August 19th, 2022
CLICK all [RED LINKS] and IMAGES for more info!
Our reconnection to God is essential to our well-being and helps us grow. God’s words lead to a life with a clearer vision grounded in love, hope, and guidance of the Holy Spirit daily. Join Pastor Evans this week as we make time to reconnect with God and continue to build God’s kingdom that gives us so much to praise and love for every day.
Time to Reconnect with God
Reverend Tanya Edwards-Evans
This Week's Attendance
Traditional 9:00 am Service: 130; Contemporary 11:30 am: 82
Online views in the last week: 325
New Members
This month, we will offer a series of New Member/Welcome to Wesley opportunities. Please accept this invitation to join us for one or all of the following upcoming sessions.
Wednesday, August 24
Supper - 5:30pm
Eclectic menu items sure to please all palates
Building Tour - 6:00pm
Get Acquainted with Wesley UMC - 7:00pm
An opportunity to learn more about Wesley Church via building tour,
history and Wednesdays@Wesley (W@W) activities
Sunday, August 28
United Methodist 101- 10:15 pm An overview of the United Methodist denomination
Sunday, September 4
Reception - 9:00 am Service
New Members are received. If it rains, we will have service inside.
We would love for you to get to know us better and learn more about United Methodist Membership. So, mark your calendars, and save the dates! Contact Pastor Sara for more information or to confirm your attendance.
Wesley United Methodist Church invites you to explore the Word of God this year and grow in your faith.
Here at Wesley, groups of all ages meet weekly to listen, discuss, explore, and find answers through the teachings of the Bible and other Christian faith-based publications.
Check out our Christian Education offerings Sunday, August 21st, between the 9:00am and 11:30am worship services. There are classes for all ages – just follow the balloons to find your group!
Please bring a lawn chair, sunscreen, a water bottle, and perhaps an umbrella for shade, and join us as we fill our neighborhood with praise! (don’t worry; we warn our neighbors first – and invite them!) We will move inside to the Sanctuary if it rains. All outdoor services will include Holy Communion!
Please Remember:
- Though we will not have a traditional nursery or children's ministry during these services, we look forward to seeing the children join us!
- Though we will not have donuts available, we will offer them the following Sunday in the Garden Room between services.
Wesley UMC will use a new SMS (Short Message Service) system to send text and voice messages straight to your phone with important information about events, emergencies, safety alerts, and more.
What to expect:
You May Receive Alerts About:
•Sunday service cancellations due to weather conditions
•Building emergencies that require immediate evacuation
•Notifications of unscheduled church closings
•Changes in schedules of ministries or groups that you are active in
•Reminders about outdoor services
•Upcoming major church events at Wesley
You Will Not Receive Alerts About:
•Ministries or groups that you are not active in
•Recurring events
•Daily or weekly information
•Requests (prayers, offerings, etc.)
•You can also opt-out of these messages at any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop.”
Ways to sign up:
• You can participate in this free service by texting “Y” or “Yes” to our GroupCast short code number, 64779.
• Go to the Wesley website and click at the top of any page where it says 'Wesley SMS Signup.'
• Scan the QR Codes on our newsletter insert or the hall screens
• Fill out the registration sheet provided in the bulletin or at the Welcome Desk and place it on the Welcome Desk basket or offering plate
• Click the link below
• Call the Wesley Church office (309) 827-8046
#BeUMC honors the core values connecting the United Methodist Church's members. No matter the challenges we face, God is with us, and we continue to have opportunities to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world! Click the image to read more on #BeUMC!
United Methodist Committee on Relief
We want to thank Wesley Church for your generosity to people in need worldwide! As of July 2022, you have given $10,250 to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) for International Disaster Relief and Recovery (including aid to Ukraine) and U.S. Disaster Relief and Recovery (including victims of natural disasters), as well as to NOMADS (Nomads On a Mission Active in Divine Service). Great work, Wesley! Great Generosity serving a Great God!
United Methodists and others wishing to provide humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people in the wake of the Russian invasion of their country may contribute to UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery. Write “Advance #982450-Ukraine” on the memo line of your check or in the “other ministries” notes under UMCOR.
Christian Education
We have fantastic Sunday School opportunities for all ages!
Our Nursery-Elementary age classes use the “Orange” curriculum – combining family and church strengths to capture the next generation's hearts and minds. is a fantastic resource that uses the OrangeⒸ philosophy to teach our children! Weekly activities and devotionals are offered to guide kids to trust Jesus. All of this is aimed at being done in a way that changes how they see God, themselves, and the rest of the world.
Sunday School
Nursery Room 117
8:45am - 12:45pm
We are meeting in person! Amanda Deets will be leading the Sunday School Nursery this year! Masks are required by all leaders and kids (ages 3-5) in preschool ministries.
If you want to receive emails, let Amanda Deets know at:
Children's Church
Wesley Hall
9:00am - 10:00am
We look forward to gathering online for our Children's Sunday School if you cannot make it in person at Wesley Hall! Click the email link below for information, and as always, please stay safe!
