December 4, 2024

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All Saints Episcopal Church

Fr. Christopher Wilkerson, Rector

100 N. Drew Street, Appleton, WI 54911

920-734-3656 (office) or 920-249-4147

Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-3pm

Celebrating Our Life Together in Christ

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Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to see

the schedule of servers for upcoming Sundays.

From Fr. Christopher Wilkerson

My dear family in Christ,


This past Sunday, 1st December, was Advent 1. It marked, of course, the beginning of our annual journey through the season of Advent as we make our way towards, and make our souls ready for, the Nativity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ on the 25th. But it also marked the completion of my fifth full year here with you all as Rector of All Saints Episcopal Church.


Advent, like Lent, is a good season for contemplating endings and beginnings, and the connections between the two. The Anglo-Saxons had a saying: “The end and the beginning are not always alike”—but they are inextricably linked together. Every time one thing ends, another thing begins. And every time a new thing begins, whatever came before either ends … or changes and grows into a new thing, itself.


The world looked rather different when I arrived at All Saints in December of 2019. For one thing, I drove up through a terrible ice storm to begin my time here in a “new world” buried under vast drifts of snow. It seemed as if Fate had got hold of a book called The Most Predictable Clichés of the Upper Midwest and brought the first few pages to life, just for me, this Southern ex-pat now come to the Frozen North. 🙂 I was quite amazed that Spring, when the sun came out and everything turned green!


All Saints Events

Thursday Office Hours

During December and part of January (exact time frame TBD), the parish office's Thursday hours will be 9 am-3 pm instead of 9 am-12 pm.

Rector's Office Hours

Fr. Christopher will be out of the office on Thursday, December 12. Faith Talk will not be held that day.

Coffee Hour

The coffee hour schedule has openings on most of the Sundays in December, including next Sunday, Dec. 8. Please sign up on the bulletin board to provide treats for our post-service socializing time!

Note: There are still a lot of treats left over from the reception after the ecumenical Thanksgiving service, and anyone hosting coffee hour this coming Sunday is welcome to use them. They can be found in the fridge and freezer in the Palmer Room kitchen.

Open Mic Night


On the first Friday of each month at 7:00 pm, Seth Williams and Oliver Park will host an open mic night in the Palmer Room. Come join us on Friday, December 6 to show off your poetry, music, dancing, etc. and enjoy listening to what others have to share.  Invite your friends!

Holiday Outreach

For the Christmas season, we are collecting gifts for kids and adults, for the Harbor House Shelter. The mission of Harbor House is to serve all people impacted by domestic and sexual violence, lead the shift in perception of violence, and advocate for lasting social change. You can learn more by visiting

This year Harbor House is focusing on teen gifts, baby gifts, & gift cards. All adults will be given $75 worth of gift cards, while children and teens will open gifts. Gift donations should be unwrapped. A complete wish list can be found here or on the bulletin board.

Please bring your donations to church on Sunday, December 8th, which will be our celebration of St. Nick. All donations should be brought to the office no later than Wednesday, Dec. 11th.

Mahjongg Night

Come join us on Tuesday, November 12 and bring a friend to learn and play.  We'll meet in person at 6:30pm in the Palmer Room. Questions? Contact Stephanie Gadzik or Catherine Neiswender.

Music at All Saints

Save the date! Our next Music at All Saints will be "Of the Father's Love Begotten: Music of Christmas." Thursday, December 19 at 7:00. Performers include Lawrence faculty members, Cayla Rosche (soprano), Steven Spears (tenor), Wen-Lei Gu (violin), our own Catherine Neiswender on flute, and Ken Bozeman playing the piano. Please help spread the word by telling friends and family!

Living Christianity Advent Series

My dear friends in Christ,


The next series in our Living Christianity program will be Journey of the Magi, a two part Advent reflection beginning next Monday, December 9 and concluding on the following Monday, December 16. This series will combine prayer, Scripture, the writings of several Christian mystics, quiet contemplation, and journaling as we make the journey through anticipation of Advent to the glory of Christmas. 


Please plan to join us at 6:30 for these two Monday nights in Advent as part of your preparation and eager anticipation of the Nativity of Our Lord.


Peace & blessings,


Parish Birthdays & Anniversaries

REMINDER: If you'd like to have your birthday or anniversary recognized, please contact the office.

