January 30, 2025

Church News

  • Feb 2nd Brunch Church 10:00am
  • Feb 4th Sarah Circle - Asbury Room 10:00am
  • Feb 9th Soup'er Bowl Soup / Chili Sale
  • Feb 13th Suburban Music Study
  • Feb 24th RISE Board meeting
  • March 13th Interfaith Iftar Dinner - Rodda hall from 6:00pm 
  • March 30th UMCOR Sunday

Prayers Lifted on Sunday

Jan 26th

  • For the family of Carol Millar who passed away on Friday. Keep her six children (especially Paul) in your prayers - NC
  • For Barbara W. and Glen & Annie as they move Barbara's things from her house.
  • Of healing and strength for Kris Z.
  • For Robert S.
  • For Carol Millar's family as they grieve her death and give thanks for her life.
  • For our nation and especially those most vulnerable.
  • Of healing for Barbara W. as she continues to recover at rehab - NC
  • Of healing for John P as he continues to recover from medical issues.
  • Of healing for my friend Misty who's in the hospital with flu and pneumonia.
  • Of healing for Kelly S. for continued healing post surgery - Steve D.
  • For Justin Klug and the Klug family as they grieve the death of Justin's mother in TN.

February 2nd's 10:00 am Sunday service will feature the Covenant Choir singing Mark Miller and Lindy Thompson’s Within Us Flows A River. Join us! 

The next program hosted by the SMSC will be, Music For Love, on Thursday, February 13th at 10:30 am including performers: Andrew Nitkin, guitar, Sophia Agranovich, piano, and Patricia Ruggles, voice. All are invited to this free recital of classical music for and about love in honor of Valentine’s Day. 

Altar Flowers

To honor Sharon Yarger and express appreciation for her 10 years of spiritual leadership

Nan Canfield

Adult Discussion Group

In the gospel lesson for Sunday the people hearing Jesus’ teaching liked what he had to say at first, but later they became angry with him, even to the point of wanting to push him off a cliff! What went on here? What triggered their anger? 

Come join us in the Asbury room after worship at 11:15 am

as we discuss Luke 4: 21-30.

Questions? Contact Ronald Yarger at ryarger@optonline.net

CUMC Happenings

Sign up to bring a dish to share HERE

All are invited to our Brunch Church service

All sorts of dishes are welcome. 

Sarah Circle

Tuesday, February 4th

10:00 am

Asbury Room

The theme this month is SHOW AND TELL. Share with us some family heirloom or treasure item and its story. 

All are welcome!

Questions? call Nan Canfield

Sunday Morning Faith Formation

Whirl Kids (4th grade and younger) meets the second and fourth Sundays of each month during part of the 10:00 am worship service. Children leave the worship service after the scripture reading and are led down the hallway to Classroom 6. Parents and other adults from our congregation lead the group in singing, Bible reading, a fun video and activities related to the day’s scripture reading. Parents/caregivers pick their children up at the conclusion of the worship service.

Middle School (grades 5-8) meets each Sunday at 11:15 am in the Library. Under the leadership of Matthew Beland, this group explores the day’s scripture reading through conversation and activities designed for growing together in our faith

High School (grades 9-12) meets each Sunday at 11:15 am in the Wesley Room. Under the leadership of Pastor Sharon Yarger, the group gathers for conversation around the day’s scripture reading and current event topics, as we seek to grow together in our faith


Questions? Interested in getting involved? Contact Pastor Sharon Yarger at scyarger@optonine.net or at the church office.

To support the community and ministries here at Chatham UMC.

Feel free to keep writing checks, or giving through our website, or now through Zelle!

Thank you for your generous support of our community and ministries here at Chatham UMC!

With Gratitude, The CUMC Finance Team

Community Events

Help keep our food pantry and weekly distribution sustained.

 Click Here to donate online!

Want to know more about our Pop Up Pantry and how to help? Check out our webpage.

Or, if you wish, you can contribute directly online by visiting our donation page.

Online Worship Liturgists Needed!

Please sign up to record yourself reading scriptures; this will be a blessing to our online worshiping community. 

Sign up here.

Bread Ministry

The bread ministry is looking for more volunteers to assist in collecting bread from Panera. Please contact the church office for more information.

Communities of Care

If you wish to receive a call, a text or an email from someone at the Chatham UMC community please contact the church office.

Chatham United Methodist Church

460 Main Street

Chatham, NJ 07928

(973) 635-7740

Email: info@chathamumc.org

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