All Hail the Goddess of Armed Freedom!

Hillary Clinton, the next and first woman President of the USA!

The sacred connection between the
Goddess of Armed Freedom
atop the US Capitol Building and    Hillary Clinton, the next Presidnet of the USA
She is also the largest and most important of all the goddess statues in Washington D.C. And now in the Aquarian Age, at long last the prophecy comes true as the next President will also have the honored distinction of being the first woman president of the USA, the modern nation of the Goddess!

In, "America, Nation of the Goddess," by History Channel writers Alan Butler and Janet Wolter, state in this book that for more than three centuries people have traveled across the planet to try to gain a share in the American Dream, and yet very few of them have any real understanding of what the dream is and how far back in time it goes. They have no idea of the political, spiritual, or even the physical treasures that exist right before them, or of the tremendous journey and the number of generations that led to the Declaration of Independence. 

When you know the true her-story of the USA, and what funded her, you will never look at America in the same way again.

 At the forefront  of the whole story is the Goddess, who has been worshiped by humanity since at least the time of the Stone Age. Her ancient festivals have been made synonymous with the celebration of the Republic so they will never be forgotten, and they are spelled out on a massive scale in the capital during the passing year in sun and shadow. Nearby, the remains of the Goddess's most recent earthly representation, Mary Magdalene, rest in a secret chamber in the most prominent place in the entire United States. The Goddess is to be seen in gigantic form, looking out over New York Harbor and on top of the Washington, D.C., Capitol, and though very few people realize the fact, her enduring symbol is written large on the ground of every village, town and city of the United States - we guarantee it!  YES!  IT TAKES A VILLAGE!

You will likely find people actively creating positive community with one another, learning and teaching ways we can live in harmony with nature, our mother earth, and each other... and celebrating life together. It is said that any one with a belly button may consider themselves part of the USA. We are welcomed home as one family.  
The fact that almost nobody realizes any of this only goes to prove that for so much of our lives we walk around with our eyes tightly closed.

Harden our defenses at home

Radical jihadists, like so many adversaries in our history, underestimate the strength of our national character. Americans will not cower or cave. And we will not turn on each other or turn on our principles. We will defeat those who threaten us. We will keep our country safe and strong, free and tolerant. And we will always defend our friends and allies.
- Hillary, December 6, 2015

We have to do more to identify and stop terrorists-including so-called "lone wolves"-from carrying out attacks in the United States, including:
  • Supporting first responders, law enforcement, and intelligence officers with the right tools, resources, intelligence, and training to prevent attacks before they happen;
  • Launching an intelligence surge to get security officials the tools they need to prevent attacks;
  • Keeping assault weapons and other tools of terror out of terrorists' hands by allowing the FBI to stop gun sales to suspected terrorists, enacting comprehensive background checks, and keeping military-style assault weapons off our streets; and
  • Educating law enforcement to build trustful and strong relationships with American Muslim communities. We need every American community invested in this fight, not fearful and sitting on the sidelines.

There is a tremendous number of goddess statues to be found throughout Washington, D.C.  Goddesses are to be found at almost every intersection, throughout the public spaces of the city, and on most public buildings there. The proliferation of representations of goddesses in Washington, D.C. must be considered excessive. Why?

Major countries of the world have a patron goddess. Britain has Britannia, and France has Marian. The USA has Columbia, which is also the name the Masons and Knights Templars that founded and laid out the city knew in the future day, here NOW in Aquarius the Goddess would step forth and lead the way to Peace. But she would do so carrying a big stick, for on this planet force and power still rules, though peace be the goal.  Hillary Clinton is the fortunate chosen one to fulfill that role.

This is entirely appropriate, because the whole of the original civic heart of Washington, D. C., is a giant astronomical observatory running from east to west, with the Capitol at the eastern end and the Lincoln Memorial now as its western extremity.  The Masons made sure the government of the Democracy would be totally secular in nature. The fact that no provision was made for any religious structure in the original conception of Washington, D.C. also relaters directly to the Book of Revelation and its description of the New Jer USAlem. It specifically stated in Revelation 21:22: 
         "I did not see a Temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty
         and the Lamb are its temple."

In Masonic and Templar Lore, The wife, The Bride of the Lamb, is therefore the Great Goddess, the essence of nature and the Earth itself, who gives birth to the God each year. Washington, D.C., as the heart of the New JerUSAlem, is the personification of the first female President to come in the Age of Aquarius and that my friends, is none other then Hilary Clinton!

The Truth behind the name Columbia is that it signifies Columbidae, which is Latin for THE DOVE.  This particular bird, also known as the Comforter, s|he who would come to interpret all things has been closely associated with the Goddess since remote antiquity and also represented the Holy Spirit, which is the feminine aspect of Christ, carefully hidden at heart of the faith.
The Eternal Motto of the Goddess of Liberty
emblazoned on her statue in NYC
"Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand 
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame 
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name 
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand 
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command 
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she 
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, 
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, 
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. 
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, 
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

 - - this is why the USA is a Champion for all the immigrants coming here for a better life, whether they be Mexican, Jew, Muslim, Hindoo, or European, in fact any with a belly button - all are welcome!  Anyone that stands against that, or who wants to build walls around our Democracy, is not a true American!  Neither do they know what America is about! 

