Dear Friend,

We are very excited to announce that our new design of  
signs are
Signs are now available at our 38th Ward Office located at 3821 N. Harlem Avenue Monday through Friday from 9 am -5 pm.  The cost of these signs is  $5.00 and ALL profits go to The 16th District Caps and 16th District  Animal Rescue . Stop in and purchase your sign today and show your support.


The Cook County Assessor's Office is currently accepting property tax appeals for Jefferson Township(our township). This will affect the second installment of your 2018 property tax bill (payable in 2019). Forms are due downtown by Thursday, August 16th.  Your assessment factors into how much you pay in property taxes. If you would like to appeal your assessment for 2018,  you can appeal online at  We do have paper forms available in our office at 3821 N. Harlem. For your convenience we will be accepting your appeal forms until  Wednesday, August 15th at 10 AM  For more information, contact our office at 773-283-3838 or the Cook County Assessor at 312-443-7550.

38th Ward Museum Pass

Summer is here, looking for something to do? If you live in the 38th Ward stop by our office and pickup the free museum pass. Please phone first to make sure it is available. Passes are also available at all Aldermanic Offices and Chicago Public Libraries.


Stop in our office and get your free sign today. Let's keep our neighborhoods safe and remember to  SLOW DOWN! 




Alderman Nicholas Sposato

Local Resources

Chicago utilizes mechanical street sweepers to remove debris and litter from streets.  From April 1st through mid-November, bright orange temporary parking restrictions are posted the day before sweeping service is scheduled to begin on any street to ensure curb-to-curb cleaning.  Some arterial streets have permanently posted signs that specify a once-per-week period when parking is prohibited for street sweeping.  Click here to take at look at the 38th Ward map and schedule for this year's street sweeping season.

Track the Department of Streets and Sanitation street sweepers in real time by using the new Sweeper Tracker app. Register for email or text alerts at Sweep Around Us.

To view your exact pick-up schedule and to get email reminders, click here
Chicago Police Department - 16th District

Community Events
For a list of other community meetings/events, click here.


Chicago Park District

Chicago Public Library
Dunning Branch



Austin-Irving Branch

Job Opportunities


You can search for city job opportunities and apply for one or multiple positions using a single online profile. CAREERS is available 24/7 and allows users to search for employment with the City of Chicago, review job announcements, complete a candidate profile, and apply for open positions - all without a single sheet of paper!

For more information and to apply for jobs with the City of Chicago, click here

38th Ward 
Public Service Office 
3821 N. Harlem
9am-5pm Monday-Friday

Phone: (773) 283-3838
Fax: (773) 283-3235