Align. Measure. Perform. (AMP) Newsletter 
MAY 2019
Welcome to the AMP newsletter!
The goal of the monthly newsletter is to keep stakeholders up to date about program changes and deadlines. The newsletter has three main content areas:
  • Need to Do, which will alert stakeholders to information and requirements for successful program participation, such as upcoming deadlines.
  • In Other News, which will share other program-related news, such as upcoming industry webinars or conferences.
  • In the Pipeline, which will provide a longer term view of upcoming key program dates.  
All  newsletters are archived in the Newsletters section of the IHA website, so you can easily find and share the latest program information.
Need to Do
Released Today: Measurement Year (MY) 2018 AMP Commercial HMO & Medicare Advantage Results 
Preliminary MY 2018 quality reports for the AMP Commercial HMO and Medicare Advantage programs are now available and ready for your review on the IHA Reporting Portal! The results provide an in-depth look at your organization's efforts over the past year to improve clinical quality and patient experience:
  • AMP Commercial HMO preliminary reports include results for all measures in the Clinical, Advancing Care Information and Patient Experience domains.
  • AMP Medicare Advantage preliminary reports include results for all measures in the Clinical domain.
  • Note: This release does not include AMP Commercial ACO or AMP Medi-Cal Managed Care results.
We provide preliminary results to give program participants three weeks to review reports, check for possible data collection errors, submit questions, and file appeals before results are finalized and used for AMP program purposes, including health plan incentives, public reporting and awards. The Questions and Appeals period is open from May 24 to June 14, 2019, so now is the time to review your preliminary reports, submit any questions and file an appeal if needed. Corrections to MY 2018 results cannot be made after the Question and Appeals process ends, so it is crucial to review your results and submit any questions or appeals before the June 14, 2019, deadline.
NEW Streamlined Questions and Appeals Process
Physician organizations (POs) may submit a question and/or appeal at any time during Questions & Appeals period but are strongly encouraged to do so during the first week to allow time to research the question. Throughout the Questions & Appeals Period, IHA staff partners with health plans, the National Committee for Quality Assurance and auditors to answer PO questions about preliminary results. To submit requests for additional information or to request an appeal:
  1. Review the AMP Commercial HMO and Medicare Advantage Quality Results Questions and Appeals Submission Guide.
  2. Download the AMP Commercial HMO and Medicare Advantage Quality Results Questions and Appeals Submission Form and complete a form for each submission.
  3. Email the completed Questions and Appeals Submission Form(s) to
NOTE: If IHA does not receive a Quality Results Questions and Appeals Form by 5 p.m. PDT on Friday, June 14, 2019, IHA will conclude that POs have reviewed their reports and determined their data are accurate, complete and ready to be finalized.
Join us for the Preliminary Quality Results Webinar 
To learn more about your preliminary quality reports, including information about accessing and evaluating your reports, and the streamlined questions and appeals process, join us for a webinar:
MY 2018 Preliminary Quality Results Overview
Wednesday, May 29, 2019 | 12:30 p.m. PDT
This session also will be recorded and available in the Webinars section of
for sharing and reference.  
Can't View Your Results? How to Add Organizational Contacts on the Reporting Portal
To ensure security, only organizational contacts can access an organization's results on the Reporting Portal . To be added as a contact, create an account . Once you have registered and authenticated your account, an existing organizational contact needs to add you as a new contact. To do so, they should:
  1. Log in to the Reporting Portal.
  2. Click "Contacts" on the top navigation bar.
  3. Click the "Add Contacts" button.
  4. Search new contact by email and click "Add."
Please use a supported web browser, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, to access the Reporting Portal. Accessing the Reporting Portal using another browser, such as Internet Explorer, may reduce functionality.  
In Other News
MY 2017 AMP Medicare Advantage Results Publicly Reported and POs Recognized for Exemplary Performance
The AMP Medicare Advantage program measures and publicly reports performance and star ratings for medical groups and independent practice associations providing care to Medicare Advantage enrollees in California using the same measures and methodologies that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services uses to generate health plan star ratings.  
To increase awareness and access to PO Medicare Advantage star ratings, IHA partners with the California Office of the Patient Advocate (OPA) to produce a public report card for physician organizations. OPA released the latest edition of the Medical Group - Medicare Health Care Quality Report Card on May 15, providing unbiased, precise ratings on 178 medical groups from 39 different counties in California based on MY 2017 AMP Medicare Advantage results. In the latest available ratings, nearly half of participating POs (44%) achieved overall ratings of 4 stars or higher and no POs received 1 star.
Each year, IHA recognizes POs earning 4.5- and 5-star ratings for the quality of care provided to their Medicare Advantage beneficiaries as well as POs demonstrating the most improvement on a year-to-year basis. In 2017:
  • 2 POs earned an overall 5-star rating.
  • 43 POs earned an overall 4.5-star rating.
  • 25 POs improved their overall star rating by at least ½ a star from 2016 to 2017.
Please join IHA in recognizing and congratulating high-performing
and most-improved POs !
In the Pipeline
Save the Date: Annual IHA Stakeholders Meeting October 29-30, 2019 
Save the date for the 18th annual IHA Stakeholders Meeting on Oct. 29-30, 2019, at the Hilton LAX in Los Angeles. Stay tuned for additional meeting and registration information!
Integrated Healthcare Association
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