December 6, 2023

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All Saints Episcopal Church
Celebrating Our Life Together in Christ

100 North Drew Street / Appleton, Wisconsin 54911 / 920-734-3656 or 920-249-4147

Parish Office Hours: Mon-Wed & Fri 9am-3pm, Thurs 9am-12pm

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the schedule of servers for upcoming Sundays.

From the Senior Warden, Stephanie Gadzik

It’s the feast day of St. Nicholas and a day of giving gifts. Gifts of time and talent are constantly shared in our congregation. Many of these gifts are given silently, invisibly, and without recognition. The last few months I’ve been joking that we must have “elves” at All Saints who magically appear and do the work that needs to be done. Now that I am taking a turn as senior warden and trying to piece together how things get done here, I’m more aware of how many tasks are completed by folks who generously show up to take care of business without needing an invitation. Sometimes I see who does the work and sometimes I don’t. We don’t have magic elves; we have steady congregants showing love in action. I wonder if they hear “thank you” often enough?

We’re a small parish right now in 2023, but I think we’ve taken care of church business like a small parish for a long time. This means we’re not necessarily working differently these days, just that there are less people to help out when bigger jobs need more hands. It makes sense for small churches to be really open about this and try to pace ourselves in our work. I’m aware that we could benefit from some planning and communications that would help us to pool our energy and define the tasks that support our parish well-being, like worship, education, caretaking, and building maintenance. Our community has an abundance of gifts to support those tasks and it’s incredible to see how freely they are given.

At All Saints, we are beautifully focused on the gifts waiting for us at the altar; God’s gift sustains us to provide love in action in all areas of our lives. Thank you, people of All Saints, for sharing your unique self and your unique gifts with our parish. Thank you especially for the gifts of presence and prayer. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

From the Treasurer, Tina Wilfer

The October financial summary can also be viewed as a PDF here.

What’s a Mutual Ministry Review?

It’s a process that enables a congregation to reflect and engage in meaningful conversation about its shared ministries.

The vestry met on Saturday, Dec. 2 for a three hour special session to do this review. We used a church development model called The Christian Life Model, which provided a framework to discuss the joys and challenges in four areas of church life: Worship, Doctrine, Action, and Oversight. Our discussion on the current ministries carried out by church leaders and members of the congregation can help us better support our parish, live into our mission, and serve the congregation and the wider community. This exercise gave us the chance to hear different points of view, ask questions, and look for themes. By the end of the session, we had collected a combination of suggested actions that will help build our 2024 vestry work, like revitalizing our newcomer efforts and education, striving to be actively inclusive of all people, and hosting events to build social connections, to name three examples of possible action. It was a great “year-end” reflection and preparation leading into the season of Advent.

All Saints Events

Thursday Office Hours

From Nov. 30 to Jan. 4, the parish office's Thursday hours will be 9 am-3 pm instead of 9 am-12 pm.

Christmas Service Times

Fourth Sunday of Advent (Sunday, Dec. 24): 8:30 am and 10:30 pm

Christmas Eve (Sunday, Dec. 24): 7:30 pm

Christmas Day (Monday, Dec. 25): 10:30 am

Christmas Memorial Flowers

If you'd like to contribute to our Christmas flowers in memory of a loved one, please contact the office with the names you wish to have listed. Donations may be for any amount you feel is appropriate. If you don't mind our using excess funds for Christmas bulletins or other expenses, please mark your check "Christmas flowers or as needed". Thank you!

Gifts for Harbor House

St. Nicholas won't make an in-person visit to All Saints this year, but we're continuing the tradition of collecting new, unwrapped toys and books to give to children staying at Harbor House this holiday season. A list of gift suggestions from Harbor House can be found here or on the bulletin board in the hallway. Please bring your gifts to church on Sunday, Dec. 10 or drop them off in the office during the preceding week.

Advent Meals

On Dec. 6 and Dec. 20, we'll gather at 5:30 pm to share a light meal of soup, bread, and salad before the 6:30 pm Healing Eucharist. Please sign up on the bulletin board or by contacting the office so that we know how much food to prepare. We'll also need volunteers to make soup, bread, and salad for the Dec. 20 meal. Please contact the office if you're interested in helping out.

