All Saints Episcopal Church

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023

Soup, Salad, and "The Chosen"

Don't miss the FINAL Soup, Salad, and "The Chosen" TONIGHT hosted by the Adult Education and Spirituality Committee from 6PM-8PM. We are viewing selections from the inspirational TV series “The Chosen” to see how our discipleship and appreciation for the mystery of God-in-Jesus might be enhanced.

A Word From Our Rector

Dear All Saints Family,

In the past three days I have seen our IWC team preparing for a brunch this coming Sunday for 18 newcomers and their children, as we learn more about each other and share some of our parish's story. I just met with our Sr. Warden and two parishioners deeply steeped in Latino ministry to ponder what might be ahead for us on this horizon, alongside of other related parish ministries. And last but not least, will an Easter Bunny arrive at our Egg Hunt on Easter morn, and do we have enough helpers on that task? Additionally I was thrilled to watch Hillary Simpson offer her acting talents in the recent Theater of Dare presentation, "Urinetown."

The breadth and depth of what we're about is impressive, with the aforementioned notes touching on just a few.  

Blessings and Godspeed to each of you in your wonderful, manifold ministries offered in our Lord's name.

Gratefully, Rev. Cindy

The Fifth Sunday in Lent

March 26th, 2023

Worship Bulletin

Holy Week to Easter Worship

Palm Sunday, April 2nd - 8:30AM and 10:30AM

Processions of Palms around the building;

Passion Gospel Readings and Holy Eucharist 

 April 3rd, 4th, and 5th – Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

Holy Week Services 6:30PM

Rev. Cindy, Celebrant and Homilist 

Maundy Thursday, April 6th -

Service of Foot Washing and Holy Eucharist 6:30PM 

The Rev. Keith Dey, Celebrant; The Rev. David Feyrer, Homilist;

 Rev. Cindy assists

Good Friday, April 7th - Holy Communion Service 3PM

Sanctuary Service and Holy Communion

from the Reserve Sacrament

Stations of the Cross in the Outdoor Sanctuary to immediately follow

The Revs. Cindy and Keith Dey, Co-Celebrants;

The Rev. Spotswood Graves, homilist

Good Friday Offering: This year marks the 101st anniversary of the Episcopal Church’s Good Friday offering dedicated to ministry in the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. The offering began as a response to the devastation in that part of the world following World War I, the Spanish flu pandemic, and ongoing social/political unrest for Armenian Christians. This continued offering provides a way for every parish in the country to connect with the ministries of our Anglican sisters and brothers in this part of the world where our Lord lived, died and rose again. Feel free to make checks payable to “ASEC” and note “Good Friday Offering” in the memo line. For more information or to make a donation online, please visit

Sunday, April 9th - Alleluia!

Christ is Risen! 

Easter Services at 9AM and 11AM       

Easter Egg Hunt to follow after the 11AM service

Easter Lilies

You are invited to purchase Easter lilies for $12 to adorn the church on Easter Sunday. If you would like to give Easter Lilies in memory, thanksgiving, or in honor of someone, please pick up a form on the bulletin board from the Narthex or at the church office and return it by April 4th. Please contact Joan Smalley at with any questions.

Food For Thought

Food For Thought Needs Volunteers: We meet at the warehouse across from the Roanoke Island Aquarium at 10:00 am on Thursdays. All Saints volunteers are needed for March 29th. See Bob Baldwin or check the sign up notebook in the Narthex for more information.

Beach Food Pantry

Happy Spring Everyone! Summer will be here before we blink!

As we look forward to longer, brighter days we need to remember those who are still having a difficult time recovering from job loss, illness, lack of the necessities we take for granted daily. Volunteers are needed to staff the Beach Food Pantry on Thursday, April 13, and Friday, April 14th from 1:45-4p. Donations, monetary or food items, are needed and appreciated. Please leave food items in the Narthex to be picked up for delivery.

If you would like to volunteer, please contact Sue Lynch, Volunteer Coordinator at 252-715-3300 or email

Update On Reducing Gun Violence In Our State

In order to keep our Parishioners informed about reducing gun violence in our state, several members of All Saints' Gun Violence Discussion Group update us below on recent activity in the NC state government. 

