Alder Creek Middle School PTO Newsletter
January 2021
Calendar of Events
The Alder Creek Parent Teacher Organization is here to help enrich and support the parent - teacher - student community at ACMS. We welcome your ideas and input at any time via email, All parents are considered members of our PTO. There are many ways to be involved in PTO activities; the opportunities vary in commitment and we are grateful for any time you have to give. 
Wednesday, January 13th, 8:30 am via Zoom: PTO Meeting
Wednesday, January 13th, 5:45 pm, Virtual: Family Connections Night
Monday, January 18th: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, NO SCHOOL
Thursday, January 4th: Last Day to Enter Tamale Raffle Fundraiser
Upcoming Events
ACMS PTO Meeting
Wednesday, January 12th, 8:30 am
Zoom Virtual Meeting
New day and time! Join us to find out more about what we’re doing and what you can do to help! Please email for the Zoom meeting information.
Here's your chance to make a change and give your input!
Family Connections Night
Wednesday, January 13th, 5:45 pm
Virtual Meeting
The purpose of this night is for parents to meet their child’s teachers and be given a brief overview of what curriculum will be taught/learned this year. Additionally, parents will get a sense of what their child’s day is like as they travel through their child’s daily schedule virtually. Join using your student’s TTUSD email and log in. Please ask your child to share the invitation letter and schedule.
The school counselors will be available during Family Connections Night. Please join this meet link if you are interested in speaking with a counselor. They will be in the meet from 5:15 pm to 5:45 pm and again from 7:15 pm to 7:30 pm. Please follow this link to view the counselor introduction video. 
If you have trouble locating a link to a teacher’s class during Family Connections Night, please visit this link to ask for live guidance to assist you with the appropriate class link.
Touchdown Tamale Fundraiser
Donate by February 4th, 3:30 pm
Here's your chance to win one of 12 tamale dinners, just in time for the Super Bowl! Raffle tickets are $10 each, available between now and Thursday, February 4th. Winners will be selected and notified at 5 pm on Thursday, February 4th. Tamales will be available to take home on Friday, February 5th, just in time for the big game weekend. Raffle donations may be submitted by visiting ACMS PTO Tamale Fundraiser page.
Thank you so much for supporting our school!
Other News
ACMS Yearbooks
Yearbooks are on sale now! Please order early so we know how many to print by following this link: Buy your ACMS Yearbook!
Since things are different this year, we need your help with yearbook photos. We need images of students doing things! Hobbies, Game Nights, Birthdays, Cooking, Playing, Building, Chores, Reading, Studying, Practicing Instruments, Exercising, Playing in the Snow, Riding Bikes, Skateboarding, Ice Skating, etc. Please submit photos for the 20/21 ACMS Yearbook HERE.
Also - we need art for the divider pages of the yearbook. If you are interested, please draw or paint or use whatever art medium you prefer, including digital art, that represents the "silver linings" that you can find in these trying times. Email an image of your art to
ACMS Spirit Wear For Sale Soon!
The first round of Spirit Wear arrived and is being enjoyed by ACMS students! We will offer spirit wear for sale again soon via an online website. Stay tuned!
What's Happening at School?
The daily bulletin is available to everyone on YouTube! Take a moment in the morning to view the bulletin here and stay informed. Cougar News and the calendar of events, are available on the ACMS school website.
Past Events
PTO Meeting Summary
All parents and staff are members of the PTO. Please join us for a meeting any time! Here's a summary of our last PTO meeting:
Ongoing Programs
Support our Local Truckee/Tahoe Merchants!
ACMS PTO encourages you to shop locally! Please support our local merchants and thank them for the generous support that they give our school. For those items that you can only find online, please remember to sign up for and use Amazon Smile and Benefit.
Grocery Outlet School Rebate Program
Our local Grocery Outlet is offering a school rebate program! BEFORE PAYING at checkout, tell the cashier that you are supporting Alder Creek Middle School. The cashier will type in a code that tags that transaction total as supporting Alder Creek, and they will donate 5% of the total right back to the school! We are sending a HUGE thank you to Grocery Outlet!
Use Amazon Smile!
Please be sure to use the link to make your online Amazon purchases. Choose "Alder Creek Middle School PTO" as the organization your purchases will benefit. A portion of your purchases will be donated to our PTO.
Scan Your Grocery Receipts for Box Tops!
Here's the deal on Box Tops! Traditional Box Tops clips are being phased out, but may continue to be found on many products throughout the store. Once school opens, you may drop these off in the front office for collection.
The Box Tops program has turned digital. If you see the new label, download the new Box Tops app and scan your receipts. The app will find participating products purchased at any store and instantly add cash to your school's earnings online.
Take a minute in the parking lot of the grocery store or when you get home to scan your receipt. OR - you may drop receipts off at school when it reopens and we will scan them in.
You may also submit receipts from online shopping or grocery pickup. See instructions to submit these here.
Shop like you normally do, but when it’s time to checkout, reach for the Benefit mobile app. Purchase digital gift cards and redeem at the register or online. Up to 20% of your purchase price will go to support Alder Creek Middle School.
Feel free to contact us with any thoughts, concerns or ideas!

Co-Leaders: Susie Overall, Celli Baker
Secretary: Jenny Suh
Treasurer: Raughley Koehler
Fundraising Co-Chairs: Nate Melen & Carrie Haines

Alder Creek Middle School PTO | 530.582.7250 |