All You Need Is Love!!! 9/15/21
1 Corinthians 13:13 (KJV)
13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
I both love and hate Facebook!!
I love Facebook for a myriad of reasons, among them the ability to communicate with loved ones and keep up with other loved people's lives.
I hate Facebook because of the caustic postings, hate filled rants, and USELESS politicking!!!!
I HATE the “fact checkers!!” In fact, why don't the “fact checkers” open a new station or newspaper and simply call it the NEWS??????? After all, WHO are these fact checkers and who is checking on the fact checkers?????????????????????????????
Sadly, as usual, I get up in the mornings and throughout the day regularly check into Facebook.................
Lyrics from Bill and Gloria Gaither-1974!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If things were getting bleaker way back then...............................................
Beloved, WE live in a dying and grossly immoral universe!!
The older I get, the worse I feel! If it works it hurts!!!
Can I get an AMEN!!??
I posted an OLD cell phone video, long forgotten by me, of my singing to and with little Amanda-year 2014.
Surprisingly, many people wrote and commented favorably and thanked me for blessing their hearts with it.
Again, I followed my routine and opened Facebook first thing this morning and was equally blessed by a couple of “ordinary” people's post of their everyday lives-blessed, touched and inspired by their simple stories and/or music.
Oh, did I mention “Beloved, WE live in a dying and grossly immoral universe!!??”
None of us are gonna' leave this world alive!!!!
As before mentioned by me, I am leaving kickin' and screaming!!!!
Like many of you, I hope/PRAY to be here as long as I can and am in no hurry to get to Heaven!!!
In closing, may I borrow/post a letter written by a dear friend of mine's husband who passed away suddenly and with no warning at a “too soon” age.
He was married to the love of his life and had just begun his father ship and somehow had the courage to keep an open and running letter to his loved ones if and WHEN he departed this life.
WARNING-It contains some language and behaviors some may not approve.
Hello everyone,
Thank you for wasting your time today on what I hope is a rainy afternoon. At least that way you won’t be wasting a beautiful day. I’m sorry you all had to come to this stupid thing instead of doing something fun. My only last request is that afterwards, you all get together and enjoy yourselves. I will do everything in my power to join you. Leave an open spot for me at the table. Open up a beer for me and set it in front of an empty chair. Just one though. No sense in letting multiple beers get warm. If you fire up the grill, make sure you let the lighter fluid set in, unless you are using gas. Possibly by the time you read this, lighter fluid will just be a distant memory. (Edit in 2014, don’t use lighter fluid, use lump charcoal). If any of our other friends have gone before me, I’ll make sure they come too. It’ll be just like old times. I am writing this in 2005, hopefully a long time from when you are reading/hearing it. I will update it for new friends and family as needed. I am writing it with all of you, who made an impact in my life, in mind. I know my passing may be hard for some of you. We’ve been friends for a long time. Don’t mourn my loss, but celebrate my life. Celebrate the friendship we had and the great times we shared. Remember the bad times we had as well, and how we got through them together. My departure is just a necessary step to get where I need to go. I’m in my plane heading to that runway in the sky, where the beer is colder than I’ve ever had, every day is perfect, my plane never has any trouble and the fuel is free, fishing is great, the beaches are pristine, the Raiders win the Super Bowl every year, and the only thing missing is you, my beloved friends and family. Fear not, for we will see each other again. I’m sure I will get the call at some point and I will hop in my plane for a trip down to pick you up. If you look up and see that white light, that’s just me and my landing lights. When we get back, we can meet up and remember old times with other passengers I’ve had to pick up.
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am the perfect shot you hit in golf
I am the phlegm from whence you cough
I am the gust of springtime air
That rustles through your thinning hair
I am the happiness that all dogs feel
I am the pain from when you kneel
I am the light that turns from red
I am not here, I am not dead
I am the smile a newborn gives
I am the air that helps you live
I am a perfectly manicured lawn
I am the chair your butt rests on
I am the gently falling rain
I am the thunder that calls your name
I am the fart that makes no sound
But hits the noses of all around
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there, I did not die!
I can’t take complete credit for that. The first 2 and last 2 lines I stole from a real poem. It is a nice poem, but I wanted to make people laugh, not feel sad. I hope it worked. I also hope I didn’t offend anyone. If you really knew me, you know that’s the kind of humor I liked. Those better be tears of laughter that I see. Yes, I see them. I’m standing right in front of you. Ok, maybe not. I am lying down in the front of the room though. No, not in the casket, just off to the side. Do you see me? That thing in the casket, though beautiful no doubt, is not me. I am all those little things you are hearing around you right now and that little gust of wind you will feel momentarily. Did that bring chills to your body?
Again, thank you for coming to this boring thing. Rest assured I will be at yours as well and we can make fun of all our friends that are there without them ever knowing. I’ll roll out the red carpet for you and arrange for your cloud to be next to mine. On your way home, stop by Waffle House and get some breakfast. I’ll be hungry by then I’m sure. If you can’t do that, stop by and pick up a doughnut. I’ll go for either one. I’ll be awaiting your arrival, but until then, remember when you hear that airplane in the sky but can’t see it, it’s just me, watching over you. And yes, I saw what you did, but I won’t tell. I wish I could pat you all on the butt and tell you “good job living past me” but I can’t, so just imagine me doing that. And I’ll pretend I’m getting the same pat from you saying “good job on getting things set up for us up there”.
And finally, to my wife and son, I hope that the phrase “I love you more than you’ll ever know” doesn’t apply. I hope that you two knew you meant the world to me. I’m so fortunate and blessed that I was able to spend the last part of my life with you both. I had a great childhood and young adult life, but from 2008, and then especially from 2011, it’s been better than I deserved. The happiness you both brought me (most of the time) was the best part of life. If I’m still capable of missing people, I’ll miss you two most of all. Although I am happy to be reunited with Owen, I will wait until the day we are all together again (no hurry though, I’ll be fine). Now go out there and celebrate my life, don’t mourn my death. Try to make me even more proud of you than I already am.
I love you all,
Tubby Bitch
Toby (man I could go for some Fuddruckers right now)
Donkey Kong
[insert your nickname for me here]
ONE DAY may we all be reunited with our departed loved ones in that GRAND REUNION IN THE SKY!!!
God Bless You,
Pastor Doug
404-295-5644 or
70 Stone Rd.
McDonough, GA. 30253
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Thank You and God Bless You!!!