All Saints' Episcopal Church Newsletter
May 10, 2020
Our Vision
: A community living and growing in unity with God and all people through Christ.
Our Mission
: To seek God in reverent worship, service to neighbors, gracious hospitality, and the pursuit of wisdom.
Here are the latest opportunities to strengthen
your faith and connect with the community
Trouble Finding Our Services Online?
Join us Sundays at 10:30 am for Holy Eucharist and Wednesdays at 6 pm for Evening Prayer. Each service will be streamed to our
page, but sometimes the video is not easy to find.
If you are having trouble finding the video, go to the All Saints' YouTube page, click on videos tab under the All Saints' page. Then you should see the Live video. If the time of the service arrives and the video is not active, simply refresh the page. We look forward to seeing you online!
Faith & Friends - Sundays at 6 pm on Zoom
This Week - Discussion of
The Uncontrolling Love of God: An Open and Relational Account of Providence
by Thomas Jay Oord
In this book, Tom Oord addresses the question: If God is all-loving and all-powerful, why is there differing in the world? We will begin discussion of the book this coming Sunday (May 10th). Please order a book and join us.
Connect to Faith & Friends Zoom gathering by clicking on this link
When Will We Reopen at All Saints'?
This question is on many minds as the country moves toward opening businesses and services in the coming weeks. Our bishop and clergy have been in conversation in recent days about just what it might look like to reopen Episcopal churches in Arkansas. More will be coming on that front. But what I can tell you is that we will continue worshiping as we are doing currently until at least through the end of May (through Pentecost). When the time is right, we will be back together in our building for Sunday worship. For now, loving our neighbor as best we can means that we will continue to worship online until we can be sure to have all the necessary safety precautions in place for us to worship in person.
Rev. Teri
Join us for Virtual Coffee Hour Sunday Morning!
We are going to try a virtual Coffee Hour before services on Sunday morning at 9:30 am until 10:25 am.
Password is : allsaints
Topic: Sunday Morning Coffee Hour
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 144 445 127
Who Won the Golden Halo?
It seems like ages ago we were all cheering on our favorite saints in our 2020 Lent Madness brackets. The winner this year was Harriet Tubman!
Several members of All Saints' participarted in the backet to help support our youth activities. The winner this year is Carolyn McClellan! This is her second year to win her name placed on our Golden Halo, that hangs in our Youth Room. She seems to have the golden touch!
Carolyn McLellan - 210 points
Ellen Patton - 165 points
Carol Lee - 155 points
Gift from the Estate of Mary Lu and David Garrett
It is with much gratitude that we share with our parish that All Saints' has received a gift of $150,000 from the estate of Mary Lu and David Garrett.
The estate has directed that this gift be used to pay off the church's outstanding debts ($6,309.83 for the balance of our revolving line of credit at First State Bank, $32, 994.96 for the balance of our loan from the diocese for past construction in our worship space, and $3,128 for the balance of our unpaid 2016 diocesan pledge). After these have been paid, the gift is to be used to upgrade our AV equipment for worship. Remaining funds are then unrestricted.
We are extremely grateful for Mary Lu and David's faithfulness to All Saints' both during their life and in their death. Their life and love continue in this place and in the heart of God. Alleluia, alleluia!
Plastic Shopping Bags Needed for Neighbors Table
Neighbors Table is in need of our plastic shopping bags to pack take-home lunches. If you have some to donate, please drop them by the church Wednesday afternoons from 1-4 pm. During these hours, a box will be placed at the exterior door leading to the church office, and you can leave the bags there. Thanks for supporting Neighbors Table.
Meal Delivery from Neighbors Table
We at All Saints' want to ensure everyone who cannot get out or would like a home cooked meal, gets one on Saturdays. We have a group of volunteers who can deliver meals around town and in the county.
If you would like a meal, please contact Karla Powell at (479) 857-0839
as she is coordinating the meal delivery for Neighbors Table on Saturdays. Please contact by Friday at 7pm.
Giving at All Saints'
During this time of social distancing and staying home, it is important that we are still able to support our parish and our community through our financial gifts. Contributions may be mailed to the church office or to give online, go to
and click on
located on the bottom of the web page. You can designate your donation toward a specific ministry or our general fund.
Please celebrate the following birthdays this week with us:
Matt Coleman, Sadie Hilton, Olive Clair, Robin Danielson, and Lydia Paw.
O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on
your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow
in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness
all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Please celebrate the following anniversaries this week with us:
Walter & Mindy Hudson.
O gracious and everliving God, look mercifully upon your servants who come to renew the promises they have made to each other. Grant them your blessing, and assist them with your grace, that with true fidelity and steadfast love they may honor and keep their promises and vows; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Please let the office know if your birthday or anniversary has been missed.
Mother's Day Video
Mother's Day is May 10. While we cannot gather in person that Sunday, we would like to compile a video from our parishioners and their families about "why they love their mom or what they love about being a mom." It can be 10-15 seconds and will be put with other videos and then uploaded to Facebook on that Sunday afternoon.
And at All Saints' we celebrate
all definitions
of moms.
Please send your video to Melissa Simpson either via email at or upload and share it via Google Drive or Dropbox.
All Saints' Edible Churchyard Garden
Needing something to occupy your time? There are 2-3 boxes left in our edible church yard garden. You can practice safe social distance while practicing your green thumb. Plus there are several parishioners who can help guide you through the process.
