One Stop Pesach Shop
Take care of all your Pesach needs.
Give Now for Maot Chitim
Fulfill this age-old custom of giving generously
to help those in need.

Kashering Day:

Sunday, April 14

from 8:30am-11:30am

Bring your utensils to Beth Jacob & we will kasher them for you.

Members - $20 Non-Members - $40

Enter through the Kitchen back door.

Purchase the Beth Jacob Hagaddah Here

Pesach Shopping 5784

with Rabbi Eliezer Eidlitz

Sunday, April 7 at 10:30am

Find out about all the new pesach products, what items don’t need a hashgacha, kitniyot, differences in matzot & much more. 

KosherQuest Passover Guide
Hardcopies are available for pickup at the shul.
OU Passover Guide
CRC Passover Guide

Appoint Rabbi Topp as an agent to sell your chametz. Rabbi Topp will be available at Shul according to the schedule listed below.

Shabbat HaGadol Community Shabbaton

Shabbat, April 19-20

Let us ease your preparations for Pesach! Join us for Shabbat meals and leave the catering and clean up to us.

Click here to Register

Kasher Your Home for Pesach:The Easy Way

Pesach Prep Workshop

with Rabbi Topp at Beth Jacob

Thursday, April 4

at 10:30am in Rubin Hall

Click here for ZOOM of the Workshop
Beth Jacob Pesach U
What make this year different than other years? See flyer below for our wide variety of Pesach programming.

Rabbi Topp's Shabbat HaGadol Drasha

Shabbat, April 20 at 7:00pm in Shapell Sanctuary

Seder Snippets for Pesach with Rabbi Robbie

Tuesday, April 16 at 8pm

RSVP for the YP Shiur Here
Pesach Schedule

The Siyum for Ta'anit Bechorim will be taking place

Monday, April 22 after each minyan (see schedule below).

Click Here to Register for the Shabbat HaGadol Community Shabbaton

For Beth Jacob Members Only

Mechirat Chametz

Appoint Rabbi Topp as an agent to sell your chametz. Rabbi Topp will be available at Shul according to the schedule listed below; no appointment necessary, just stop by any of the following times: 

Wednesday, April 3: 11am-1pm and 5:30pm-7pm

Thursday, April 4: 5:30pm-7pm

Sunday, April 7: 9:45am–11:15am

Monday, April 8: 4pm-6pm

Wednesday, April 10: 11am-1pm and 5:30pm-7pm

Sunday, April 14: 8:45am-10:15am

Monday, April 15: 4pm-6pm

Wednesday, April 17: 11am–1pm and 5:30pm–7pm

Thursday, April 18: 5:30pm–7pm

Sunday, April 21, 9:45am – 11:15am

In addition, Rabbi Topp will generally be available weekday mornings

after the 6:45/7am shacharit. 

For anyone who is not able to transact the kinyan at Shul, please email to arrange the sale.

Mechirat Chametz form (for those staying in the pacific time zone)
Mechirat Chametz form (for those traveling to an eastern time zone)
Pre-Pesach Programming
Youth Department
Click Here to Purchase Your Family Bedikat Chametz Kit
Young Professionals
Click here to RSVP for the YP Shiur