Last year, in response to an East Carolina Diocese resolution, a group of All Saints congregants presented an adult forum on gun violence. Among our findings was a 2021 fact sheet from Everytown for Gun Safety which stated, "North Carolina has been a leader in several other areas relating to firearm background checks, including allowing law enforcement to deny a purchase permit to a person who poses a danger to public safety, and requiring prohibiting mental health records to be submitted to the federal background check system.” Everytown argued that “Congress should follow North Carolina's lead and require background checks on all gun sales nationally.”

Contrary to that sentiment, both houses of the North Carolina legislature have voted to repeal the state’s Pistol Purchase Permitting (PPP) system. North Carolinians Against Gun Violence ( ) say that without PPP, “many people in NC who now undergo background checks could buy handguns at gun shows or online – no questions asked.” If the legislature reaches an agreement on the repeal of PPP, the only recourse will be for Governor Cooper to veto that legislation. Unfortunately, the recent gerrymandering of legislative districts, including the fragmentation of Dare County’s representation across different House and Senate districts, helped strengthen the gun lobby’s influence and made it easier for them to override a veto.

This situation is a reminder that our votes matter in determining whether gun violence is taken seriously by the legislature and state courts. Now, all we can do is to express our disappointment with Dare County legislators who are supporting the repeal of PPP and to encourage Governor Cooper to veto legislation that rejects common-sense gun controls like PPP. Having taken an important step forward, it would be a shame now to take two steps back.

Safe Church Training Reminder

Last summer The Episcopal Church presented every parish with a set of Model Policies. The training is critical for creating a safe and holy church community. Some parishioners have completed all the training; some have begun the process, and a few have not started the training. It’s critical, if you hold any position in the church, to complete the training as soon as possible or you may be suspended from those ministries for which you were screened.

Safe Church Training Guide

All Saints' Book Club


All Saints’ Book Club always welcomes new friends to join! Colleen and Mary are the co-administrators, also humorously known as Partners in Bookish Crimes. The Club’s next meeting is on April 17th, 2023 at 2PM in the Choir Room and the book of choice is Love and Saffron by Kim Fay. Please reach out to Colleen Sargent at 703-338-9239 or Mary Moynahan at 252-267-3993 if you are interested.

Dare To Be Safe

The League of Women Voters of Dare County is hosting a community forum to inform and educate on topics of interest to our community including Gun Safety and Storage and current measures regarding gun safety. Speakers will include Sean Kenny, John Towler, and Sam Ballard. The Forum will be held Wednesday, March, 29th, from 6:30PM - 8:30PM at Baum Center: 300 Mustian Street.

Heron Pond Montessori School Pancake Fundraiser April 6th, 2023

All teachers at The All Saints’ School will be selling tickets starting March 13th at $10 each, which includes coffee, tea, and coke products. Please mark your calendars for April 6th, 2023 from 5:30PM - 7:30PM at Stack ‘Em High Restaurant at MP 4.5. Hopefully we can support our school & its teachers with a delicious meal to enjoy!


Very Happy Birthday Wishes to:

3/30: Kay Sudduth

3/30: Lizzie Allen Davenport

4/1: Cathy Abbott

 Ongoing Facility Use & Meeting Schedule



8 am to 10 am – Gathering Space - Emmanuel Lutheran Church        

9:30 am to 10:15 am – Conference Room - Adult Bible Study  

5:30 pm to 6:30pm – Gathering Space - Al-Anon

7 pm to 8 pm – Gathering Space - Alcoholics Anonymous



1st Monday of the Month – 10 am to 12 pm - Conference Room - 

Adult Education & Spirituality Committee 


2nd & 4th Monday of the Month – 4 pm to 5:30 pm - Study in the Admin Bldg - Women’s Spirituality Circle   

3rd Monday of the Month – 5 pm to 6:30 pm - Conference Room -

Vestry Meeting

7 pm to 9 pm – Reception Area - Prayer Shawl



2nd Tuesday of the Month - 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm Conference Room - Servant Ministry



9:30 am to 12:00 pm – Choir Room - Mahjongg



9:30 am to 10:30 am – Conference Room - Men’s Cursillo  

9:30 am to 1:00 pm – Choir Room -Hand and Foot Card Game

7:00 pm to 8:30 pm – Sanctuary - Choir Practice

All Saints Episcopal Church

40 Pintail Trail, Southern Shores, NC 27949


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