Dear Friend,

This week, I introduced an ordinance into the Chicago City Council that will remove the rush hour parking restrictions along Central Avenue from Eastwood to Warwick. The No Parking, Monday-Friday 7AM-9AM signs will be removed from the west side of the street and the No Parking, Monday-Friday 4PM-6PM signs will be removed from the east side of the street.  Our goal with this plan is to eliminate the weekday rush hour parking restrictions in an effort to calm traffic through the Portage Park Neighborhood.

Last month Alderman Arena's office reached out to me, the night before the City Council Meeting, to let me know that they intended to introduce legislation to eliminate the rush hour parking restrictions along Central Avenue in the 45th Ward. After speaking with members of our community and with officials from the Chicago Department of Transportation I have decided to move forward with this plan in the 38th Ward as well. CDOT has assured me that the effect on traffic flow will be minimal while increasing pedestrian safety.

As Alderman I am always looking for ways to improve public safety in our community. I want to thank Alderman Arena for working with me to move this plan forward. When neighboring Aldermen communicate and work together we can achieve a lot. By slowing down rush hour traffic along Central, the families of Portage Park will be able to more safely enjoy our neighborhood.

This Thursday, December 15th is the Deadline to sign up for health Insurance through Get Covered Illinois, the Official Health Care Market Place for Illinois residents. It is easy to sign up during this open enrollment period, just visit or If you sign up before today's deadline you are guaranteed to have health insurance coverage January 1,2017. 

On Monday December 19th the 38th Ward Service office will close at 5pm. Ward Night hours will resume after the New Year.



Alderman Nicholas Sposato

38th Ward 
Public Service Office 
3821 N. Harlem
9am-5pm Monday-Friday
9am-12pm Saturdays
Ward Night
Mondays 5pm-7pm
Phone: (773) 283-3838
Fax: (773) 283-3235

  Follow on Twitter: @AldSposato