October 5, 2023
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Prayers Lifted on
Sunday October 1, 2023
During last Sunday's worship service, we received the following requests for prayers...
- For those who are grieving losses old and new.
- For Christians throughout the world who celebrate Communion together on this World Communion Sunday. May we all become more like Christ.
- For my nephew in Texas who is to have ear surgery this week. NC
- For Eva, who will undergo serious surgery in October. KB
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This Sunday's Brunch Church 10:00am service will feature The Covenant Choir singing Darlene Zscech’s The Potter’s Hand. Join us!
The Ukulele Orchestra will next meet in-person and online Saturday, October 14th at 10:0am in the Asbury Room and on Zoom. For more information contact Peter Hill at petepiano@mac.com.
Save The Date: The Suburban Music Study Club will host a recital on Thursday, December 14th at 10:30am in our very own CUMC sanctuary featuring Mike Maguire, organ and piano, Lauryn Boyle, voice, with Peter Hill, piano, and Carol Walker, dulcimer. All are invited to this “Music For the Holidays” themed recital. Refreshments will be served following.
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Adult Discussion Group
“The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.” Something rejected has become marvelous... How wonderful is that? Can you think of a time when you rejected something, or someone, only to find later that they have become marvelous? Come join our discussion about the gospel lesson this Sunday in the Asbury Room. We meet after worship at 11:15am, and we welcome you!
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Monday Noontime Bible Study is studying Paul's letter to the Romans and meets Mondays at noon (hence the name!) for about 75 minutes on Zoom. Whether you’re brand new to the Bible or know it inside and out, you’re welcome! We spend a little time checking in with each other and then explore and discuss a biblical text. We then close by sharing joys and concerns and praying together. For further information, or to receive the Zoom link contact Pastor Sharon Yarger at scyarger@optonline.net. | | | |
A picture taken at our last Chatham UMC Men’s breakfast which met at the parsonage for coffee, breakfast, fellowship and reflection on a page from Richard Rohr’s book On the Threshold of Transformation. (Left to right: Jeff, Ron, Jeff, Dave, Matthew, Dave, Taka, Hal, Carl, Bill, Mike and Jay. All are welcome! | | | |
Chatham UMC Church Conference
via Zoom
Saturday, October 21, 2023 from 9-10am.
Full Members of the Chatham UMC have voice and vote for this annual meeting when we reflect on what God has done, and how we sense God is calling us to be faithful in the coming year. If you would like the zoom link, please contact Pastor Jeff. The 2023 Chatham UMC Church Conference booklets will be available on Sunday, October 15 for pick up at the church. They will also be available in the church office after October 15. Please read about the joys, fruits, accomplishments, challenges and opportunities we experience as God continues to call us to be brave and faithful followers of Jesus together.
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We are looking for friends and members of our church to help welcome and greet the greater Chatham community for this. If you would like to help, please contact Pastor Jeff. | | | |
Article Heading
Place article copy here. Be sure to make the articles short and concise as people tend not to read much more than a couple of paragraphs. Place article copy here.
Text Link
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Help keep our food pantry and weekly distribution sustained.
Click Here to donate online!
Want to know more about our Pop Up Pantry and how to help? Check out our webpage.
Or, if you wish, you can contribute directly online by visiting our donation page.
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Faith Formation (Sunday School) takes place on Sunday mornings at 11:15 for
Kindergarteners and up!
Whirl Kids (K – 4th grade) Sundays at 11:15 am meet with Jenee James and Peter Hill in Room 6. Music, a fun video, and activities related to the day’s Bible reading.
Middle School (5th-8th grade) –Sundays at 11:15 am meet with Matthew Beland in the Library for community building and growing together in our faith.
High School – Sundays at 11:15 am meet with Sami Main, our Director of Children's and Youth Ministry in the Wesley Room.
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Online Worship Liturgists Needed!
Please sign up to record yourself reading scriptures; this will be a blessing to our online worshiping community.
Sign up here.
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Bread Ministry
The bread ministry is looking for more volunteers to assist in collecting bread from Panera. Please contact the church office for more information.
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Communities of Care
If you wish to receive a call, a text or an email from someone at the Chatham UMC community please contact the church office.
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Chatham United Methodist Church
460 Main Street
Chatham, NJ 07928
(973) 635-7740
Email: info@chathamumc.org
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