Jesus Movement

All Saints' Church E-Newsletter
  We gather to know Christ and make him known. 

Friday, May 12, 2017

In this issue:
Bristol Lodge THIS Sunday
Celebrating our Grads!
Memorial Day Parade
Memorial Flower Openings

 C alendar
All Saints' Window
The Fifth Sunday of Easter

8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist

9:15 AM
Choir rehearses

10:00 AM
Holy Eucharist
Godly Play 

11:30 AM
Coffee Hour
Bristol Lodge 
Meal Prep

Coming up!

Wed. May 17
Vestry Meets 

Sun., May 21
Guest Preacher
Will Messenger

Volunteers needed to help with the Bristol Lodge Meal Prep THIS Sunday!

It is the second week of the month and so we are on the schedule to provide the meal for the Bristol Lodge Soup Kitchen in Waltham. 

We are guessing our volunteer pool will be a bit "think" given the fact that it is Mother's Day.  If you do not have any special plans, won't you consider helping out this week? 

Brad Lehman will be leading the effort. Join him in the kitchen after the 10 am service.

It is graduation season, and we know many of you are celebrating with family members. Be sure to send the names you would like remembered in the thanksgivings over the next few weeks, and we would love to share your photos here!

First photo - Rachel-Anne Minor who received her Masters in Music (Choral Conducting) May 6 from the University of Connecticut.

All Saints' will have a float in Belmont's Memorial Day Parade again this year!
Memorial Day float
Plan now to join us on Memorial Day (Monday, May 29) in Belmont's Memorial Day Parade. We will decorate our float on the Sunday before. 

We invite everyone to consider walking or riding a bike along with the float (please dress in red, white, and blue!). there is also limited seating on the float itself for those who want to help throw candy to the crowd.

The parade kicks off at 11:00 am so plan on arriving by 10:45 am.

Join us as we honor those who gave their lives for our country.

Memorial Flower Openings in June

Every Sunday there is an opportunity to give a donation toward the Altar Flowers in memory of a loved one, or in thanksgiving for an important life event! Please consider taking one of the opening in June.

You will see that there are three Sundays available in June, and several more throughout the rest of the year, on the sign-up sheet in the hallway on  the way to the church. People often choose a date close to a loved one's birthday or some other anniversary.

We recommend a donation between $50 and $75 dollars (the cost of the two arrangements are $75.)

Our purpose
is to know Jesus Christ and to make him known.

Our vision is to be a center of Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church.

Our mission is to communicate the universal church's witness to Jesus within the congregation and to the world thereby making disciples of Jesus Christ who personally know Jesus and strive to make him known.