Trash/Recycle Bins
Please remember that trash/recycle bins may not be visible from the front of the home on non-trash days! If you are placing the receptacles out the night before, please place them after 6:00 p.m.

CC&Rs, Article IV, Section 4.4. (m) All containers and other facilities for trash disposal must be located and screened in a manner approved by the ARC.

DRGs, Section 3. 7. Trash Containers Trash must be stored in covered containers, which shall be kept in the garage or backyard or in an area that is screened from public view, except when they are being made available for collection, and shall be subject to restrictions in Declaration. Screening from public view can be accomplished through the use of plantings, fencing, or a wall matching the mason materials used at the front of the home. Screening must comply with the 15' setback requirements.

If you have questions, please contact Leslie Ramos at the Association Office at 210-740-4976
or via email at lramos@ccmcnet.com