The presence of the Great Goddess has been a part of human consciousness from the moment we began to lift our eyes from the savannas from which we evolved. She funded the first spiritual stirrings inside us and endured in our hearts for hundreds of thousands of years. For a brief moment in the vast span of time it appears that we lost sight of her, but even then the Goddess remained secure in the consciousness of a few deeply important movements such as the Masons and the Templars, whom themselves like Clinton has endured hate and ridicule, who designed and built Washington, D.C., and elected George Washington, a Grand Mason, as the first President to make America Great and now with our first female President America is sure to -

Washington DC (USA): Hindus welcome Goddess Saraswati statue near White House 
"President Obama hopes the presence of the statue will open our hearts and minds." Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, noted that existence of different faiths shows God's generosity and bountifulness- the installation of Saraswati statue displays religious pluralism, honoring diversity and respecting minorities.

As we were all looking for the truth, dialogue would bring us mutual enrichment and help us overcome prejudices, thus proving their credentials of multiculturalism and pluralism.

It carries an inscription on its front: "Let the Indestructible Force of Love and Knowledge Seize the Hearts and Minds of All God's Children and Forever Shall Be Peace on Earth." In Hinduism, Saraswati is revered as goddess of knowledge/learning, music, art, language/speech, writing and poetry. Hinduism is the oldest and third largest religion of the world with about one billion adherents and moksh (liberation) is its ultimate goal. There are about three million Hindus in USA.


Athena - in Washington, D.C.
The U.S. Capitol City Through Pagan Eyes
 Images of the gods and goddesses are all over our Nation's Capitol! The fountain outside of the Library of Congress features Poseidon-Neptune and the Waves. Inside the Library, at the entrance, are Athena-Minerva of War and of Peace. War is armed, peace of course is not. On the second floor are the eight Virtues who grace the four corners of the Great Hall. Many of them were vaguely reminiscent of Athena-Minerva, particularly Courage, Fortitude, Industry, and Prudence. The resemblance was partially (and barely) borne out in their iconography (i.e., some weapons, spindle, and distaff) but also in what they stand for, the abstract ideas that they represent. Like War and Peace, the Virtues were very feminine. The full-color, absolutely gorgeous mosaic of Athena-Minerva complete with spear, shield, helmet, breastplate, owl,  olive tree, laurel, and Nike-Victoria was the complete opposite of the other Athena-Minerva-like pieces. Not only does it bear her name but it is true to popular classical images of the goddess.  It looked like it was taken straight from a wall in Pompeii.

The Apotheosis of Washington, located in the Rotunda (and seen above as the first image in this newsletter) is basically a romantic neoclassical depiction of Washington's imagined elevation to godly status elegantly rendered on the dome (which is just below the actual bronze Statue of Freedom that tops the building). In the painting, Washington is surrounded by the Greco-Roman gods. Athena-Minerva is present as a patroness of Science. She teaches and offers guidance to some of the greatest thinkers of that day. Poseidon-Neptune, Aphrodite-Venus, Hermes-Mercury, and Demeter-Ceres are also featured. Hephaistos-Vulcan even appears in the piece to represent Mechanics in the founding of the country. There is also a depiction of Athena-Minerva in the frieze just below the dome/Apotheosis painting. In that highly central room of the Capitol Building, Athena-Minerva is literally stacked on top of herself. She is reflected to some degree in the Statue of Freedom then depicted true to classical form in the Apotheosis decorating the inside of the dome and then again true to ancient form in the frieze just below that. As a Pagan in the Polis - the capitol city of the United States - I thought that was mighty cool! - A good witch, I AM, a woman wandering toward divine wonders in our city for all people, faiths, beliefs and creeds.

Cleopatra's Needle is the popular name for each of three Ancient Egyptian obelisks re-erected in London, Paris, and New York City during the nineteenth century. The obelisks in London and New York are a pair, and the one in Paris is also part of a pair originally from a different site in Luxor, where its twin remains. Although all three needles are genuine Ancient Egyptian obelisks, their shared nickname is a misnomer, as they have no connection with the Ptolemaic Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt, and were already over a thousand years old in her lifetime. The London and New York "needles" were originally made during the reign of 18th Dynasty Pharaoh Hatshepsut, who herself was a Great Goddess, one pf the first women Pharaohs of Egypt. She is regarded by Egyptologists as one of the most successful pharaohs, reigning longer than any other woman of an indigenous Egyptian dynasty. According to Egyptologist James Henry Breasted she is also known as "the first great woman in history of whom we are informed."

Freedom Isn't Free

"Freedom Is Not Free" was first coined by retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Ryan Gremillion of New Mexico Military Institute. The idiom expresses gratitude for the service of members of the military, implicitly stating that the freedoms enjoyed by many citizens in many democracies are only possible through the risks taken and sacrifices made by those in the military, drafted or not. The saying is often used to convey respect specifically to those who have given their lives in defense of freedom.

