All Saints Episcopal Church
Fr. Christopher Wilkerson, Rector
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100 N. Drew Street, Appleton, WI 54911
920-734-3656 (office) or 920-249-4147
Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-3pm
Celebrating Our Life Together in Christ
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Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to see
the schedule of servers for upcoming Sundays.
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From Fr. Christopher Wilkerson |
My dear family in Christ,
It’s a hard day, I must confess, to be trying to compose my bi-weekly message to the parish. This election cycle just concluded has been particularly brutal for many of us ~ mentally, emotionally, spiritually ~ myself definitely included. I’m old enough to have lived through many presidential elections now, but it’s difficult to recall one which truly seemed to play out along the lines of a cosmic contest of powerful primal forces, the way this one has felt.
Regardless of where you locate yourself on the American political spectrum (or whether you do), the deep dividedness of our society, the differences that have less to do with particular policy positions and more to do with existential (and irreconcilable) worldviews and values has left so many of us feeling beaten, broken, hopeless.
Some folks are no doubt happy about the results of the election. Others are surely relieved that it’s “over.” Of course, for folks in vulnerable populations ~ women, people of color, LGBTQAI+ folx, non-Christians of all varieties, immigrants, it’s hardly over. In many ways, it’s just beginning … or beginning again.
Established rights and protections under the law are no longer necessarily secure, with the change in national leadership and the different set of values and priorities coming with that change. The domestic and international order of the past four years is now much more uncertain than it was a few hours ago.
As a result, it may well feel as if we awoke this morning in a very different world than the one in which we fell asleep last night. It may feel like reality has fundamentally shifted underneath our feet.
The good news, and the bad news, is that this is not so.
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From the Senior Warden, Stephanie Gadzik |
Taking the next steps
I read Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s book this summer, Love is the Way. In Chapter 6, he gives this advice. “The best time to plant a seed is now. Change is a long, slow march heavenward, with as many twists and turns as there are branches in a growing tree. Accepting that change doesn’t necessarily conform to any human timeline or plan is the first step. The second step is to stop worrying about it and get moving. I have a nine-year term as the presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church. If you had asked me when I was twenty-five what I expected I could get done in that time the answer would have been very different from what I would tell you today. Back then, I would have expected to see some tangible fruit. What I’ve learned in the intervening years is that my job is only to sow the seeds. That’s everyone’s job. The error of youth is thinking that you’ve succeeded - or it’s worth contributing - only when you can see, touch, or taste the fruit.” That passage really hit home for me as someone craving to see, touch, or taste the fruit of our parish labor. Sometimes it’s hard to see progress, or touch or taste the fruit, but if we stay focused on planting good seed, and tending to it, the fruit will come - and is here now, too! (See the "Wins List" on the parish life bulletin board.) What are the seeds that you are planting this year? In December, the vestry will host an evaluation discussion called a Mutual Ministry Review, to cover goals and expectations of the year and look to 2025 and the work we’ll do then. Please pray for us and our meeting on Saturday, December 7, for the election of new vestry members in January, and for the fruit of the spirit to be evident in all of us as we follow the twists and turns of the branches of our own growing tree that is All Saints Episcopal Church. Thank you.
Thank you for your stewardship
Thank you for considering your 2025 commitment to All Saints Episcopal Church in the areas of time, talent, and treasure. This helps our governing body, the vestry, get an idea of incoming resources and plan accordingly. If you haven’t already, use this link to share your intentions for 2025 and join us as we worship together, work in ministry teams, strengthen our individual faith, and serve our neighbors by sharing ourselves and our resources.
Creation Care Grant Received
We have received a $1,000 grant from the Diocese of Wisconsin to support the replacement of our parish hall’s aging air conditioner, which may be upwards of $7,000. See the Parish Life bulletin board for more details.
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Rector Out of Office - Nov. 7 & 11 |
Hi, Folks ~ I will be out of the office tomorrow, November 7th, and again on Monday, November 11th. I will still be in town, and I will absolutely be available in the event of a pastoral emergency (920-266-9262). We will hold our Sunday worship services with Holy Eucharist at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. as regularly scheduled ~ I’ll only be out of pocket on Thursday and Monday (and my regular “day off” on Friday).
But we will not have our Faith Talk Zoom session tomorrow, or our Zoom Bible study on Monday.
