Recap of Fourth of July Weekend

Public Safety Calls for Service

Albemarle County Police and Fire Rescue Departments work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to ensure the safety of those in Albemarle County. During the recent Fourth of July holiday weekend, these two public safety departments received a total of 996 calls for service. Requests for help varied from complaints about fireworks to vehicle crashes to medical conditions to fire alarms and were responded to by career personnel, volunteers, and sometimes both.

One stat that stands out - there were zero fatal crashes over the holiday weekend. 

The individuals of these departments are proud to serve this community, and our entire organization is thankful for their outstanding commitment to the well-being of the people of Albemarle County.

A Holiday in the Life of a Fire Marshal

Independence Day is synonymous with fireworks. ACFR's Fire Marshal's Office works with all public and private aerial fireworks displays in our county, not just on busy weekends like Fourth of July, but the many shows that celebrate milestones throughout the year.

Before any fireworks display can begin, an ACFR Fire Marshal (FM) completes an inspection of the display set-up to ensure proper safety protocols are in place. Pyrotechnicians must be credentialed and show proof of such to the FM. 

Once the display has been inspected, the FM works with the venue to ensure people are not sitting within a certain radius of the launch area based on the size of the mortars being used. This is to protect people not only from debris, but any potential misfired fireworks. The FM then addresses any issues or needs that come up - in one case over the weekend a drone operator that was flying near the launch area had to be found to explain why it was unsafe to fly the drone where fireworks were being displayed.

The FM's job is not over when the show begins. They track each firework as it's launched to count any that don't explode in the air. After the show, the FM will work with the pyrotechnician to find any undetonated fireworks and watch for potential flare-ups from debris.

Did you know...

  • Sparklers can burn over 1200 degrees.
  • Fireworks were invented more than 2,000 years ago.
  • The Walt Disney Company is the largest consumer of fireworks in the world.
  • Fireworks are explosions of numerous small pellets of black powder called stars.
  • How stars are arranged within the firework shell determines the shape of the firework.
  • Various compounds added created the colors we see. For example, the compound containing barium creates a green firework explosion.
County of Albemarle | 401 McIntire Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22902 | (434) 296-5841 | [email protected] |
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