January 17, 2025

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Alderman Reilly Reports

Alderman Reilly's Office Closed on

Monday, January 20 in Remembrance of

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

In observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, Alderman Reilly’s Office will be closed on Monday, January 20th.


Additionally, City Hall, City of Chicago governmental offices and Chicago Public Libraries will be closed in honor of Dr. King’s birthday and to comply with the City of Chicago mandatory holiday schedule.


If you have a need for city services, please call 3-1-1 for non-emergency requests, or dial 9-1-1 if you require immediate assistance.

Aldermanic Menu Funded

Infrastructure Improvements

Every year, each Alderman is allotted discretionary funds (Aldermanic Menu) to be spent on infrastructure improvements in their respective wards. Alderman Reilly determines how these funds are used based on feedback from residents and by touring our ward (daily occurrence). 

Residents in River North, Streeterville, and Lakeshore East have contacted our office to report damaged infrastructure and request pedestrian safety improvements and lighting enhancements. 

In response to these concerns, Alderman Reilly authorized a portion of the Aldermanic Menu to fund the installation of the following:

River North

  • Bump-outs on North Larrabee Street at West Huron Street and West Superior Street
  • Two bump-outs and a speed hump at 360 West Erie Street


  • New street lighting on both sides of East Illinois Street, between North Lake Shore Drive and North Street Drive
  • Resurface East Grand Avenue, between North Lake Shore Drive and North Streeter Drive
  • Speed hump on North New Street, between East Illinois Street and East North Water Street

Lakeshore East

  • Resurface both ramps on Upper East Wacker Drive, between North Columbus Drive and Lower North Lake Shore Drive

Alderman Reilly is pleased to report that the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) completed the above projects. We have included pictures for your review.

We are constantly looking for damaged infrastructure and ways to improve the quality of life in the 42nd Ward. That said, it is helpful when residents report problems they see to our office. Please report concerns to our office via email (office@ward42chicago.com) or by calling 312-744-3062.

CAPS Meetings

18th District: (312-742-5778 / CAPS018District@chicagopolice.org)

  • Beat 1831 will meet on January 21st at 5pm at the Anti Cruelty Society (510 N LaSalle Street)
  • Beat 1832 will meet on January 21st at 6pm at the Anti Cruelty Society (510 N LaSalle Street)
  • Beat 1833 will meet on January 23rd at 5pm at Northwestern University (327 E Superior Street)
  • Beat 1834 will meet on January 23rd at 6pm at Northwestern University (327 E Superior Street)

1st District: (312-745-4381 / CAPS001District@chicagopolice.org)

  • There are no CAPS meetings scheduled in this district for the remainder of this month.

For Zoom links and other updates please email caps.001district@chicagopolice.org

42nd Ward Traffic Closures & Construction Projects

River North Lighting Project

The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) has completed new light pole installation in the area bounded by Chicago, Ontario, Orleans, and the River. CDOT has begun removal of the old light poles and continues to restore infrastructure trenching.

Pin & Link Project on Randolph and Columbus

CDOT crews are scheduled to perform steel work and bridge expansion joint rehab along Randolph Street, Columbus Drive, and Stetson Avenue. Please see details below:

General Construction Schedule:

7:00 am - 3:30 pm, Monday - Friday; with the occasional extension to 5:30 pm as needed. 


Scope of Work and Access Impacts During Construction:

In general, one lane of travel will be open at all times along each roadway, level, and direction. Access along sidewalks will remain open with detours around the work areas.  

This project is expected to be completed at the end of June 2025. Asphalt restoration will occur in July 2025.

Casino Demolition Update

The demolition team will begin site concrete crushing operations over the next eight weeks. The operation with run from 8 AM until 5 PM. The crusher will be placed in between the Ontario feeder ramp and the southern edge of the current building.