Notification of an algal bloom happening on Long Pond
There is an algal bloom occurring in Long Pond south of the peninsula. There is no obvious sign of it affecting the area north of the peninsula nor Bush Pond presently.

  • The appearance of the bloom is bright bluish-green specs of varying sizes. When clumped together, this can look like bright green paint. This of concern as possibly being cyanobacteria, which can produce toxins, not algae.

  • The brownish algae you will also notice we frequently see associated with dying and decaying aquatic plants and most likely nontoxic.

  • CT DEEP and Ledgelight Health District have been informed. I will continue to give you updates as they become available.

  • It has not yet been determined if this is due to algae or cyanobacteria, which could be potentially toxic.

  • The concentration becomes more obvious north of the culvert and down to the dam. As of yesterday, there seems to be none in the southern cove and only current drift into Bush Pond, but that could change.

  • If the morning is very calm, you might also notice patches of bubbles on the water, representing gas bubbles from the bottom of the lake.

  • Before swimming or letting pets enter the water look carefully to see if you see any floating specs of bright green. This is the abnormal plant material we are currently investigating.

  • Please exercise caution using the water for household purposes and letting children or pets drink or swim in the water. Toxic cyanobacteria can cause skin rashes in people, and drinking it, such as dogs and kids, can have more serious systemic effects. Dogs also ingest it from their coats when grooming.

  • From Tracy Lizotte at CT DEEP Water Monitoring and Assessment, these blooms can migrate around and drift up and down in the water column.

  • The contacts at both Ledge Light Health District and CT DEEP are very busy with reports of algal blooms. The very warm weather has accelerated this process.

  • If you experience an emergency or symptoms, please call Ledge Light Health District, Danielle Homes, [email protected]; 860-464-4882. You may report photos or locations to Tracy Lizotte, Water Monitoring and Assessment, CT DEEP, [email protected]