Living Christianity will meet on the evening of Monday, the 11th, at 6:30 p.m. as scheduled, however.
As always, I continue to hold you all in my prayers, and I look forward to seeing y’all on Sunday!
Peace & blessings,
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Notice of Vestry Nomination Committee | According to our by-laws, a vestry nominating committee comprised of current vestry and non-vestry members is being assembled to bring vestry nominations to the annual meeting. Those individuals are: Stephanie Gadzik, Pete Gilbert, Paul Van Duser, Suzanne Fischer, and Sarah Gilbert. If anyone is interested to serve on the vestry beginning January 2025, please reach out to one of these individuals. | |
Come join us on Tuesday, November 12 and bring a friend to learn and play. We'll meet in person at 6:30pm in the Palmer Room. Questions? Contact Stephanie Gadzik or Catherine Neiswender.
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Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service | It's become a tradition for several of the downtown churches to hold a joint Thanksgiving service, and this year it's All Saints' turn to host! All are welcome to attend on Wednesday, Nov. 27 at 7pm and get to know our neighbors a little better. If you have any questions, speak to Fr. Christopher. | |
Anglicanism 101: A Brief Introduction to The Episcopal Church continues on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. If you are new to the Episcopal Church, this series is for you. And if you’ve been an Episcopalian for decades, it will be a welcome refresher that just might answer questions you didn’t know you had! Come join us as we explore who we are—and why!
The series will run through November 25. For more information, contact Fr. Christopher directly at or 920.266.9262.
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Parish Birthdays & Anniversaries
REMINDER: If you'd like to have your birthday or anniversary recognized, please contact the office.
November Birthdays
11/1 - Mary Fran Erickson
11/2 - Martin Neiswender
11/4 - Susan McCardell
11/6 - Barb Schoenike
11/7 - Peggy Garefino
11/7 - Maria Lepisto
11/12 - Cathy Twomey
11/16 - Diane Harper-Long
11/20 - Marlene Angevine
11/29 - Donna Summers
November Anniversaries
11/24 - Malcolm & Susan Allen
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Diocesan & Community Events | |
The Richeson Gallery in Kimberly is exhibiting the watercolors of Phil Sealy, who was an important member of the Fox River Valley art community as well as a longstanding and much-beloved parishioner of All Saints. The exhibit runs November 8-January 17, with a reception on Friday, December 13 from 5:30-7:30 pm. For more information, visit the Richeson website. | |
Presiding Bishop's Investiture | The Most Rev. Sean Rowe, 28th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, was officially invested on Saturday, Nov. 2. To read The Episcopal Church's article about the occasion and to watch a recording of the livestreamed service, click here. | |
From Stephen Leader Julie Holly | |
Congregational Care at All Saints Episcopal Church
Mission/Goal: to give solace, understanding and spiritual support to parishioners through a three- pronged approach which includes:
Eucharistic Ministers delivering the Sacraments to individuals who cannot attend church. Eucharistic ministers receive training from the rector relating to prayers and presentation of the bread and wine in an individual's home or current living situation.
Stephen Ministers providing emotional and spiritual support as people deal with illness, death, or other difficult situations in their lives. Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of training before becoming caregivers and will periodically share continuing education and experiences with each other.
Service Ministers helping those who need assistance with rides to church, grocery shopping, doctors appointments, and similar events they are not able to provide for themselves and/or connect them with Outagamie or Winnebago County resources that can meet their needs. Service Ministers also may spend time visiting, writing cards/notes or making phone calls to those who are isolated, lonely or ill.
As the first or primary contact relating to pastoral care, especially in the instance of a death, health issue, hospitalization or emotional need, Fr. Christopher Wilkerson will meet with the individual(s) and gather information relating to their needs. He will then contact a member of the Pastoral Ministry who can best provide assistance to the concerned individual and provide that person with their contact information and a brief statement of their need.
Stephen Ministers and Eucharistic Ministers may be matched with someone for a minimum of one year or more, or as appropriate. Service Ministers may be matched and serve on an as-needed basis. Leaders will assign ministers to individuals on a rotation basis and provide support or assistance as needed. Current plans call for a minimum of two to three women and two to three men to serve as Eucharistic Ministers and Stephen Ministers. The leader of the Service Ministry will recruit members of this ministry from among parish members, matching ministers with parishioners in need.