Finding Light in the Darkness - An Advent Meditation

Wednesday, Dec. 13, 6:30 pm

Amid the hubbub of the Holiday Season, the tradition of observing Advent calls us to look inward for reflection and prayer. This year we are hosting a meditation including music, reflections, scripture, and poets like Thomas Merton, Rilke and Jan Richardson.  

Part of the season of Advent is the Feast Day of Santa Lucia, well known to Swedes, which falls on Dec. 13. Lucia is an ancient figure with an abiding role as a bearer of light in the dark Swedish winters. In her memory, we’ll start the evening at 5 pm with a light Smorgasbord and some delicious Cardamom Bread. Please make a reservation by contacting the office at 920-734-3656 or [email protected]

Ordo Calendars for 2024

The new Ordo Calendars for 2024 have arrived in the office!

If you haven't used one before, they're very good for tracking the seasons of the church year. The color of the date matches the vestments and hangings to be used in church, and the back of each month's page lists the readings for Sundays and holy days. Highly recommended for lay servers, altar guild members, and church nerds of any sort. Stop by the office and pick one up for free!

What is RaiseRight?

raiseright-small_orig image

RaiseRight (formerly known as Scrip) is a fund-raising program that lets you shop normally and generate revenue for All Saints Episcopal Church. Purchase gift cards from All Saints for vendors you already shop with (more than 800 available) and the vendor provides a rebate to All Saints.

Gift cards can be ordered through our RaiseRight coordinator, Suzanne Fischer, or on the RaiseRight website. Visit the All Saints website for more information.

Parish Birthdays & Anniversaries

REMINDER: If you'd like to have your birthday or anniversary recognized, please contact the office.

December Birthdays

12/8 - Jane Azzi

12/8 - Nancy Krueger

12/14 - Ruth Ring

12/16 - Judy Gaines

12/17 - Fletcher Retzlaff

12/18 - Julie Holly

12/22 - Emily Gilbert

12/25 - Carlyle Mason

12/25 - Elena Wilkerson

12/27 - Sydney Ring

12/29 - Karlee Dobkoski

12/30 - Duncan Retzlaff

12/31 - Dolores Wiseman

December Anniversaries

12/17 - Craig & Tammy Augustine

12/28 - Steve & Donna Summers

12/30 - Ken & Joanne Bozeman

Diocesan & Community Events

Marionette Show

The Fox Folk Marionettes, which belonged to All Saints for many years, will be performing at Riverview Lutheran School's Christmas for Kids event on Saturday, December 9. The marionette show will be from 11-11:30 am in the gym.

Opportunities to Serve

Acolytes Needed

We're in need of more acolytes to serve at the altar during the 10:30 am Sunday service. If you'd like to participate in this ministry, please contact the office. Thank you!

From Stephen Leader Julie Holly

This past Sunday, we began the holy season of Advent. Members of Christian denominations who follow the common lectionary heard these words proclaimed at services: “And many people shall go, and say: Come and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob, and he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall come forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 2:3)

Advent is my favorite “prep” season of the Church year. I imagine myself climbing a mountain, on the journey, following in the footsteps of all who have experienced Advent through the centuries, opening my heart to the whispers of Emmanuel. I’m confident I will be taught God’s ways, that I will walk in God’s paths. In short, I trust the process of Advent, the unfolding of the journey, the “magic” of this holy season.

I hold that exhilarating image of climbing a mountain in my mind and heart as I begin this Advent journey. It is enough to put one foot in front of the other and keep walking. I do this in my prayers and reflections. I do this in my encounters with others, in my appreciation and wonder at God’s provident care and loving goodness manifested in all of Creation.

Step by step, to the summit of Christmas Day we shall go. We go together. Because everything is connected, and no one is saved alone. Won’t you join me on this Advent journey?

-Excerpted from Sr. Susan Kusz, Associate Director, Jesuit Retreat House

Calendar of Upcoming Events
All Saints Weekly Schedule

NOTE: Even if you don't have a Facebook account, you can still view the livestreams or any other information on the All Saints page by clicking the links below.

