Dear Friend,  

The COVID-19 testing site in the 38th Ward at Irving Park Rd and Forest Preserve Dr is now expanding the population that can be tested. First responders, healthcare workers and people over 65 can be tested with no symptoms. People over 18 showing symptoms will be accepted for testing. Tests are on a first come, first served basis and only 500 tests are given per day. The site is open seven days a week starting at 7:30 am. Please use precaution and stay safe. Please keep your kids at home.

Feed the Troops and Support Local Business

I am asking your help in showing our appreciation to the National Guard for staffing the Dunning Coronavirus Testing Center. My plan is to offer them a weekly lunch (one lunch per week). I will choose a different business in the area to supply the lunch fare. Nottoli & Son was our first business to participate. Thank you to those who already generously donated for the first week. For the safety of the team, these lunches need to be individually wrapped and served cold so they can be accessible during different shifts. Because of this, lunches are limited to cold sandwiches. Our next business is Riviera Foods. If you would like to contribute, you can do so by writing a check to Riviera Foods or giving cash. Donations can be dropped off at my office at 3821 N Harlem Ave (please deposit in mailbox slot on the door). Checks can be mailed. No amount is too small. There are 150 workers to be fed so estimating a cost of $5 per person, it should be about $750 to cover expenses per lunch offered. Please let these heroes know how much we appreciate their being on the front lines for us. Thank you in advance and stay safe.

The 38th Ward Office will be open from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Monday through Friday until further notice. The office will be closed to the public. Please call or email your requests. We will respond to requests as quickly as possible. If you need city services outside of these hours, please call 311 (312-744-5000 if calling from an out of area phone number) or 911 depending on the issue rather than leaving the office a voicemail. 




Alderman Nicholas Sposato

Please support local business, especially those in the 38th Ward, by ordering carryout, delivery, or buying gift cards. Re
frain from redeeming gift cards on purchases at these businesses right now, in particular those won in fundraiser raffles. If possible, t ry to call restaurants directly for carryout and delivery rather than using a third-party app. 






Community Events

Local Resources

The residential street sweeping season began April 1st. Because of the Stay at Home Order, signs will not be posted and citations will not be issued for unmoved cars. 
The City understands that it is not possible for everyone to move their vehicles during this time. Sweepers will do their best to clean as close to the curb as they are able. Please do what you can to remove any debris that the sweeper cannot reach, especially anything covering sewers. To view the street sweeping schedule in the 38th Ward, please click here. You can sign up for street sweeping reminders at SweepAround.Us.

Get Your Recycle Pickup Schedule and Reminders by Clicking here!

Job Opportunities

You can search for city job opportunities and apply for one or multiple positions using a single online profile. CAREERS is available 24/7 and allows users to search for employment with the City of Chicago, review job announcements, complete a candidate profile, and apply for open positions - all without a single sheet of paper!

For more information and to apply for jobs with the City of Chicago, click here
38th Ward 
Public Service Office 
3821 N. Harlem
10 am - 2 pm Monday-Friday

Phone: (773) 283-3838
Fax: (773) 283-3235