The Congregational Care Ministry Team consists of Paul, Julie, and Father Christopher Wilkerson. Paul Van Duser is the CCMT Coordinator and Julie Holly is the Stephen Ministry Coordinator. Parishioners are invited, via newsletter, bulletin and website, to contact any of the three for more information, to volunteer for the ministry, or to ask for ministry assistance.
Are you or someone you know in need of confidential Christian caregiving? If so, please contact Julie Holly, Stephen Leader, at 920.809.2416 (c), 920.731.6896 (h), or email her at You may also contact Fr Christopher at 920.266.9262 (Pastoral Care Line), or Paul Van Duser, Pastoral Care Team Leader, at 847.287.2321.
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Calendar of Upcoming Events | |
All Saints Weekly Schedule
NOTE: Even if you don't have a Facebook account, you can still view the livestreams or any other information on the All Saints page by clicking the links below.
Wednesday, November 6
E-newsletter out
5:30 pm Rector's Office Hours
6:30 pm Holy Eucharist
Friday, November 8
Phil Sealy exhibit begins - Richeson Gallery
Sunday, November 10
8:30 am Holy Eucharist (in-person)
9:30 am Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am Holy Eucharist (in-person and Facebook livestream)
Monday, November 11
5:30 pm Finance Committee Meeting
6:30 pm Anglicanism 101
Tuesday, November 12
9:30 am Holy Eucharist
6:30 pm Mahjongg Night
Wednesday, November 13
5:30 pm Rector's Office Hours
6:30 pm Holy Eucharist
Thursday, November 14
12:30 pm Faith Talk (Zoom)
Sunday, November 17
8:30 am Holy Eucharist (in-person)
9:30 am Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am Holy Eucharist (in-person and Facebook livestream)
Monday, November 18
11:30 am Bible Study (Zoom)
6:30 pm Anglicanism 101
Tuesday, November 19
9:30 am Holy Eucharist
6:30 pm Vestry Meeting
Wednesday, November 20
E-newsletter out
5:30 pm Rector's Office Hours
6:30 pm Holy Eucharist
Thursday, November 21
12:30 pm Faith Talk (Zoom)
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Sunday, November 10
Twenty-Fifth Sunday
after Pentecost
8:30 am
Robert Schimmelpfenning
Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17
Hebrews 9:24-28
Chalice Bearer/Acolyte
Barb Schoenike
Mike Soffa
10:30 am
Jan Watson
Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17
Tina Wilfer
Hebrews 9:24-28
Emily Gilbert
Karl Breice
Psalm 127
Chalice Bearers
Nancy Krueger,
Emily Gilbert
Suzanne Fischer
Peter Gilbert,
Tina Wilfer
Joanne Bozeman,
Peggy Garefino
Altar Guild
Nancy Krueger
Ken Bozeman
Coffee Hour
Jan Reeves
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Sunday, November 17
Twenty-Sixth Sunday
after Pentecost
8:30 am
Judy Hebbe
1 Samuel 1:4-20
Hebrews 10:11-25
Chalice Bearer/Acolyte
Judy Hebbe
Chuck Morris
10:30 am
Anne Wilkerson
1 Samuel 1:4-20
Karl Breice
Hebrews 10:11-25
Mike Gadzik
Carol Jegen
Canticle: 1 Samuel 2:1-10
Chalice Bearers
Sarah Gilbert,
Suzanne Fischer
Tina Wilfer
Pam Sealy,
Steve Gilling
Peter Gilbert,
Susan Allen
Altar Guild
Sarah Gilbert
Peter Gilbert
Coffee Hour
Ruth Ring
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Sunday, November 24
Last Sunday after Pentecost:
Christ the King
8:30 am
Robert Schimmelpfenning
2 Samuel 23:1-7
Revelation 1:4b-8
Chalice Bearer/Acolyte
Barb Schoenike
Ken Schoenike
10:30 am
Peter Gilbert
2 Samuel 23:1-7
Joanne Bozeman
Revelation 1:4b-8
Nancy Krueger
Dean Kaul
Psalm 132:1-13
Chalice Bearers
Dolores Wiseman,
Peter Gilbert
Julie Holly
Ken Bozeman,
Mike Gadzik
Ken Bozeman,
Jan Watson
Altar Guild
Cathy Twomey
Pam Sealy
Coffee Hour
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