Since 1873, the Maritime Association has advocated, protected and encouraged trade through the commercial maritime industry in New York and New Jersey.

As a nonprofit trade association, the Maritime Association serves it's members by affecting policy change on local and national levels and promotes the regional industries maritime services at sea and ashore.

Stakeholder engagement is vital to the Maritime Association in order to ensure the security of maritime assets, the sustainability of the marine environment and grow the competitiveness of port services.

Association News At Sea & Ashore

November, 2022

Maritime Association News

We've updated our bylaws! The Board of Directors have been reviewing and updating the associations bylaws over the past several months. At the board meeting on October 26th, the proposed bylaws were accepted to send to the membership for adoption.

If you would like to receive information on being a member of the the Maritime Association, reach out by clicking the button below.

Membership Services

Shipping 101-December 5th 2022.

The Maritime Association is proud to host educational functions to further develop future maritime leaders. Shipping 101 is a comprehensive 32-hour interactive course that reviews the entire ocean shipping process.

Register Now

Maritime Association Luncheons

Recently, we've polled our board members for topics on informative luncheons for the New York and New Jersey Maritime industry. We've narrowed down the results and would like your input.

Please click the link below and answer before December 15th, results will be posted in the next newsletter.

Take the Survey

October Vessel Stats

Jan-Oct 22

Public Notices

New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC), has requested Department of the Army authorization for port upgrades including construction of bulkhead improvements, new pile supported and floating platforms, new fenders for vessel mooring, and dredging at the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal (SBMT) in Bay Ridge Channel/Upper New York Bay in the Borough of Brooklyn, Kings County, City of New York, New York.

Public Notice: NAN-2022-00900-EMI

Stasinos Marine LLC, has requested Department of the Army authorization for the installation of a mooring buoy (anchor position: 40.66110, -74.03034) in Bay Ridge Plats Anchorage Area 21A, Upper New York Bay, Borough of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.

Public Notice: NAN-2022-00661-WRY

The North Atlantic right whale migration and calving season has begun for the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast U.S. and seasonal speed restrictions are in effect in those areas (NY-FL). The Mid-Atlantic Seasonal Management Area (Block Island, NY to south of Savannah, GA) began, November 1. The associated speed restriction of 10 knots for vessels greater than 65 feet in overall length will remain in effect through April 30, 2023

Compliance Guide for Right Whale Ship Strike Reduction Rule (50 CFR 224.105)

BOEM Seeks Public Comment on Draft Environmental Analysis for Proposed Wind Energy Project Offshore New York.

Visit the Announcement on the BOEM Website

NY & NJ Harbor & Tributaries Focus Area

Given the complexity of the NYNJHAT, the vast and populated study area, and the goal of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and non-federal partners to have maximum public engagement and input to the NYNJHAT study, the public comment period will be extended to January 6, 2023.

Read more and how to provide public comments on the study below.


Members Corner

On October 27th, 2022 Steven Kalil, President of Caddell Dry Dock & Repair Co. received the National Maritime Historical Society Distinguished Service Award.

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On Friday October 28th, 2022 Harold Daggett, President of the International Longshoremen’s Association was a recepient of the 53rd annual Admiral of the Ocean Sea (AOTOS) Award.

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On November 5th, John Nardi, President of the Shipping Association of New York and New Jersey, was honored at the Ninth Annual International Longshoremen's Association Civil, Human & Women's Rights Committee Award Dinner.

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The Maritime Association of the Port of New York and New Jersey Congratulates the following members for receiving the "Good Scout" Award at the 38th Boy Scouts of America Annual Maritime Industry Award Luncheon on November 16th, 2022.

Good Scout Honoree

Michael Stamatis

Red Hook Terminals

James E West Award Honoree

Bethann Rooney

Port Authority of NY & NJ

Good Scout Honoree

Kenneth Oelkers

International Longeshoremen's Association

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The Maritime Association is happy to share news about it's members. If your organization is receivng an award, or has other notable news get in touch with us!

Get In Touch

New York & New Jersey Harbor News

Port of New York & New Jersey is #1 for the 3rd consecutive month!

For October, total volumes coming through the port were 792,548 TEU, marking the third consecutive month that New York-New Jersey topped the list as the busiest port in US, as more global shipping is redirected to the East Coast.


Veterans Day 2022

Maritime Association of the Port of New York & New Jersey honors the brave men and women who have served in our Nation’s military. Thank you for your service!

New USMMA Superintendent Announced

Welcome Superintendent of the United States Merchant Marine Academy, Retired Coast Guard Admiral Joanna Nunan

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Port of New York/Newark Re-Organization

CBP Notice NO. 23-001-NWK

Proposed Changes to Centralized Examination Station (CES) Fee Schedules in the Port of New York/Newark.

CBP Notice NO. 23-002-NWK

Harbor Happenings


Thursday, December 1, 2022

12:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST

FCC Holiday Luncheon at Liberty House

More Information


Monday, December 5, 2022

10:30 AM to 2:00 PM EST

2022 Connie Awards Newark, NJ

More Information


Thursday, December 15, 2022

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST

Port User Group (PUG) Meeting Q4 at the Port Administration Building

More Information


Thursday, December 15, 2022

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST

Council on Port Performance Workforce Development Implementation Team: Maritime Construction Career Preparation

More Information


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Maritime Association of the Port of New York and New Jersey's International Maritime Hall of Fame Awards will be held May 17th, 2023 at the Light House The Lighthouse Pier 61, Chelsea Piers, New York, NY

Sign up for updates and to see the honorees from the SOLD OUT 2022 IMHOF please click the link below.

More Information

For Information on how to list your upcoming event, please contact us at

Stakeholder engagement is vital to the Maritime Association in order to ensure the security of maritime assets, the sustainability of the marine environment and grow the competitiveness of port services.


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