News from Reeves & Dola, LLP 
*** R|D ALERT ***


Pursuant to President Obama's announcement that the decades-long ban on the sale or transfer of arms and related materiel to Vietnam was being lifted, the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls ("DDTC") published the following Industry Notice, dated May 23, 2016:

Pursuant to a decision made by the Secretary of State and effective immediately, the Department of State's policy prohibiting the sale or transfer of lethal weapons to Vietnam, including restrictions on exports to and imports from Vietnam for arms and related materiel, has been terminated. Consequently, in accordance with the Arms Export Control Act, the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) will review on case-by-case basis applications for licenses to export or temporarily import defense articles and defense services to or from Vietnam under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). DDTC will soon publish a rule in the Federal Register to implement a conforming change to ITAR ยง126.1.

While this change in policy shifts DDTC's review process from a presumption of denial to a case-by-case review for applications for the export to or temporary import of defense articles and defense services from Vietnam, it does not guarantee approval of such applications.  Our office is in the process of confirming with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) what the policy for permanent imports from Vietnam of arms and related materiel will be.

The above alert is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be construed or used as legal advice. Receipt of this alert does not establish, in and of itself, an attorney-client relationship.    

Questions about this alert can be directed to: 

Johanna Reeves: 202.715.9941  | [email protected]
Teresa Ficaretta:    202.715.9183  [email protected]
Katherine Heubert: 202.715.9940  | [email protected]

About Reeves & Dola

Reeves & Dola is a Washington, DC law firm that specializes in helping clients navigate the highly regulated and complex world of manufacturing, sales and international trade of defense and commercial products. We have a deep understanding of the Federal regulatory process, and use our expertise in working with a variety of Federal agencies to assist our clients with their transactional and regulatory needs.

Reeves & Dola, LLP
1775 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1150
Washington, DC 20006