With our whole being may we give witness to the
goodness that is all around us.
Gospel Living
Unity in Diversity
Remembering your loved ones
"Remember our brothers and sisters who have gone to rest."

During the month of November, the church pauses and remembers all of our loved ones who have gone before us. One of the gifts of religious life is sharing in the lives of others through prayer. In the tradition of our Catholic faith, during November we pray for the deceased.

FSPA would be honored to remember your loved ones. A basket with all deceased names will be placed in the Sacred Heart altar area of Mary of the Angels Chapel for the entire month. All are welcome to submit names of their dearly departed and make a memorial tribute below.
Lighting the Flame
Friday, November 5, 2021 | 12 - 1 p.m. CT via Zoom

Join us for a special showing of the newest edition in the award-winning Mayo Clinic Heritage Film series. Featuring original music and illustrations, the film artfully recounts the founding of the first hospital in Western Wisconsin, including the pivotal, pioneering role of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration and their collaboration with early physicians of the era including Drs. Archie and George Skemp.
Moving our Anti-Racism & Truth and Healing work forward
Our truth and healing work intersects with our commitment to awareness, analysis and action; we are praying, learning and acting with those who grant us the insight and courage to know how we can begin dismantling
FSPA racism.

We invite you to join us in these upcoming educational opportunities.
La Crosse White Privilege Symposium 2021 (hybrid)
Friday, Dec. 3 and Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021 at the La Crosse Center

The keynote speakers include Debby Irving, Jasiri X and Winona La Duke. Click here to view the agenda and register for the two-day event!
Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change:
toward right relationship with Native peoples (virtual)
Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021 | 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. CT via Zoom

Join our partners in sponsored ministry, the Franciscan Spirituality Center, in an interactive two-hour exercise that traces the historic and ongoing impacts of the Doctrine of Discovery, the 15th century legal justification for European subjugation of the land and peoples of this continent.

Click here to register for the Dec. 9 event!
Learn more about our Anti-Racism vision and Truth and Healing journey.
In the news and on the podcast
"The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration are turning their estimated 200 acres [of land] near the Mississippi River into a living classroom for the local community," explains EarthBeat's recent article.

Starting Nov. 10, Sister Rose Elsbernd and FSC program and retreat coordinator Jean Pagliaro will facilitate a six-week, in-person Grief Circle, open to anyone who is grieving a loved one. The group will meet at the Franciscan Spirituality Center in La Crosse, WI every Wednesday through Dec. 15.

Submit online or text your request to 601-308-1849.
"Let yourself be broken. Let yourself suffer. Cling to Christ through it."

In this episode of the Messy Jesus Business podcast, Sister Julia Walsh talks with Tessa Bielecki about pain and the healing process: how they forge transformation, and how suffering can help us to know union with God.

Listen to "The Mystery and the Mess" with Tessa Bielecki.
Donate now or learn about our Faithful Friends monthly giving program.