Good evening, all,

Finally... the Mission Ministry All Teams Meeting follow-up email that you've been waiting for!

Thank you for your patience. Over the past week, my family passed around a virus that had us all taking turns being out of commission for at least two days at a time. It's been quite a cold and flu season in the Caskie home! If you know any medical professionals, educators, parents of or school-aged children, I'm sure this comes as no shock to you.

My time off last week not only delayed production of this email, but also the release the On A Mission! monthly newsletter. Once recovered, I encountered some technical issues that prevented me from distributing the recorded audio/video from the meeting right away. It may not be perfect, but we are going with what we've got. Please let me know if you need access to something that has not been included here and I will get that to you.

I am grateful for your participation with the Mission Ministry at First Community Church, in whatever way you contribute. Much like the last few years felt like a lot of change in the world, the last few months have seen a lot of transition at First Community! I am looking forward to embarking on a new chapter in our mission work with all of you.

As we move into a new way of thinking and working, I invite you to share your feedback with me as we proceed. I'm sure there will be speedbumps in the road ahead, but I am confident we will navigate them together as a team. Please accept this as an open invitation for conversation about our mission ministries at First Community.

I have included a lot of information in this email but trust you will find it all worthwhile. I look forward to seeing you at our next All Teams meeting on Tuesday, February 27. See details below.

Thank you,

Amy Caskie

Director of Missions

Meeting Follow-Up

Thank you to all who attended the first All Mission Teams meeting last Tuesday, January 24. If you missed the meeting, you can listen to the audio recording while clicking through the slides linked below, and it will feel like you were there! Some slides have been updated since the original presentation to better reflect what was discussed.

The meeting started with an introduction to the plan for our structural shift to the teams model, as we have been discussing for some time now. I referenced the Strategic Plan during this part of the presentation, but did not have copies on hand at the time. I have linked the report below so you can understand the reference.

When it came time to talk about how we would go about making these changes, I had every intention of showing a video to introduce and summarize the concept of Asset-Based Planning. Unfortunately, I was unable to show the clip in the meeting, so I have also linked that below.

The group was then asked to complete a worksheet I put together using this concept. I have heard from a few people that they were not clear on the approach to take when completing the worksheet and further clarification was necessary on some terms.

  1. Viewing the video will help you understand the concepts presented. Also, the terms are more clearly defined in the new version of the presentation on Slide #9.
  2. If you click through the presentation, Slide #10 gives an example answers I might give to the questions if I were focusing on the Heart to Heart ministry. The idea here is to think about a particular area of interest then answer the questions with that in mind. Profound critical thinking is not the aim, rather what are the first things that come to mind.

I have included the questions from the worksheet in the meeting feedback form linked below. Please click "COMPLETE THIS FORM" to both provide feedback on the meeting and answer the questions.

      ABCD Video     
Strategic Plan 2021
  Audio Recording  
Presentation Slides

If you were not in attendance at the meeting, please click all the links to the left to review information prior to completing the form.


If you completed the paper form in person at the meeting, and you are satisfied with your answers, you do not need to submit them again. This is just an opportunity to add or change if you choose.

The information gathered from these forms (both those received electronically and those turned in at the meeting) will be summarized for presentation at our next team meeting. Overall, I am looking for commonalities among teams so we can find ways to work together. I will be focusing this year a lot on how we can share resources between ministry teams to better serve everyone. "Work smarter, not harder!"

At the end of the meeting, the ministry teams had breakout sessions. Each one had a page of notes from me which included some questions to ponder, information on finances, etc. Since there was not a copy for each team member, I have been asked to distribute them via email. They are linked below under "Team Agendas".

As our time together as a group was wrapping up I asked each ministry team to discuss a few things:

  1. Determine what rules, if any, they would establish for membership in their ministry team.
  2. Establish guidelines for spending and voting on expenditures.
  3. Set a goal for your ministry team in 2023.

These will be points for discussion in our next meeting.

Team Agendas

trading post

mission council (add'l docs added)

heart to heart

refugee ministry (revised)

other mission teams

Upcoming Meetings

Meeting ID:

842 7324 1400

We get to do this again? Yes!

In fact, we're going to do it every month.

Upcoming All Teams Meetings:

-Tue, Feb 28, 6pm – 8pm

-Tue, Mar 28, 6pm – 8pm

-Tue, Apr 25, 6pm – 8pm

We will meet on Zoom and in person in Grace Hall at First Community North. Mark your calendar for these dates!

We will continually re-evaluate this meeting format and schedule until we find the best fit. I hope to keep our time as a large group to 30 minutes or less in future meetings.

February Meeting

submit new agenda items

Next month’s agenda will include:

-Large Group Discussion- Review a summary of the group assets

-Team Discussions- Finalize guidelines and goals

If you would like to submit an item to the agenda, click the button and complete the form. This will allow me to have all the items organized in one place!

Did you miss the last issue of On a Mission! blog? View it, and all past issues, by clicking the link below.

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