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In This Issue


Sr. Marleny Bardales-Raymundo ministers in Malingas, Peru. She works with people who live in extreme poverty in Peru. She focuses on health, education and food production through the implementation of the  Transforming Community Initiative.

This program is a dream...and it is a hope. With your help, we can make it a reality. 

Focus on 
To keep the community healthy, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur need to upgrade the equipment and supplies so that the clinic can operate as a full service emergency room with a fully operable lab to diagnose quickly and correctly such illnesses as Dengue fever and other blood borne diseases.  A quick and accurate diagnosis ensures that correct treatment is started as soon as possible. 
Good Healthcare Saves Lives

Sr. Rebecca Trujillo from Nicaragua sent to all Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur a prayer request from a woman for the birth of a healthy baby.  This is how the story unfolds.

On August 20, 2015, Diego was born.  He was a happy, healthy baby boy!  His mother was thrilled!  Having recently recovered from the Chikungunya virus, a virus that presents similar symptoms to Dengue fever, she prayed the virus would not effect her baby. Within a week, Diego developed severe health concerns.

The Chikungunya virus, transmitted by mosquitoes,  has no known medicine. The only treatment for this virus is alleviation of symptoms by  rest, comfort and hydration. Following this protocol, the health care team calculated what Diego's little body needed and could absorb to restore his health.  The prayers, love and care that Diego received were life saving.

This past week, his mother sent Sr. Rebecca the best thank you anyone could ever receive.
God is  blessing him.

Were you touched by the story of Diego?  Every baby's story should have a happy resolution.  

Together, we can make that happen.  

Sr. Marleny Bardales-Raymundo in Peru is hoping to improve and upgrade the local clinic to address healthcare crises like Dengue fever, household accidents and difficult births.

You can help.   With your support , Sr. Marleny's plans will be realized.  A donor has generously offered to match every gift, Your gift will be doubled. A gift of $20 will be $40; a gift of $50 will be $100. Y our support will enable Malingas, Peru to have a local clinic capable of providing healthcare that saves lives.

Thank you for your support.

Sr. Leonore Coan, SNDdeN,