Wednesday, December 6

E-newsletter out

3:30-7 pm Pillars Feeding Ministry

5:30 pm Advent Meal

5:30 pm Rector's Office Hours

6:30 pm Holy Eucharist    

Thursday, December 7

12:15 pm Faith Talk (Zoom)    

Sunday, December 10

8:30 am Holy Eucharist (in-person)    

9:30 am Choir Rehearsal

9:45-10:25 am Sunday School - ages 5-10

10:30 am Holy Eucharist (in-person and Facebook livestream)

12:40-1:40 pm Sunday School - ages 11-17

2:00 pm Circle Songs

Monday, December 11

11:00 am Bible Study (Zoom)

Tuesday, December 12

9:30 am Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, December 13

5:00 pm Santa Lucia Smorgasbord

5:30 pm Rector's Office Hours

6:30 pm Advent Meditation     

Thursday, December 14

12:15 pm Faith Talk (Zoom)

Sunday, December 17

8:30 am Holy Eucharist (in-person)    

9:30 am Choir Rehearsal

9:45-10:25 am Sunday School - ages 5-10

10:30 am Holy Eucharist (in-person and Facebook livestream)

12:40-1:40 pm Sunday School - ages 11-17

2:00 pm Circle Songs

Monday, December 18

11:00 am Bible Study (Zoom)

Tuesday, December 19

9:30 am Holy Eucharist

6:30 pm Vestry Meeting

Wednesday, December 20

E-newsletter out

5:30 pm Advent Meal

5:30 pm Rector's Office Hours

6:30 pm Holy Eucharist    

Thursday, December 21

12:15 pm Faith Talk (Zoom)     

Serving Schedule

Sunday, December 10

Second Sunday

of Advent

8:30 am


Robert Schimmelpfenning

Isaiah 40:1-11

2 Peter 3:8-15a

Chalice Bearer/Acolyte

Barb Schoenike


Mike Soffa

10:30 am


Tina Wilfer

Isaiah 40:1-11

2 Peter 3:8-15a


Bill Reeves


Carol Jegen

Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13

Chalice Bearers

Peter Gilbert,

Sarah Gilbert


Julie Holly


Tina Wilfer


Ken Bozeman,

Jan Watson

Altar Guild

Catherine Neiswender


Ken Bozeman

Coffee Hour


Sunday, December 17

Third Sunday

of Advent

8:30 am


Robert Schimmelpfenning

Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24

Chalice Bearer/Acolyte

Barb Schoenike


Ken Schoenike

10:30 am


Nancy Krueger

Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24


Mike Gadzik


Karl Breice

Psalm 126

Chalice Bearers

Nancy Krueger,

Suzanne Fischer


Suzanne Fischer


Pam Sealy


Marlene Angevine,

Sarah Gilbert

Altar Guild

Nancy Krueger


Peter Gilbert

Coffee Hour

Ruth Ring

Sunday, December 24

Fourth Sunday

of Advent

8:30 am



2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16

Romans 16:25-27

Chalice Bearer/Acolyte

Barb Schoenike


Chuck Morris

10:30 am


Karl Breice

2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16

Romans 16:25-27


Bill Reeves


Matt Kierzek

Canticle 15

Chalice Bearers

Bill Reeves,

Emily Gilbert


Julie Holly


Peter Gilbert


Joanne Bozeman,

Peter Gilbert

Altar Guild

Suzanne Fischer &

Sarah Gilbert


Pam Sealy

Coffee Hour

Jan & Bill Reeves

Sunday, December 24

Christmas Eve

7:30 pm


Sarah Gilbert

Isaiah 9:2-7

Ken Bozeman

Titus 2:11-14

Chalice Bearers

Bill Reeves,

Dolores Wiseman


Julie Holly


Steve Gilling

Altar Guild

Suzanne Fischer &

Sarah Gilbert


Peter Gilbert

Monday, December 25

Christmas Day

10:30 am


Paul Van Duser

Isaiah 52:7-10

Hebrews 1:1-12

Chalice Bearer

Nancy Krueger


Suzanne Fischer


Mike Soffa

Altar Guild

Suzanne Fischer &

Sarah Gilbert

All Saints Episcopal Church | 920-734-3656 or 920-249-4147 [email protected] |


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