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Member Update

April 2024 | Vol. 20 No. 1

An Educational Publication of Citizens Equal Rights Foundation and Citizens Equal Rights Alliance

From the Chairman Darrel Smith

People and groups across America who believe in our Constitution and country have been supporting CERA and CERF for decades. We have been busy using those finances wisely. We think we are now making rapid progress at the Supreme Court, and we need that support more than ever. Let me share a little very brief history.

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We have been trying to discover and question where the government gets its authority for Federal Indian Policy. While we have been trying to discover where that policy is, the government has been trying to hide their authority from us. And not only from us, but from the Supreme Court, Congress, and the Executive Branch itself. We continue to need your support for the challenges that lie ahead. We have an amicus brief before the Supreme Court now.


Hot Off the Press

Half-Breed by Clare Fitz and Verna Begay

A fascinating life story intertwined with the history of the Navajo tribe, this is the story of a woman born in an earthen floored hogan on the Navajo Reservation in northern Arizona, educated in government-run boarding schools, denied marriage to the man she loved in favor of tradition and denied her birthright by family.

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Why we wrote the amicus brief in the Trump Sovereign Immunity Case

By Attorney Lana Marcussen

Mr. Trump gave us an opportunity to explain all of this long history in a major constitutional case. This was also our chance to reveal how the Department of Justice has been using these powers against individuals without ever disclosing they were going beyond the limited powers of the Constitution.

We would like you to read what is one of the most important briefs we have ever filed using THIS LINK or click the image below.

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READ NOW! Donald J. Trump, Petitioner v. United States of America Amicus Curiae Brief Supporting Neither Party 

We need your help to continue to get this history out in the open. We can take back our government if we can get the Supreme Court to listen and separate these powers.


Memberships, Donations or Pledges

Memberships, Donations or Pledges:

Please make $35 membership and additional contributions by checks payable to CERA. Membership payments are not tax deductible but as always are appreciated.

Make donations or pledges payable to CERF. Contributions to CERF are tax deductible.

Mail your contribution (or monthly pledge) along with your name, mailing address, phone number and email address to:


P.O. Box 0379

Gresham, WI 54128-0379

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