First Deadline Approaching
We hope you'll join in on the fun!
Greetings Fellow Community Chamber Members,

On behalf of the Downtown Businesses Committee, you are invited to attend the next meeting June 7th @ 9:30 AM in the lower level of the Carnegie Building. If you cannot make it, please feel free to send someone on your behalf. During these meetings, we discuss what we can do to make downtown prosperous. Downtown businesses are encouraged to attend to be a part of what is assured to be success for "Beautiful Downtown Litchfield".  If your business is not located downtown, then that doesn’t leave you out. Most of the businesses downtown are prepared to work with you to share space during these events. Or simply host in your location and let us know the details! It is a one team one dream system. At our meetings, we collectively make decisions on how to have a positive impact on the community while growing our separate businesses. 
June 20-25, 2022
Block Party (Luau Theme)
Each individual business will be responsible for submitting a flyer including; promotions, refreshments, special events, etc. that your business will be providing in your store. This flyer needs to be submitted to Beth Cherry at the Litchfield Chamber of Commerce by
*Extended* May 25, 2022
September 12-17, 2022
Fall Festival
The flyer for this quarterly event needs to be submitted by
August 5, 2022. The Colors of Cancer Run will be at the end of that week. We are hoping to use the increased number of travelers to our advantage. A portion of each business’s proceeds can be donated to the MCCA. 
November 26, 2022
Small Business Saturday
The flyer for this quarterly event needs to be submitted by
October 21st. This is a great time to try to grab the attention of our consumers before the holidays. 
  1. Business Name & Logo
  2. Date of event & hours of operation (for the events that are a week long, you may choose to run specials for all of the days or some of the days. It is at your discretion) 
  3. What are you doing to get people into your store? Are you offering discounts, promotions, refreshments, entertainment, etc. 
  4. it helps to add photos of people doing something that coincides with your business or photos of inside your business

Cassie Beesley
Cisler & Associates Real Estate

Danell Fogle
The Briar Rose

Kayla Blom
Creative Expressions

Shannon Cooper
Shelter Insurance
If you need help with a logo, then our business is more than happy to assist
you with a logo for a small fee. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to:

Kayla Blom. 
Creative Expressions 217-851-3723
223 N. State Street
Litchfield, IL 62056