Contact Kathi Pritts for the zoom link at:
Jr. High Class
6/7 Grade Boys Group Rm
10:15am - 11:15am
Wesley's Youth team is so excited to see you again this Sunday! Click the email link below for information, and as always, please stay safe. For those joining us, we'll see you this Sunday!
Contact Kelsey Ross for additional information at:
Elementary Sunday School
Rooms 21-30
10:10am - 11:10am
Sunday School Kids is where families learn together, strengthen family and faith bonds, and have faith conversations. W.I.S.E. begins in Wesley Hall and then moves to rooms 21-30.
Contact Kathi Pritts for more information at:
Children's Church
Wesley Hall
11:30am - 12:30pm
We look forward to gathering online for our Children's Sunday School if you cannot make it in person at Wesley Hall! Click the email link below for information, and as always, please stay safe!
Contact Kathi Pritts for the zoom link at:
Sr. High School
Sr. High Lounge
10:15am - 11:15am
Wesley's Youth team is so excited to see you again this Sunday! Click the email link below for information, and as always, please stay safe. For those joining us, we'll see you this Sunday!
Contact Kelsey Ross for additional information at:
Please sign up before using the zoom link, so we know to expect you. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Disciple I: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study gives the Old and New Testaments equal time, emphasizing the wholeness of the Bible as a revelation of God.
- beginning August 24
- 34-week study
- Wednesdays from 6:00- 7:00 pm
- online with Zoom or in-person
Disciple II: Into the Word Study Manual retains the familiar DISCIPLE format with its theme word, theme verse, statement of the human condition, daily and weekly assignments, and prayer for daily use.
- Beginning August 30
- 34-week study
- Tuesdays from 6:00-7:00 pm
- Online with Zoom
The Legacy Journey class is all about the next steps of taking control of your debt and finances. It’s about learning how to grow your money, manage it responsibly, and share it generously to impact the world.
• Beginning August 24th
• 7-week study
• Tuesdays from 5:40 pm - 7:00 am
• In the Wesley Lounge
Please get in touch with James Ingold with questions or to sign up for this study.
The Alpha course is an evangelistic course that seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. Its organizers describe it as “an opportunity to explore the meaning of life.”
• Beginning August 24
• 11-week study
• Wednesdays from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
In the Wesley Library
Please get in touch with Pastor Evans with questions or to join.
Wesley VBS children gave crayons to children in Ecuador this year and below is a photo of some beautiful artwork they created with them! Wesley is good! God is Great!
Wesley invites YOU to get involved in the worship life of the congregation! Helpers are needed once a month or so to help with:
- Food Services
- Greet at the Entrances
- Usher at the Sanctuary doors
- Prepare, serve, clean up Communion
- Run slides or sound from the Balcony
This month, we are running short on a few items. Please consider helping us replenish our supply of these particular items:
Facial Tissue
Diapers: sizes Newborn, 6, 3T-4T, 4T-5T
Baby Lotion and Shampoo/Body Wash for children
We served 386 families at our July 16th distribution and have given supplies to three other families since then. There continues to be a massive need in our community for paper products. All product and monetary donations help us supply these families with much-needed supplies. Our thanks to Wesley members who continue to support this vital ministry.
You can take your old plastic gardening pots to A&B Hatchery or Jeffery Alans and recycle them in the POTS bin!
Healing Rides Ministry helps those who have difficulties with mobility get out and enjoy fresh air and sunshine on Constitution Trail. We offer rides on a specially designed bicycle driven by trained riders. Healing Rides helps encourage socialization and relationship building between riders and volunteers, as well as improving the spirits of those who ride.
Scheduled rides continue through the Summer until September 30th. We make appointments at 1 pm and 2 pm Monday through Friday and have 2 Bikes, so please feel free to bring a friend to ride along!
Click the logo above or call the church at (309) 827-8046 to schedule a free leisurely ride!
SURGE has our annual kick-off this year on SUNDAY, AUGUST 21st!
Join us from 5:30-7:30 for a parent informational meeting, fellowship, and fun. All incoming SURGE students and parents are invited to attend as we discuss our new school year and share our summer memories. If you have a new 6th-grade student, or a student in 6th-12th grade wanting to try Surge, plan to attend and see what we are all about!
CLICK HERE for more information about SURGE and the upcoming Christian studies, activities, and projects!
Are you curious how it is done? Want to give it a try? Two classes will be offered for anyone interested in learning how to ring Handbells or Choirchimes®. Sunday, August 21 from 4:15 – 5:30 pm or Wednesday, August 24 from 5:45 – 7:00 pm. You will learn how to make the bells ring, stop, and make all the different sounds you have heard. Come try the basics of “Ringin’ Praises!” just for fun. Music reading is not required, and no commitment will be requested or expected.
Let Us Ring
The Wesley Handbell Ministries will begin rehearsals shortly and have in all of our choirs. Beginning and experienced ringers are welcome to join. Previous ringing experience and the ability to read music are not required as you will learn everything you need to know. Join the fun.
