Palm Sunday and the Sacred Act of Anointing

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday, the day when Jesus entered into the holy city of Jerusalem riding on a humble donkey to shouts of praise and adoration. We will parade around the block singing "Hosanna" (unless it's raining, and then we'll process inside the sanctuary!).

Quickly, the mood will change. We will hear the story that is the crux of Holy Week, the story of Jesus's crucifixion and death. We might feel a little whiplash. The story will be difficult to hear.

But this year, we will focus the second part of the Palm Sunday service on the act of tenderness and love that preceded the cross: the woman who anointed Jesus at Bethany.

In our service, we will reflect upon the profound act of devotion by the woman who anointed Jesus at Bethany. Her gesture, anointing him with costly perfume, was intimate and surprising.

During our Palm Sunday service, we will partake in our own sacred act of anointing, a chance to experience ourselves that the heart of Holy Week is tender, compassionate love.


Mother Mary Lynn


This Sunday, March 24

Palm Sunday All-Ages Service

10:30 am

Service of Holy Eucharist

Children and Youth

No Sunday School because of the all-ages service

Nursery care for children from birth through age 3 available

Sunday service live on Facebook
give to st andrew's

Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage: Holy Saturday

To stand in solidarity with those who are suffering in Gaza, West Bank, Israel, and beyond, churches and individuals from faith and non-faith backgrounds in over 147 cities in 17 countries doing a Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage walk in their city.

San Diego is hosting a Pilgrimage Saturday, March 30, 2024. 

Here is the Facebook event where updated information is posted. The length families had to travel from Gaza City to Rafah is 22 miles. And the width of Gaza is 6 miles wide. People can choose whatever length they'd like to do. Walk, roll, ride, whatever they can. All walks are close to the San Diego Trolly. Below are the routes.

1. Mission Bay loop. 22 mile up and back

2. Mission Bay 6 mile width of Gaza

3. Join for parts of the pilgrimage with stations along the way for support, education, and more.

All groups will agree to embody the practices outlined in our Core Convictions and commit to what we are praying and calling for:

1. Enduring and Sustained Ceasefire.

2. Immediate flow of life-saving food, water, aid, fuel, and humanitarian assistance. 

3. Release of all hostages – both the Israeli hostages held by Hamas – and the Palestinian hostages held in the Israeli prison system.

4. End of occupation so a just-peace can begin.

Check out the global website for more background.

Mother Mary Lynn and Deacon Daniel will be walking the first section of the pilgrimage from 8am-9:30am. We will meet at Leisure Lagoon in Mission Bay, then walk 3 miles to Crown Point.

St. Andrew's will be host a poster-making event for the walk after our Good Friday service, from 7-8pm in the sanctuary.

Easter Flower Donations

If you would like to make a donation in memory or honor of a loved one, please look for the envelopes in the pews this Sunday, or donate online. Select "Flowers" in the dropdown menu. Donate by March 24 to have your name included in Easter bulletins.

A Note from Your Finance Team

In case you missed it last week, see the 2024 budget (above) and the 2023 financial report (below). Some highlights on changes for this year's budget:

  • Rector and family are now in rectory, as of June 2023, so we aren't getting income from renters.
  • Common Life Share (the amount of money we contribute to the diocese yearly, based on a set percentage of our revenue) has increased by about $12,000 in 2024.
  • The 2024 budget presumes 6 months rent from DISH network; we are currently negotiating a lease with DISH to rent space on our roof for cellular equipment.
  • The 2024 budget presumes 6 months savings from installation of solar panels on the sanctuary roof.

Questions? Comments? Please reach out to Andrew Clendenin, our parish treasurer. We plan to have a budget forum in the spring to do more teaching about our financial wellness (date TBA).

