Good evening, all,
Finally... the Mission Ministry All Teams Meeting follow-up email that you've been waiting for!
Thank you for your patience. Over the past week, my family passed around a virus that had us all taking turns being out of commission for at least two days at a time. It's been quite a cold and flu season in the Caskie home! If you know any medical professionals, educators, parents of or school-aged children, I'm sure this comes as no shock to you.
My time off last week not only delayed production of this email, but also the release the On A Mission! monthly newsletter. Once recovered, I encountered some technical issues that prevented me from distributing the recorded audio/video from the meeting right away. It may not be perfect, but we are going with what we've got. Please let me know if you need access to something that has not been included here and I will get that to you.
I am grateful for your participation with the Mission Ministry at First Community Church, in whatever way you contribute. Much like the last few years felt like a lot of change in the world, the last few months have seen a lot of transition at First Community! I am looking forward to embarking on a new chapter in our mission work with all of you.
As we move into a new way of thinking and working, I invite you to share your feedback with me as we proceed. I'm sure there will be speedbumps in the road ahead, but I am confident we will navigate them together as a team. Please accept this as an open invitation for conversation about our mission ministries at First Community.
I have included a lot of information in this email but trust you will find it all worthwhile. I look forward to seeing you at our next All Teams meeting on Tuesday, February 27. See details below.