February 3, 2023

Dear Friends,

How blessed I feel to have started off the year with all of you! I was so filled with happiness in January at the community we have built together - from the biggest YA brunch ever, to a full list of volunteers for Bridge of Light, to a number of our YA's supporting the parish with the Habitat build. Being witness to the connections this group gives other young adults seeking community within the church is all the motivation I need to continue building out our wonderful ministry into something for everyone! I hope you will all continue on this journey with me and find the same sense of community and friendship that I have.

Well wishes,

Tasia Blair (she/her)

Young Adults' Coordinator


Things to check out!

Service Event: Habitat for Humanity

Saturday, February 10 | 7:30am-3:30pm


Join members of our parish in service, building a home through Habitat for Humanity. I hope many of your will join me on this date, though volunteers are still welcome for any of the remaining build dates. Please sign up by clicking the link here!

Service Event: Volunteering with Bridge of Light

Saturday, February 17 | 10am-12:30pm, Metro Atlanta 

Join us in our work with Bridge of Light, providing services and dignity to individuals experiencing homelessness in Atlanta by utilizing mobile resource centers to offer showers, laundry, and clothing. Exact location will be provided at sign-up. Sign up to volunteer here!

Fowling Social Event

Saturday, February 24 | 2-4pm, Fowling Warehouse 1356 English St. NW, Atlanta, GA 30318

Join us for a friendly game of Fowling (a mix of football and bowling) while getting to know one another off the block. Unlimited game play and light snacks will be provided. Registration is required as tickets are limited. Please sign up here!

Brunch & Bible Study

Sunday, February 25 | 12:30-2:30pm, The Ross Room

Join us for our monthly Sunday brunch! Come enjoy a delicious catered meal, lively conversation, and a short bible study. All are invited – whether you're looking to connect for the first time, reconnect after a long while, or keep connections going! Childcare services will be available. Please sign up here so we know to expect you and whether you will need childcare services.

Happening in the Church!

The Welcome Table: Sunday Evening Worship Service and Dinner 

Sundays at 5:00 p.m., In the Chapel and Ellis Hall 

Before your busy week begins, the Welcome Table is a place to join with others and find rest and refreshment. A service of music, prayer, and communion. A community dinner is provided following the service.

Wednesday Night Supper

Wednesdays 5:00 - 7:00 p.m., In Ellis Hall 

Enjoy an evening meal in community followed by a casual worship service and communion. The cost is $11 for adults and $5 for college students. You can register here to pay online or pay at the door.

Philadelphia 11 Documentary 

Sunday, February 11, 12:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m., Ellis Hall 

Come after the 11:15 a.m. worship service for a light lunch and screening of a documentary about the ordination of women in the Episcopal Church. Revs. Jennifer McBride, Nontombi Naomi Tutu and Karen Evans will lead the discussion. This film, which is not available to the general public, invites us to question historical hierarchies and the meaning of radical inclusivity, as well as to consider the importance of female priests for our church community. To register for this event, visit bit.ly/asecphilly11

On the Horizon for Young Adults

  • March 2 - Bridge of Light Service Event 10am - 12:30p
  • March 31 - Easter Brunch & Bible 12:30 - 2:30

  • April 7 - Braves Game 1:30
  • April 12 - Dinner with the Rectors 6:30-8:00
  • April 14 - Brunch & Bible  12:30-2:30

  • May 12 - Brunch & Bible 12:30-2:30

  • September 14-15 - Mountain Eucharist Retreat at Len Foote Hike Inn

Happening Off the Block

My goal for our group is that you build relationships that extend outside of the All Saints' block for years to come! This space is to keep everyone updated on things happening around our city. If something interests you, I encourage you to reach out to the group and find a friend to attend with you!

Black History Month

Tour the famous Black history sites and landmarks Atlanta has to offer or visit one of our museums that are hosting Black history focused exhibitions this month.

Year of the Dragon

The Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Culture Office, many local restaurants, and Stone Mountain Park all have celebrations this month to celebrate Lunar New Year Festivities.

Atlanta Jewish Film Festival

The AJFF returns to metro Atlanta theaters February 13-26. Browse their website for film information and ticket prices.

Checkmate Mondays at Politan Row

Join the Atlanta Checkmate Club for casual chess plays & tournaments at 6pm every Monday in Politan Row.

Know something fun happening in March that others may want to attend? Message me to include it in our next newsletter!

Young Adult WhatsApp Group

Last but not least, did you know we have a Young Adult group chat? Please come pop in and introduce yourself. It's a lovely way to stay in the loop and plan things together. The QR code will take you there, or you can click here!

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