"Freedom Is Not Free" is engraved into one wall at the Korean War Veterans Memorial, Washington, D.C.. There is a fountain in front of the memorial. Ask the many thousands that gave their lives during the march of Bataan in the Philippines, the Death March.

Ask the question again of the remnants of that same Second Ranger Battalion, now reinforced and assigned to Hill 400 in eastern France, late in November. The First Army had already thrown four divisions at Hill 400 with crushing losses. The conditions were even worse than at the Pointe. Still the Rangers went in, knowing the risk. Outnumbered 10 to one, their original strength of three full companies eventually reduced to just five officers and 86 men, they took the hill in two days. The cost of freedom is incalculable.

Ask those 19 year old teenagers, the average age of the First U.S. Marine Division, who landed August 7, 1942, on the north shore of Guadalcanal, a small tropical island not far from Australia. Guadacanal was the first time that American forces stopped the Japanese sweep in the South Pacific, turning the tide of war. 

But at what cost? Under fire during the landing, the naval forces pulled away, leaving the young marines without air support, without most of their heavy weapons, tanks, and all the rest of their supplies. But those teenagers hung on in that rain soaked, malaria-ridden land, fighting off the snakes, leeches, jungle rot, and a well-entrenched enemy. For the next six months Guadalcanal became hell for both the young marines and the defenders. When, in early 1943, the Japanese pulled out, only 10,000 soldiers were left of their original 40,000. The First Marines required a full year of rehabilitation before they could be called a fighting unit again, having lost many thousands, dead and wounded. The cost of freedom is incalculable.

Think of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Individually, each of them had more to lose than to gain in a revolution. Most of them were already men of standing in their communities, highly educated and owners of substantial property. John Hancock, the richest man in America, became a wanted man, with a price on his head. They did not choose to revolt; they merely wanted to be treated the same as other Englishmen were in England. And they all knew that the penalty for treason was death by hanging.

Each signer became a marked man, pursued relentlessly by the British retribution. None who had property or family were spared. Most lived to see their families killed or separated forever and their property sacked. Nine signers died of wounds or hardships during the war. Many died in poverty-the fathers of our country! Their pledge-"our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor"-was no idle boast. The cost of freedom is incalculable.

Why Does Freedom Cost So Much?

Because throughout history another principle seems too often to prevail-the principle of selfishness that seeks, often at great cost also, to control the mind and property of others. The principle of freedom must be our first commitment, for without this no one is immune against the virus of aggrandizement-the impulse to grab power, wealth, position, or reputation at the expense of others.

The cost of freedom is beyond words. So is the cost of exploitation wherein men and women lose their freedom to think, to worship, to invent. Such are forced to travel under the dark cloud of totalitarianism, no matter what name it might go by.

The purchase of freedom liberates the human spirit and frees citizens, worshipers, to lift their fellowmen to heights otherwise unattainable. But the cost of exploitation not only slams the door on human joy; it lowers the darkest clouds on initiative and progress.


Joan of Arc statue, Meridian Hill Park, Washington, D.C.

Joan of Arc, a gift from the "Ladies of France in Exile in New York" in 1922.[12] It is a bronze copy of an 1889 statue by Paul Dubois. The original is at the Reims Cathedral in France. In Washington, a city of many equestrian statues, this is the only one to depict a woman on horseback.

Now that the time has come for men and woman to decide their own fate, whether the self-righteous so-called moral majority like it or now, it is to the Great Goddess we turn for OUR continuing inspiration. Out of the great experiment that was the European adventure in the Americas something truly amazing has been born. A New World where we are the melting pot where the Earth's Citizens have joined us to make a United World of All faiths, all loves, all joys and Peace to Come for certain through armed mightiness, in case it be needed!

The Goddess has once more taken center stage, as she was destined to do, by FATE, as she had done on those ancient threshing floors that were her first temples. From sea to shining sea the United States of America is replete with images, symbols, and enduring aspirations that when fully understood make one plain happy to be alive and part of this grand experiment known as the Nation of the Goddess.

  Doves at Rosslyn Chapel
Brought to you by, The StarDoves
depicted here with Grand Prior Ian
Sinclair, of the Knights Templars
at Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland 2004

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The 'Real' Incentive for the creation of the United States!

So you think you know the history of the United States? The truth is that from the very first time settlers from Britain landed on the shores of the New World, there was a carefully laid plan for America - the child of a desire, a belief and an imperative that almost unbelievably had its origins in the dim and distant realms of prehistory.  Were they following in the footsteps of even earlier European visitors?  
Our earlier individual research had pointed in this extraordinary direction - a recognition that the history of humanity and our world was far from what orthodox historians could ever or would ever admit. We already knew that behind so many totally misunderstood events across countless centuries was a spiritual imperative and a motivating force that both developing religions and despotic rulers had tried strenuously to destroy. Refusing to die in the hearts of devotees across continents the Great Goddess remained central to successive groups of people who would never abandon many thousands of years of adoration and devotion. Just how important this almost lost Goddess actually was to the founding of the United States and to the development of the modern world.  Here is the story also of the VENUS FAMILIES and the FOUNDING OF THE UNITED STATES! 



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