December Birthdays

12/8 - Jane Azzi

12/8 - Nancy Krueger

12/14 - Ruth Ring

12/16 - Judy Gaines

12/18 - Julie Holly

12/22 - Emily Gilbert

12/25 - Carlyle Mason

12/25 - Elena Wilkerson

12/27 - Sydney Ring

12/29 - Karlee Dobkoski

12/31 - Dolores Wiseman

December Anniversaries

12/17 - Craig & Tammy Augustine

12/28 - Steve & Donna Summers

12/30 - Ken & Joanne Bozeman

Diocesan & Community Events

Phil Sealy Art Exhibit

The Richeson Gallery in Kimberly is exhibiting the watercolors of Phil Sealy, who was an important member of the Fox River Valley art community as well as a longstanding and much-beloved parishioner of All Saints. The exhibit runs November 8-January 17, with a reception on Friday, December 13 from 5:30-7:30 pm. For more information, visit the Richeson website.

From Stephen Leader Julie Holly

Are you or someone you know in need of confidential Christian caregiving? If so, please contact Julie Holly, Stephen Leader, at 920.809.2416 (c), 920.731.6896 (h), or email her at You may also contact Fr Christopher at 920.266.9262 (Pastoral Care Line), or Paul Van Duser, Pastoral Care Team Leader, at 847.287.2321.

Calendar of Upcoming Events

All Saints Weekly Schedule

NOTE: Even if you don't have a Facebook account, you can still view the livestreams or any other information on the All Saints page by clicking the links below.

Wednesday, December 4

E-newsletter out

5:30-6:30 pm Rector's Office Hours

6:30 pm Holy Eucharist    

Thursday, December 5

12:30 pm Faith Talk (Zoom)

Friday, December 6

7:00 pm Open Mic Night

Saturday, December 7

9 am-1 pm Mutual Ministry Review

Sunday, December 8

8:30 am Holy Eucharist (in-person)    

9:30 am Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am Holy Eucharist (in-person and Facebook livestream)

Monday, December 9

11:30 am Bible Study (Zoom)

6:30 pm Living Christianity

Tuesday, December 10

9:30 am Holy Eucharist

11 am -12:30 pm Rector's Office Hours

6:30 pm Mahjongg Night

Wednesday, December 11

5:30-6:30 pm Rector's Office Hours

6:30 pm Holy Eucharist    

Sunday, December 15

8:30 am Holy Eucharist (in-person)    

9:30 am Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am Holy Eucharist (in-person and Facebook livestream)

Monday, December 16

11:30 am Bible Study (Zoom)

6:30 pm Living Christianity

Tuesday, December 17

9:30 am Holy Eucharist

11 am -12:30 pm Rector's Office Hours

6:30 pm Vestry Meeting

Wednesday, December 18

E-newsletter out

5:30-6:30 pm Rector's Office Hours

6:30 pm Holy Eucharist    

Thursday, December 19

12:30 pm Faith Talk (Zoom)

7:00 pm Music at All Saints: Christmas Concert

Serving Schedule

Sunday, December 8

Second Sunday

of Advent

8:30 am


Robert Schimmelpfenning

Malachi 3:1-4

Philippians 1:3-11

Chalice Bearer/Acolyte

Barb Schoenike


Mike Soffa

10:30 am


Ken Bozeman

Malachi 3:1-4

Sarah Gilbert

Philippians 1:3-11



Emily Gilbert


Matt Kierzek

Canticle 16


Chalice Bearers

Suzanne Fischer,

Peter Gilbert



Tina Wilfer



Pam Sealy,

Steve Gilling



Suzanne Fischer,

Peggy Garefino


Altar Guild

Catherine Neiswender



Craig Jackels

Coffee Hour


Sunday, December 15

Third Sunday

of Advent

8:30 am


Judy Hebbe

Zephaniah 3:14-20

Philippians 4:4-7

Chalice Bearer/Acolyte

Judy Hebbe


Chuck Morris

10:30 am


Mike Gadzik

Zephaniah 3:14-20

Ruth Ring

Philippians 4:4-7


Anne Wilkerson


Carol Jegen

Canticle 9

Chalice Bearers

Sarah Gilbert,

Dolores Wiseman



Julie Holly


Peter Gilbert,

Tina Wilfer


Anne Wilkerson,

Susan Allen

Altar Guild

Cathy Twomey


Peter Gilbert

Coffee Hour

Ruth Ring

Sunday, December 22

Fourth Sunday

of Advent

8:30 am


Robert Schimmelpfenning

Micah 5:2-5a

Hebrews 10:5-10

Chalice Bearer/Acolyte

Barb Schoenike


Ken Schoenike

10:30 am


Joanne Bozeman

Micah 5:2-5a

Jan Watson

Hebrews 10:5-10



Tina Wilfer


Karl Breice

Psalm 80:1-7


Chalice Bearers

Nancy Krueger,

Peter Gilbert



Tina Wilfer



Pam Sealy,

Steve Gilling



Jan Watson,

Joanne Bozeman


Altar Guild

Nancy Krueger



Ken Bozeman

Coffee Hour


All Saints Episcopal Church | 920-734-3656 or 920-249-4147 |


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