All Saints Eagle News
March 11, 2021
All Saints Catholic School community proclaims the Word, shares Catholic teachings, and educates our children.
Introducing Fr. Xavier Amirtham, O. Praem

It is unfortunate that we seldom see the faces of those around us. It is also unfortunate that so many school families have not met Fr. Xavier under the circumstances of Covid-19. All Saints School would like to provide our families with a little background about Fr. Xavier. As most who meet him would agree, he has quite a sense of humor and enjoys laughter.

He was born March 18th at Madurai in Tamil Nadu State in India and is the eldest of eight children. After 12th grade, Fr. Xavier completed a BA from St. Aloysius College (Jabalpur) and then got dual degrees in philosophy and in theology at Pontifical College of Jnana Deepa Vidyapeeth (Pune). He also holds a diploma in Pastoral Counseling Skills.

Fr. Xavier entered the Norbertine order on June 6, 1985, at St. Norbert Abbey in Jabalpur in Central India and was ordained on November 19, 1995. Before coming into the US, he served as Pastor of All Saints Church (Diocese of Thiruchirapalli) and St. Joseph the Worker Church. He then served as Prior of Norbertine Fathers and Manager of the Cardinal Gracias High School (Archdiocese of Bombay). After completing one year of service in the US, Fr. Xavier was installed as pastor of Holy Family Catholic Church in Jackson, Mississippi.

In 2015, Fr. Xavier celebrated his 20th Anniversary as a Norbertine.
Welcome Warmth - What a Tease

This week's weather was so nice - sunshine and temperatures in the 50s and high 40s. The extended forecast for next week may bring rain and/or snow showers as well as temperatures hovering in the high 30s and lower 40s. The evenings and our mornings will still be in the 20s. In an effort to make sure students have dressed appropriately, we suggest watching the weather closely in March and April since the weather can vary so much.

Keep in mind that the weather can be quite cold in the morning and at 10:00 a.m. recess and then be 30-degrees warmer by the afternoon. There are patches of snow and the grassy areas will become slightly muddy. The following items are of importance:

  • Lil' Saints and grades 4K-2: at this time of year, students still need boots, snow pants, mittens/gloves, and a winter coat.
  • Grades 3-4: although students may not need their snow pants, they do need their boots or, if temperatures allow, rain boots. Should we get snow or if the temperatures dictate it, students will need their snow pants.
  • Grades 5-8: students need to come dressed appropriately for the weather and temperatures. If we get snow and there is more than a dusting of snow on the blacktop area, students need boots. If a student does not have boots, they will stand near the doors.
Stations of the Cross

  • Tuesday, March 16th, 8:05 a.m., grades three through eight; roughly 20-25 minutes
  • Thursday, March 18th, 10:45 a.m., grades one and two; roughly 15 minutes

Parents and loved ones may join us in the church but must adhere to masks and social distancing away from our students.

Mrs. Joyce's classes will do something within the classroom that is more appropriate for their age. Unfortunately, family and loved ones are are not able to attend.
I Love Recess
No Friday Lunch Recess

It is possible we will lose our Friday lunch recess supervisor very soon. We do not have staff available at that time to supervise. Students will not have lunch recess unless we can find someone. Contact the school office if you can help us out or if you have a name for us to call.
School Calendar Reminder

If you have not already done so, mark your calendar with the following dates:

  • Friday, March 26th: Dismissal at 11:25 p.m. Bussing is available to those who need it, provided that the school office is informed by March 11th. Bag lunches will also be available; details coming.
  • Monday, March 29th - Friday, April 2nd: Easter break. Students return on Monday, April 5th.

Please note that Denmark School District made the announcement that their next three half-days were changed; students will not attend those days. We do not anticipate any changes in our calendar. Bussing will be offered
Let's Keep the Drive Going 

Faith Formation will continue the food and necessities collection at All Saints until Wednesday, March 17th. If you as a school family did not get a chance to bring something in yet for the food, personal hygiene, and paper product drive, please feel free to drop something off at the school office. Thank you to all the school families that have already supported Mrs. Phillips and her program's collection. Monetary donations are also accepted.
Camp Tekakwitha

Registration is open for summer camp at Camp Tekakwitha! If you're looking for an exceptional Catholic summer experience spent soaking up God's great creation through outdoor adventure and community, Camp Tek is just the thing. Families can visit their Facebook page for more information. A camp postcard will be sent home tomorrow with every child in grades 1-8.

All Saints Catholic School
145 Saint Claude Street
Denmark, WI 54208