October 24, 2024

Dear Barrington 220 Community, 

I hope your week is going well! You may recall that I started a video series called All in 220 last school year. In this series, I recognized individuals across our community who have positively impacted our school district. This year I am continuing the series with a “sauce-sational” twist!

Before our students returned to school in August, the district held an opening day for staff members. During this event, I talked to staff about what makes Barrington 220 #ThePlaceToB and how I believe one of the secret ingredients to our success or “secret sauce” is the dedication of our staff. You can click this link to watch the short clip

For my All in 220 series this year, I’m teaming up with our students to surprise staff members who make Barrington 220 #ThePlaceToB. For the first episode, I sat down with DeAngelo, a 5th grader at Sunny Hill Elementary, who told me that Reading Interventionist Denise Scafidi is the “secret sauce” that makes Sunny Hill such a special place. Denise has worked at Sunny Hill as a teacher and reading interventionist for many years. In addition, her own children attend Barrington High School and she is President of the Broncos Soccer Booster Club. 

I want to thank Denise for her hard work and dedication to the district. In addition, I want to thank a few BHS students who helped with this project. BHS culinary student Esbeiry Lopez made the “secret sauce” I presented to Denise in the video. BHS graphic design students Grace Barger and Sabrina Collette helped design the label on the sauce jar.

You can view Episode #1 by clicking the video link below.

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