Follow the churchyard garden on Facebook here -
All Saints' Green Team
Mary Silkensen and Diane Roach
Zooming with EYC
Our Youth Leaders will meet with EYC kids on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm for highs and lows, virtual games and prayer.
Meeting ID: 585 845 624
No password required. There are always two adult youth leaders in the zoom meeting at all times.
Story time with Melissa
Join us on Facebook live Monday through Friday at Noon as Melissa reads a story to kids with a short lesson. Due to copyright some stories may be able to save to Facebook as others will be deleted after airing to respect the publishers permissions.
Enneagram on Zoom
Our weekly Enneagram class is moving to the next book,
"The Sacred Enneagram: Finding Your Unique Path to Spiritual Growth" by Christopher L. Heuertz.
We are taking a week off and will resume May 19 at 7pm on Zoom. The class will be lead by Rhonda Wolf, Sheila Jacobs and Suzanne Hodges.
Zoom Meeting ID -697-974-768
Thank You's from Neighbors Table
Thank you to Eva Cole and Vanessa Eubanks for their donation of farm fresh eggs.
Thank you to Robert Ford and Dennis Overman of Quiznos in Russellville for their donation of toilet paper.
From Neighbors Table Team
Volunteers Needed for All Saints' Park
Bored at home and want to get out to enjoy the beautiful weather we are having? Feel free to socially distance in our park and help our Green Team. To help them cut down on time, we can collect sticks in the yard and place in piles toward the parking lot, so our lawnmower can go over the grass easier. Any help is greatly appreciated per Hugh Silkensen.
All Saints' Kitchen Request
Spring cleaning out your kitchen and have an extra digital scale? The All Saints' kitchen is in need of one to help measure out ounces and serving sizes.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Suzanne Hodges
Please remember Neighbors Table in your prayers. We’re still serving our guests! Meals are now being served in take-out containers. Much of the preparation is being done ahead of time to make filling and packing the take out boxes manageable. We’re also beginning to distribute meals at 11:00. Kitchen helpers do not need to distribute meals.
Each week the team leader will be in touch with the team with further information. We need team members for April 25. Please sign up by contacting Catherine Crews by text or phone, 479-264-4346 or email,
All Saints’ Guidelines During The COVID-19 Pandemic
All Saints’ is committed to the safety of our members and the community. Therefore, we are asking that all parishioners abide by the following guidelines when on our premises, inside and outside the building.
At no time will more than ten people gather, inside or outside the building.
A distance of six feet will be observed between people at all times. If this cannot be ensured, then masks will be worn.
Upon entering the church, hands should be sanitized (preferably using the hand sanitizer pumps installed at each major entrance).
Tables, computers, and other equipment to be used will be cleaned thoroughly before use, as well as door handles and light switches if possible.
The same will be cleaned upon preparing to leave the building.
Gloves and masks will be worn while preparing food in the kitchen.
As with Neighbors Table, care should be taken to reduce the number of people who must share any given room.
Meetings and classes will be conducted online. (Twelve-step groups will make their own decisions in regard to this. Participants will enter and leave the building through the outside door to that classrom, and use of the building will be limited to the classroom and the restrooms.)
Those streaming worship from the church will also take care to have no more than ten people in the building and to maintain six feet between persons.
10) The church is closed to casual drop-in visits.
Remembering in your Prayers
Weekly Prayers
Miguel, Jon & Pam, Robert, Bernice & Carina, Susan, Ashley, Cindy, Mary Lay and all who have contracted the Covid 19 virus, and those who have lost loved ones in the pandemic.
Long Term Prayers
Sandy Britt, Tom Munson, Don Cave, Caleb Judd, Lillian Tweed, Arthur Hastings, Isaac, Sarah Lee, the Kellner Family, Rodolpho, Jim & Marilyn Tischhauser, Israel Delabra, Jack & Carol Lee, James and Loretta Tyson, Nyssa and Athena Menchacha, Wyatt Sherman, Ann McCorkle, Jeffrey & Jennifer Whitehead, Jordan Hein & family, Kathie Short, Kenny, Joyce Voss, and Karlee Gray.
Readings for Fifth Sunday of Easter
Please click on the blue scripture to link to the readings
The First Lesson
The Response
The Epistle
The Gospel
All Saints' Staff
The Rt. Rev. Larry Benfield - Bishop of Arkansas
The Rev. Teri Daily - Rector
Tim and Kristin Smith - Music Ministers
Melissa Simpson - Director of Christian Formation for Children, Youth, and Young Adults
KaDee McCormick - Parish Administrator
Sherrie Cotton - Administrative Assistant
Marcia Van Horn, Ron Anderson, Lori Price - Office Assistants
Jessie Cave and Bethany Wilder - Early Childhood Teachers
All Saints' Vestry & Officers
Carolyn McLellan - Senior Warden
Don Hill – Junior Warden
Ron Anderson – Junior Warden
Mary Ellen Patton
Thomas Parton
Diane Yarbrough
Elaine Tise
Brandon Etzkorn
Rudy Delabra
Sandy McGregor - Treasurer
Sherrie Cotton - Secretary
Submitting Announcements
If you would like to have an announcement appear in the bulletin and/or in our church email, please submit your announcement to
no later than 10am on the Tuesday before the Sunday you would like it to appear.