A Showing of "The Philadelphia Eleven," the First Women Ordained in the Episcopal Church

Saturday, April 27 - come to a showing of Making Room at the Table: the Story of the Philadelphia Eleven*

9:30am - 2pm, at St. Andrew’s La Mesa, 4816 Glen Street

Eucharist and Lunch are included

The film shows how a brave group of women shattered the stained-glass ceiling on July 29, 1974, by challenging the very core of patriarchal culture to seek ordination as priests in the Episcopal Church. It is a powerful story of faith and conviction. It is a story for all of us, regardless of faith tradition. The film introduces us to the women involved, the paths that brought them together on that momentous day - what has changed (or not changed) in the life of the church over the intervening years. Visit their website to learn more!

*This is an event hosted by the Daughters of the King, and is open to all women. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to, then let Mother Mary Lynn know that you are going and we can carpool.

Making Crosses: A Creative Connection to God

The practice of cross making is for those who want to experience God beyond their day-to-day prayers. Often, we feel so strongly a need to be with God in a special way, but we can't find the time to make that connection, or our thoughts drift easily. Making crosses using found objects is more than oral or written prayer - it's an understanding that comes from doing, from making with your hands. Join this workshop to experience this hands-on spiritual practice. Come to the introduction session on Sunday, April 14, 11:30am - 1pm. Light lunch will be provided. To prepare, order this book: Making Crosses: A Creative Connection to God. Read chapters 1 & 2, and complete the exercise on page 12 (or just show up). The group will choose several times to meet via Zoom for contemplative work sessions. All ages are welcome, and no artistic skill needed!

Volunteers & Donations Urgently Needed

Customs and Border Patrol are dropping off about 200 people per day at transit centers. They're often exhausted and disoriented. Some are separated from their family members during processing. You can help this crisis situation in three specific ways:

  1. We need volunteers at the transit center in San Diego to welcome newly arrived people, orient them, and direct them to transit. Volunteers can also help reunify families and identify people from vulnerable populations who need more assistance. Please sign up here.
  2. We need volunteers who speak Spanish, Mandarin, Portuguese, Turkish, Dari, French, Russian, Hindi, Arabic, Georgian, and Farsi for translation. If you can help, please sign up here.
  3. We need volunteers to make and distribute sandwiches and water to asylum seekers at the San Diego airport. Please contact Mother Mary Lynn to learn about making sandwiches at St. Andrew's.

Calling for Filled Easter Eggs

We need you to help us fill eggs for our community Egg Hunt! If you brought home a bag of empty eggs, please bring them back filled with small toys, stickers, candy or other treats by this Sunday. Contact Family Minister Kari Robinson with questions.

Upcoming Baptisms: March 30 and 31

If you're considering baptism for yourself or a loved one, please contact Mother Mary Lynn. The next baptisms will take place on March 30 and 31, at the Easter Vigil and Easter morning. Some preparation is required, so be sure to connect with Mother Mary Lynn soon.

Save the Date! Parish Family Retreat at Camp Stevens

Saturday - Monday, September 6 - 8: Please mark your calendar and plan to attend our annual parish retreat at Camp Stevens in Julian. Camp Stevens is a place of beauty with over 250 acres of wild land for hiking, listening and being with God. Learn more.

Register for Summer Camp

Register your kids and grandkids today for a fun week at Camp Stevens! Weeklong sessions begin June 23 and conclude August 3. Teen wilderness trips, including a popular kayak trip, also available. Camp Stevens uses tiered pricing. Scholarships available. To register, visit Families registering for the first time will need to create an account; returning families will need to update their passwords. Questions? Contact Kathy Wilder.

Localized Anti-Racism Knowledge (LARK)

LARK focuses on our local history and deals with local issues and stories. The workshop includes practical tools and approaches for advancing racial reconciliation within our diocese. LARK is one part of a lifelong journey for racial reconciliation and racial justice. Friday, May 3, 4-9pm & Saturday, May 4, 9:30am-4:30pm at St. Matthew’s, 521 E 8th Street, National City. $35, includes meals. Scholarships available. Register here.

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