- Bells of Wesley (College and Adults) Wednesdays 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the Chapel beginning August 24
- Celebration Ringers (Jr. & Sr. High) Sundays 3:30 – 4:25 pm in the Chapel beginning starting August 28
- Chimes of Glory (3rd, 4th, 5th grades) Wednesdays 5:50 – 6:40 pm in the Chapel beginning August 31
For more information or to sign up for one of the classes
please email the Director, Gail Welk, or call at (309) 825-4402.
Listed below are the food options for our August 24th Wednesdays at Wesley Kickoff!
To kick off Wednesdays at Wesley this year on August 24th, we will offer a wide range of meal possibilities that everyone can enjoy! Our August 24th menu will include Asian, Cajun, American, and Mexican varieties of food. You can mix and match or enjoy a single nationality dish. We are always so proud to be able to offer a tasty meal each Wednesday at a fair and affordable price. This year our pricing is as follows:
Families (4 or more): $25.00
Chicken Egg Rolls
Chicken Fried Rice
Vegetable Stir Fry
Sausage Gumbo
Dirty Rice
BBW Hot Links
Hot Dogs
Chicken Nuggets
French Fries
Taco Bar
Spanish Rice
In addition, the following groups will begin meeting on Wednesday, August 31st
Cherub Choir (4yo-1st grade) 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm in the Choir Room
Wesley Singers 2nd-5th grade) 6:45-7:15 pm in the Choir Room
We invite all 18-24-year-olds to join on Wednesdays and remember that they are vital pieces of the body of the Church and the Kingdom of God.
As One will meet in the Conference room on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30, reading “Bad Theology Kills” by Kevin Garcia. The group will be led by Sarah Baker, Ben Lash, and Kelsey Ross. We would love for you to join us! For info, email Kelsey Ross.
The world will be transformed when we are seen AS ONE.
Donald L. Curry
January 19, 1933 - July 8, 2022
Donald L. Curry, 89, of Bloomington, passed away at 9:33 a.m., Friday, July 8, 2022, in Normal.
Jerry Purkey
April 10, 1939 - August 15, 2022
A graveside service will be held at Evergreen Memorial Cemetery. Jerry’s church family is invited to attend
on August 25th at 10:00am.
Hospital Visits
As healthcare facilities are beginning to allow area clergy to visit patients again, please remember to notify the Church office or a pastor when you or a loved one are admitted to a local hospital. Hospitals are not allowing churches to inquire about their congregants' inpatient status or room number. We will not know if you have been admitted to the hospital unless you give us a call.
If you have news to share with the Wesley family, let us know by clicking HERE or calling 309-827-8046.
Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Scouts BSA program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Since its inception in 1911, only four percent of Scouts have earned this rank after a lengthy review process. The Eagle Scout rank has been earned by over 2.5 million youth. The Wesley UMC Charter has honored over a dozen Eagle Scouts and is proud to see that Austin's hard work, dedication, and perseverance have achieved this great honor.
Cub Scouts Meet at Wesley Every Second and Fourth Thursday!
(takes a break through the summer)
Cub Scouting is part of the worldwide Scouting movement and aims to promote character development, citizenship training, personal fitness, and leadership. For more information, please email Andrea Kane.
Girl Scouts Meet at Wesley Every Second and Fourth Thursday!
(We will begin again in September!)
If you know or are someone who would like to join in building courage, confidence, and character while making the world a better place, please feel free to contact Liz Tomera to learn about Girl Scouts!
Boy Scouts Meet at Wesley Every Monday!
(continues through the summer)
Troop 918 works hard to prepare our youth to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. For more information on BSA, please feel free to contact Ken Anderson.
We have received tremendous financial support through these uncertain times. We are SO grateful to our congregation for giving generously and stepping forward in FAITH! There are many ways to GIVE from the safety and comfort of your home. CLICK HERE to submit your offering online, TEXT "$__ OFFERING" to 309.822.4442, or mail your offering to the church:
Wesley United Methodist Church
502 East Front Street
Bloomington, IL 61701
Do you have a story or upcoming event you would like to share with Wesley Church? GREAT- We love hearing from you about your good news!
Please email John Perry to make an appointment for a call or office visit.
Appointment times are as follows:
Monday and Friday
Available via email only
9:00am - 3:00pm
Available via email, in-person, or phone
12:30pm - 3:00pm
The deadline for newsletter information is Tuesday at noon.
Information received after this time will show in the following week.
We are currently looking for Wesley members to do quick 5-minute devotion videos. We make it easy and convenient by doing all the recording for you! Contact Ben Lash to schedule a date to record.
Wesley Emergency Number after Office Hours:
Rev. Sara L. Isbell 217.299.4870
Wesley United Methodist Church:
502 E. Front Street
Bloomington, IL 61701
Office 309.827.8046
You can also visit us on Facebook, instagram, twitter, and YouTube