Heritage Trail Project – Phase 2; and declaring an emergency. Vote: Ayes: 12, Nays: 0 (DeShazior abstained). When complete, the Rubber City Heritage Trail will be a multi-use path that will stretch approximately six miles through the City of Akron, linking several neighborhoods. Phase 2 will extend the existing multi-use asphalt trail, include enhanced pedestrian street crossings, curb bump outs, trail nodes, benches, garage receptacles, conduits for future fiber optic network expansions, and connect to Middlebury Gateway Plaza.

Ordinance authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to enter into a contract or contracts, without publicly advertising for bids, with Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP for the provision of a comprehensive use of force and community engagement assessment for the Akron Police Department; and declaring an emergency. This legislation was introduced on December 16, 2024. After lengthy discussions, the Public Safety Committee recommended an Adverse Report. Vote on the Adverse Report: Ayes: 9, Nays: 4 (Boyes, Davis, Garrett, Omobien). The Ordinance was filed.



You can see all the legislation discussed during the meeting at:

Ring Doorbell Cameras

Each ward was allotted 300 cameras. The staff has worked hard to distribute these at ward meetings, before Council meetings, and during office hours.

Attention Wards 1, 2, & 3!!

There are still cameras available in these wards. If you were approved but didn't pick up, please contact our office at 330-375-2256.

Check out the calendar on

Council's website for

upcoming Ward Meetings!

Lock 3 Survey

As warmer months approach, the City is working to program Lock 3 as an exciting and welcoming place to celebrate the City of Akron. Please take the survey by scanning the QR code or clicking here to share your feedback!

Keep America Beautiful 2024 Innovation Merit Award

Keep Akron Beautiful won the Keep America Beautiful 2024 Innovation Merit Award for the Recycle Right program, in partnership with the City of Akron for a city with a population of 100,001 to 250,000. This ceremony took place at the Keep America Beautiful Conference in Washington, D.C. on February 12th, 2025.

The Keep America Beautiful Innovation Awards honor affiliates that have developed innovative partnerships and programs to advance the mission of Keep America Beautiful. These awards spotlight true innovation, including unique ideas or methods, and/or creative or non-traditional approaches to overcoming challenges. The Innovation Awards acknowledge new ideas and concepts that help contribute to organizational growth. An innovative partnership or program may be original in concept or involve the development of novel and distinct methods within established partnerships or programs. 

Watch this video explaining more!

Your Council Representative

Is Available to Serve You!

There are several ways to reach your Ward Representative:

Each week, we will feature a different

City Council Member.

Be sure to check out upcoming issues of our legislative spotlight for more!

Upcoming Open Comment

Public Hearings

March 17, 2025

5:00 p.m. Special Meeting

Ordinance amending/supplementing Title 15, Chapter 153, “Zoning Code”, Article 6 “Development and Area District Requirements”, Section 153.305 “Residence Requirements” and Section 4.3.3. “Walls and Fences” of the City of Akron Form-Based Code to amend fencing requirements.

Ordinance authorizing a Conditional Use to establish a dual-use cannabis dispensary at 235 E. Waterloo Road.

Ordinance approving the renewal application of Robert Dunkler to have agricultural property at 1395 Collier Road placed in an "agricultural district" pursuant to Revised Code Section 929.01.

Notices are posted on our website at least 15 days before the meeting.

Suppose the Ordinance is a Conditional Use (Zoning measure). In that case, a notice is also mailed to the owners and residents of property within, contiguous to, and directly across the street from the property involved in the Ordinance (per Charter Section 34). Notices are also published in the Akron Beacon Journal.

You do not need to fill out any forms to participate. You can attend in-person in Council Chambers or remotely via videoconference.

Those wishing to attend remotely need to notify the Clerk of Council, as outlined in the meeting notice, to receive the information to join remotely.

Please Help Us Get The Word Out!

Enjoying the Legislative Spotlight?

Why not share it with your friends and neighbors? The QR code will take them directly to the sign-up page on

our website.

311- Akron's One Call to City Hall

If you have a specific city issue that you'd like to see resolved (a pothole, water leak, tree down, missed trash collection, etc.), you can enter it in the online system, call 311, or download

the "MyAkron311" app.

The app is available for free on all Apple or Android devices in the app store.

After downloading, residents can create a profile, enter a service request, look up timely city information, and set up notifications specific to their address such as trash/recycling collection reminders.

Public Comment Period

A public comment period is held at each regularly scheduled Council meeting, where up to ten (10) members of the public may address Council on matters within Council's authority. No member of the public shall be permitted to address Council during the public comment period more than once every 30 days.

Those who wish to participate in the public comment period of a regular Council meeting need to submit a public comment form by 4:00 p.m. on the date of the meeting.

The sign-up form is available here.

This brief video demonstrates how to fill out the form.

For those that do not have a mobile device/computer to utilize, or need additional assistance, Council staff is available to help.

Signing up is a requirement of Council Rules, similar to other bodies.


When a member of Council elects not to vote on a particular motion.

Abstention is addressed in Council Rule 5.8. Abstentions shall not be used by any member of Council in order to avoid taking a position on an issue. Abstentions are for a conflict of interest or other legitimate reason which prohibits a member of Council from voting on a particular matter.


You can view the Rules of Procedure for Akron City Council here.

Declaring An Emergency

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You can see past issues of the

Legislative Spotlight on our website.

 Akron City Council

Margo Sommerville, President

166 S. High Street, 3rd Floor

Akron, OH 44308

(330) 375 - 2256

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